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Born to Be Posthumous
Born to Be Posthumous: The Eccentric Life and Mysterious Genius of Edward Gorey | Mark Dery
From The Gashlycrumb Tinies to The Doubtful Guest, Edward Gorey's wickedly funny and deliciously sinister little books have influenced our culture in innumerable ways, from the works of Tim Burton and Neil Gaiman to Lemony Snicket. Some even call him the Grandfather of Goth. But who was this man, who lived with over 20,000 books and six cats, who roomed with Frank O'Hara at Harvard, and was known--in the late 1940s, no less--to traipse around in full-length fur coats, clanking bracelets, and an Edwardian beard? An eccentric, a gregarious recluse, an enigmatic auteur of whimsically morbid masterpieces, yes--but who was the real Edward Gorey behind the Oscar Wildean drag? He published over a hundred books and illustrated works by Samuel Beckett, T.S. Eliot, Edward Lear, John Updike, Charles Dickens, Hilaire Belloc, Muriel Spark, Bram Stoker, Gilbert & Sullivan, and others. At the same time, he was a deeply complicated and conflicted individual, a man whose art reflected his obsessions with the disquieting and the darkly hilarious. Based on newly uncovered correspondence and interviews with personalities as diverse as John Ashbery, Donald Hall, Lemony Snicket, Neil Gaiman, and Anna Sui, BORN TO BE POSTHUMOUS draws back the curtain on the eccentric genius and mysterious life of Edward Gorey.
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At some point, Gorey's library overflowed his bookcases and engulfed everything

Bookwomble I loved this book, and completely identified with the overflow! 📚😒📚 10mo
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Officially claiming Edward Gorey a Florida boy. Go ahead and fight me.

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#Scarathon #TeamSlaughter @Clwojick Taking a bit of a liberty with today‘s prompt #Gory with this great biography of #edwardGorey but he is worth it! Have a great Saturday littens!

Aimeesue I do hope that Ogded Weary and Miss D. Awdrey- Gore were mentioned. I do particularly admire Awdrey-Gore's mysteries, with her detective, Waredo Dyrge! 😂😂😂 5y
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This one was a bit of a struggle for me. The story of Edward Gorey. It went into depth on a lot of his work, which was cool. And speculated a lot about his sexuality and how that effected his life and art.

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I LOVED this biography. It's inspiring and eccentric, just like its subject. I only wish it spent a little more time on his cats, but here's my Margo to make up for that. #biography #arthistory

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Stayed up too late reading last night so I really need this today.

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New week, new read! Been looking forward to this. #biography #art

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I would recommend this to big fans of Gorey. The discussions of his books and life are interesting. The long explanations of his art influences and love of ballet were beyond me and pretty slow.

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#TBRtemptation post 1! A thicker biography about an immense influencer of modern entertainment, particularly literature, and who was a most interesting man in everything from his wardrobe to his habits. From Tim Burton to Neil Gaiman, Edward Gorey has inspired many, and he‘s been dubbed the Grandfather of Goth thanks on part to his dark humor and unique illustrations. This should be interesting. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

SaturnDoo I just saw this yesterday on a display at my library 😀 5y
BookBabe Ooooh, I‘ve always loved his illustrations 😍 5y
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I am headed for a very Gorey March!!!!!!!🤣💖 @ferskner

GondorGirl I just picked up the Gorey biography yesterday! 5y
Booksnchill @GondorGirl it was part of the 50% off book haul sale at Barnes and Noble today so I cancelled my library hold and just bought it! 5y
ferskner I AM SO JEALOUS 5y
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The husband and I went out to dinner, then to Barnes and Noble to take advantage of the #BookHaul sale. I've been really wanting to read the Gorey biography, but have a difficult time spending 40$ on a book... thanks to the sale I got it for 17$!

LibrarianRyan Was we set the dark part of the sale? 5y
GondorGirl @LibrarianRyan No, that one I just really wanted. The other three were part of the sale. 5y
LibrarianRyan @GondorGirl I get that. I bout two books not part of the haul as well. 5y
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Barnes and Noble #bookhaul is happening for members today and general public tomorrow. Over 400 titles at 50% off. Couldn‘t sleep last night so I got a jump on the sale and picked up this lovely for half price! 👏🏻👏🏻

gradcat Thanks for the tip! ❤️ 5y
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Having gathered slightly less than a handful of Gorey's books, and having been delighted and frustrated by them in equal measure, the publication of Dery's biography was a timely one for me. Perhaps now I would be provided with a key to understanding what on earth Gorey was on about!
Well, mission accomplished! Somewhat...

