Currently reading Still Lives by Maria Hummel for a book BINGO challenge with my book club and I‘m loving this quote.
Currently reading Still Lives by Maria Hummel for a book BINGO challenge with my book club and I‘m loving this quote.
“Writing is an intensely private process. I‘m afraid there‘s no grand philosophical justification for my secrecy. The desire to know all about an author is a sign of laziness on the part of the reader. It‘s easier to digest a work of literature when you can attach it to a face, or a set of political beliefs or life style choices. When all you have is the text, or a body of work, you have to confront what is written.”
“There are certain kinds of deaths that one should not be expected to relive, certain kinds of connections so deep that when they are broken you feel the snap of the link inside you.”
Read Annihilation this month, picked for my green book in March. Rated 3/5 stars.
Doing a Ready Player One reading challenge with my bookclub in anticipation of the movie coming out later this month. There are three categories in each gate complete with prizes and a golden egg for the first one to finish. So excited!!! Just finished reading The Smell of Other People‘s Houses and it was so heartwarming.
I've officially started It!! So excited! The book club is reading it this month, then we're going to go see the movie.
This book in this months Infected and Infested box from The Nocturnal Readers Box. This will be my second David Wong book!
TBR stack for August - got some good reads in here I'm looking forward to! Hosting a Battle of the Books this month with my bookclub and hoping these can knock out a few categories! #bringitonaugust
I've got Harry Potter on the brain thanks to Starbucks and their Butterbeer Frappuccino! Great fuel for day 2 of the 24in48 Readathon.
It's official - I've started my TBR pile for the #24in48 read-a-thon next weekend! This will be my 3rd time, I haven't made it to the 24 hour mark yet but 3rd times a charm right?!
Working on my book this fine Sunday. Doing a little bit of research on serial killers - hint hint :)
Posting for July challenge: A book made into a movie. Excited to start this one, I've heard really good things about both the book and the movie!
The best way to celebrate summer in my opinion is by staying indoors and reading! Picked this up at Comicon last year to have it signed - one of my favorite autographs! Liking the storyline so far, can't wait to finish it! #christinahenry #christinahenrysalice #dontfalldowntherabbithole #yayforairconditioning
Happy 4th of July! Reading Wolf Lake for the #coolbookbitches July challenge: a book that is red, white, or blue. It's quite good!!
Wolf Lake Synopsis: Four people who live in different parts of the country and who seem to have little in common, report having the same terrifying nightmare. It seems that each of the victims have gone to psychologist Richard Hammond shortly before turning up dead. Could a nightmare be used as a murder weapon?
Finished The Face on the Milk Carton and it was a so-so book for me. I thought the suspense was good but I found I craved more from the storyline. Everyone can also enjoy the lovely combo pic of myself and two book besties. Last seen roaming the aisles of a bookstore, if found approach cautiously with a book in hand!!
Okay can we just talk about this book for a minute?! A friend lent me this book with the description "it's bat shit crazy". At first I'm like riiiiiiight, I mean COMON I can handle some crazy stuff but after reading this I think her description is pretty spot on! There are so many lies and craziness wove into this book, I literally didn't know who to trust. LITERALLY. It got so many mixed reviews but I say read it!!
Second Keith Donohue book and it was just as good!! Love his writing style and his plots and characters are so unique!!
Finished The Return yesterday and it was a great sci-fi thriller! A little disappointed by the ending but overall still a captivating read.
Happy World Book Day!! 📚These are some of my newest books to add to my collection. There are so many amazing books out there in the world, how am I possibly going to read them all?!!
Does anyone else get a little anxiety moving books?! Hang in there little books, you'll be unpacked with tender loving care in no time! #dearmovingyousuck #hangintherelittlebooks
Reading The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness and it's about a colony of men who can read each other's thoughts which they call 'Noise'. The book is done well because anytime someone's Noise is part of the plot, the font actually changes. Pretty cool!
Loved this retelling! Queen of hearts is one of my favorite villains and I loved Colleen's version of her! Can't wait to read the sequel!
"I think I understand now why people don't leave when a war comes, why even residents with the means to leave stayed in a city like Sarajevo as danger drew closer. A mixture of disbelief and bargaining. If I stay, the war won't come." 2nd book finished for #24in48 Readathon! Short beautiful read and a hauntingly reminder of how dangerous secrets are.
