A bit overzealous at the library today...
Really enjoying this series! This book was even better than the first.
Spine poetry inspired by my current read 😉
#24in48 #readathon #spinepoetry @24in48
Finished my first book for #24in48
It was only ok. Took forever for me to get into it. A bit of a cliffhanger at the end. I have some theories about what'll happen next, but not sure if I'll read the next book.
Have had so much trouble getting into this book. Tackling it for #24in48 to finish it a
I love these chapters written in poem format...and so does Jax.
A lot happened in this book. I enjoyed it. A fun read for what it is.
I picked up this book because it had a pretty cover.
I picked it up this morning and have been reading it in every spare moment all day. And now at it's completion I sit here crying. This book is beautiful and everyone needs to read it.
A lot of twists and turns in this one. Still not sure what was the con and what was real. Fun, short read.
"Chocolate actually does make you feel better after a breakup, due to the presence of phenylethylamine, the chemical your brain releases when you fall in love. "
Good to know ?
This was kind of weird and got dark at the end. It wasn't what I expected, but kept me engaged and entertained. 3/5 stars
"She didn't thank me or even look up. I was glad. I was at least as awkward as she was, and both of us awkwarding at each other would have been too much for me. "
Awkwarding! My new word ?
I don't know why I like books with colored fonts so much, but I do. This one is printed in blue. 😍
This was a good one. I actually liked it better than the first. I definitely cared about the characters more, but I also liked the story line better.
I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep, so I started Emmy & Oliver on my kindle. Suddenly I'm 24% of the way through. I guess I should get up now....
I've read all of the Mitch Rapp books by Vince Flynn. When he died, Kyle Mills took over and I wasn't sure what I thought about that. I couldn't tell that this book was by a different author. He did a great job. These books are about politics and the CIA and spying. I like that Mitch is a man who gets things done.
I needed a break from my CIA spy novel, so I picked up this whimsical story. It's short, I read it in about an hour. This story suffers from too much telling and not enough showing. In a longer novel this would have bothered me a lot. But this was short enough that it was alright. No concrete ending. A lot I'd left to your imagination.
Picked this up after I accidentally started the 2nd one first. Cute, light read. A good pick if that's what you're looking for, but nothing spectacular.
That moment when you're halfway through a book and realize it's the second in a series and not the first.
Second time in recent memory that I've done that.
Luckily, I was able to get my hands on the first one.
Picked this up because I needed a light, easy, cute read. It's coming through so far.
I really enjoyed this one.
Futuristic, space travel, space pirates, bounty hunters, science, and friendship.
Looking forward to the companion novel that comes out in a couple of days 😀
Opened this book to find it's printed in red ink.
Love that 😀
I'm not a big audio book person but I thought I might try this one when I got this annoying message. This has Beth happening more and more frequently. Booooo!