Dery explains for the uninitiated that the point of most of Gorey's work is that there is no specific point. 👇

Bookwomble Gorey's interest is in atmosphere, feeling, the unsaid, and leaving room for the reader (observer?) to find such meaning as they may. What a relief! Released from the agony of interpretation I find myself more able to connect with the books and enjoy them for what they are, rather than what I'm trying to make them be.
Bookwomble That service provided, as a biography, Dery‘s book is (so far as I can tell) detailed, sympathetic and insightful. Gorey is presented as somebody it would have been difficult, and interesting, and pleasant, and stimulating, and frustrating to know. 5y
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I can never forget the sight of Edward Gorey striding down 57th Street, impeccable in silver jewelry and trademark full length sable, sweeping past me (I was waiting for my date)into Carnegie Hall for the NY Gay Men‘s Chorus Christmas concert (which was fabulous). He had such style and presence. From illustrator to book designer to set design to writing and producing plays...focused genius. Roomed with Frank O‘Hara, loved ballet. And so very alone

Lindy Evocative anecdote. 😊 5y
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Janet Morgan, who oversaw the poetry department of New York's Gotham Book Mart, recalling the time she was busy typing something up, "and someone's standing over me going, 'Do you take traveler's checks?' and it's David Bowie buying Gorey books."
@saresmoore Thank you for flagging this book for me. I got it for Christmas and it's fabulous ?

AmyG I can‘t wait to read this. 5y
Bookwomble @AmyG I'm getting an understanding of why Gorey wrote and illustrated the way he did, which is giving me a better understanding of how to approach his work. Well worth reading for Goreyistas, of which I'm becoming one. Just ordered The Willowdale Handcar to add to my slowly growing Gorey collection 😊 5y
saresmoore Lovely! 5y
Aimeesue I ❤️Gorey, said Aimee, who fell down the stairs. 5y
Bookwomble @Aimeesue 😂 I tried to order The Gashlycrumb Tinies yesterday, but it's out of print in the UK. A new edition is being printed in October, so I might wait or, possibly, search online. 5y
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#humpdaypost @MinDea
1. 2018 brought me a sweet and very happy baby nephew.
2. Finish “Lethal White”!
3. Best - Nephew baby, I got 2 new cats, and I got to hold multiple baby goats. Worst - 3 family deaths in a row and then my baby cat Dart randomly dropped dead as like the icing on the great big death cake.
4. nope, I‘m perfect as is.
5. Probably the new Edward Gorey biography!

AmyG Awwww your nephew. ❤️ but I am sorry for all your losses. (edited) 5y
Suet624 Tough year. I‘m sorry to hear. 😩 5y
Susanita I‘m sorry for your losses. 😢 5y
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Kaye #4. Good for you. I like it when people are happy with themselves and don‘t feel they need Bondo , a tummy tuck, face lift, hair extensions, fake eyelashes, fingernails, a new chest and underpants with a fake butt in them. Can you imagine what men think when they get one of these gals at home and all the fake stuff comes off ? They got the booby prize. 5y
hgrimes @AmyG He may be illiterate, but he is such a good baby! ❤️ 5y
hgrimes @Suet624 @Susanita Thanks, it hasn‘t been an easy year. Happy to kick 2018 out the door! 5y
hgrimes @kaye 😂🤣😂 Well said! I‘m blessed to have a husband who gives a shit about as much as I do! (maybe even less, if that‘s possible) 5y
Kaye Yea my husband isn‘t the sort that goes for all that stuff either. It‘s even worse when it‘s old ladies like me that bleach their hair white- blonde, lay in the tanning booth til it sounds like bacon sizzling, then they wear short shorts so their browned cellulite oozes out. GROSS. I figure I look good enough without all the doodads. (edited) 5y
hgrimes @kaye ewww who has time to be bothered with all that when there are so many books to read?! 5y
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A couple of treats: the Edward Gorey book was a gift from a publisher, and the Dickens was a post-Christmas discount I couldn't resist. I love both covers so much!

Lcsmcat That is a beautiful Dickens! 6y
Booksnchill I am just waiting to get my hands on the Gorey book- love him!!! Excellent choices! 6y
batsy That Gorey book sounds fab! 6y
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Kalalalatja 😍😍 (edited) 6y
ferskner @Booksnchill I think we were meant to be friends! 5y
Booksnchill @ferskner lock down that Zombie print for sure🤣😇 5y
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A thorough and excellent biography.
Given Gorey's love for cats, it seems fitting that Loki decided to use his biography as a pillow shortly after I finished it.

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I got a book for Christmas!

Booksnchill I really am looking forward to this one- hope it‘s good! 6y
kateykontent I got it, too!! 😀😀😀 6y
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I can‘t wait to read this.

rubyslippersreads Stacked! 6y
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Rainy Saturday reading!

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Morning reading: Because HELL YES. 🖤☠️🖤

hgrimes Is this out now? 6y
batsy Oooh! 6y
Jess Yes! I planned a trip to his house in September. Can‘t wait! 6y
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Megara Stacked! 😍 6y
saresmoore Oh! @Bookwomble I imagine this was already on your radar, but thought I‘d tag you, just in case. 😊 6y
Bookwomble @saresmoore It wasn't, but it is now! 😁 Thank you for the heads up 💗 6y
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