"Through the wind and through the clouds, we will rise up from the ground. Over the hills, above the trees, we will ride the breeze like bumblebees. Hand in hand, exploring the seven seas, you and I will forever be at our ease." Just finished this beauty for the readathon and though I found it predictable, it was a very good debut book!
Day 1 of the 24in48 Readathon, selfie time! Well I must say I'm already quite behind in my reading, though I can't imagine why?! 😁 Time to wake up, there's books to be read! #24in48
Reading goals for 2017. Seems a bit ambitious but I can count one book in multiple challenges so it's very doable! Also participating in the 24in48 readathon which I'm super stoked about!!! Bring it in 2917, I'm ready to read!
Happy New Years!! Starting the year right with this beauty!
Lamb for dinner with salad and spiced rice. Perfect warming meal for cold nights!!! Especially with a glass of wine! :) Paired with The Memory Box, mysterious read... perfect night in!! #LitsyCooks
I absolutely LOVE the penguin horror classics collection! Textured 3D covers and black edged pages makes for a very scary read! Can't wait to complete my collection!
Day 29: A scary nonfiction read and my fav is The World's Most Haunted House... Eyewitness reports and accounts of activity reported at the Lindley Street house were terrifying! #AllHallowsRead
#AllHallowsRead Day 23: A Halloween book that's not scary and up next on the reading list is this cozy mystery! By the way this is the worst time to start a diet, all this chocolate is so tempting!!
The book that started it all!! My very first horror book was Dracula by Bram Stoker, gifted to me, and it's what initiated my "small obsession" with vampires. It's still considered one of my all time favorite books and I actually own the book in four different covers. #AllHallowsRead
All Hallows Read by Litsy has started!!! This is my TBR stack for the remainder of the month... I think this stack is just as scary as the books in it! #AllHallowsRead @Litsy
First time reading this and it is indeed a spooky book!!!! 2nd book down for the challenge!
The town of Black Spring is haunted by the Black Rock Witch. She comes and goes in the town, muzzled, chained, eyes and mouth sewn shut. The rules are clear; don't touch her, don't disturb her, and never settle in this town. Those who settle her, never leave. The actions of local teenagers send the town spiraling out of control. Such a creepy, disturbing novel!
Happy belated birthday to the queen of all vampires!! One of my all time favorite authors!
Today is Day 5 of the #readingdeclathon by @EpicReads and I'm moving right along!!! #readingforgold
Day 2's book completed late last night! A college teacher, Dr Emmet, is shot by a student who then kills himself. 10 months later, Dr Emmet returns with a burning question: why her?! The Black Hour was really good!! A little slow in spots but worth it. I never guessed who it was... "It's always darkest before it's light. That's why we call it the black hour."
First book for the reading challenge, finished late last night and what a crazy book! It started out really good, got me hooked with cliffhangers and interesting things happening. Priss was a cool character; mysterious and you often wondered what the deal was with her. This book lost its glory in the last third part of the book. The ending seemed rushed and some things never quite added up.
@EpicReads I've accepted your reading challenge!! Yesterday was the first day and I'm so excited to read for the gold! A couple of friends are doing it with me and we've all decided to make some fun out of it with prizes at the end! #Readingdeclathon #ReadingforGold
Such a cute book! Al and Lou were an adorable couple , brought together by fate. I usually read horror but this was a good light read. I laughed, I cried, and I wanted to punch Devlin in the throat.
"... In that moment Archie realised that Gretchen had never told him anything, never let him see anything that she didn't want him to know. She had always been in control. She had always been one move ahead."
Honest Title: You're my wife but my sister hates you and I'm trying to kill you #HonestBookTitle #24in48 @Litsy
"Don't be so sure of things you cannot see. The mind conjures the mystery, but the spirit provides the key." - Keith Donohue, The Boy Who Drew Monsters
This book is one of my faves! Such an interesting storyline, a bit creepy, and great characters. I would love for Bill Skarsgard to narrate it! @Litsy #24in48 #readathon
Favorite dysfunctional family novel. The Light of the Fireflies was a crazy story about a family of burn victims that lives in the basement hidden from the world. Upon the sisters delivery of a baby, secrets emerge.. #24in48 #readathon
The search begins!!
#SpinePoetry for the #24in48 #readathon!
Red-Headed Stepchild Elizabeth is Missing
in Hell House's Room Full of Mirrors
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
My current snacks for the Readathon is from Einstein! Nothing like bagels to keep me fueled! Almost done with The Ice Twins, will start Hell House next! #24in48 #readathon