Loving this book.
I have some awesome books lined up on my kindle 👌🏻
Spooky things AND a macgyver mention?!?! Be still my heart. (Btw this is book is awesome so far).
So excited for this book. Anyone else love the podcast???
Fun cozy mystery! Especially for the Halloween season!
The definition of an extra bath. It smells so good tho! And so many bubbles!!!
Perhaps I just want fall to get here....but I am so exited about this book!!!👻🍁🍂🔮
I good hooked on Leah Remeni's TV show on Scientology. After binge watching all the episodes I knew I had to read the book. I'm flying through it!
So I've been out of school for a week and a half or so. And what is the first book I finally pick up and that finally catches my attention??? More psych stuff 😂😂😂I guess that means I picked the right major???
Done with school. Like done, done. Graduated. 🎉 I mailed back my last textbook today! And I have no idea what to read now that I can read ANYTHING.
I love books about books! Pamela Paul also has a lovely podcast I listen to quite often. It's the book review podcast from the New York Times.
I love books about books! Pamela Paul also has a lovely podcast I listen to quite often. It's the book review podcast from the New York Times.
Finished this in the bath tonight. While it's not a contender for my favorite book, it was quite enjoyable and the exact kind of read I wanted.
Podcasts and public radio is forever adding to my never ending TBR 😂😂
God bless bookbub. This book is AMAZING. and two dollars!! Slater is one of my favorite authors and this book is a great read.
Apparently fire fighters rescuing a cat from a tree is a real thing!?!?! (And for the record I picked a random book fitting this post. If it ends up being apropos though I won't complain 😂😂😂)
I'm starting a love affair with "real" books. And rekindling a long lost love - the library. I've been reading almost exclusively ebooks for some time. I forgot how lovely it is to read a physical book (as long as they're small like these. Anything over 400 pages or so and I'm screaming for my iPad. ??)
Merriam-Webster is older than most states!!! 😱
Combining all my guilty pleasures?!?!? Murder she wrote, cozy mysteries, and a cheap Bookbub deal. 🎉🎉
Bookbub's blog is making my long long to read list 20 times longer!!!
Such a great episode! I really want to read this book now!
I read this ages ago when I heard an interview with the author on NPR. It remains one of the best short story collections I've read....and it's on sale today!!
Is it time to read yet?!?! Work, then school.....reading time seems so so far away 😫
It's actually been ages since I've gone to the library. Ebook reading has been most of my reading, especially since I discovered overdrive. The last book I read I had to finish in paperback because the ebook loan expired before I finished. There was something wonderful about reading a real book. So here I am, checking out books the old fashioned way!
I quite liked this. It was a fun escape and I believe I will continue the series
A day off...took myself to breakfast. Stuffed French toast! And a good book! And espresso! 😍
My Star Trek binge continues....
Listening while doing some data entry for school...interesting book so far!!
How can she know the baby's eyes are red if the baby is sleeping.....don't most people sleep with their eyes closed???? Sigh. 🤔
Early Sunday school reading before brunch.
Ugh the bad thing about finished a book one thoroughly enjoyed is the desire to keep reading while having no idea what to read next.
What a fun romance. Just what I needed!!!
Endulging in guilty pleasure reading this morning (you'd think all the Star Trek reading was guilty pleasure reading. Nope. 😂)
So excited to read this!!!!
Dear sir, if you're going to write a bitter, angry, novella length diatribe of an intro accusing everyone around you of half truths and out right lies, please at least get your facts straight. 😖🙄(trek premiered in 66). Perhaps if this was the only error, but he continues to screw things up. He claims to have started the letter writing campaign that saved Star Trek so he could see his episode produced. But City aired one year before that...
My small January reading list....loved all 3 though!!