Mehhh. This one was too predictable and longer than it needed to be
Mehhh. This one was too predictable and longer than it needed to be
I really enjoyed the 2nd book to Carter and Lovecraft. Jonathan did a good job with rebuilding the world when the nazi's won the war in this folded universe. Inspired by HP Lovecraft stories. However it seems there is more to fix the fold; we were left on a cliff hanger and the 3rd book is in limbo.
I just didn't like koko as a character. And for the book trying to be a woman badass with villains being women... it sure read like a man wrote it.. it was..
There was one cool morbid imagery that I did enjoy.. but that's all I got to say
Tried reading outside my comfort zone. I could not get into the characters or plot. I was hoping for more on her career rather than a slow burn, uninteresting love drama.
Nope. DNF. Alyssa is the most pompous main character I have attempted to read. She is constantly telling you how badass she is and that she is a "functional alcoholic". I could not.
I have been forgetting to update my reads. Sorry for the mass update 🙃
For once I enjoyed the time travel..it connected the dots. I don't like thinking that one person's disappearance caused the end of humanity. Arrogance. The end was such a disappointment.
It was really annoying that the whole team turned on Kal because he didn't tell them that his father is an evil POS. If the future holds the same values that 'you are your parents' then humanity doesn't deserve a place in intergalactic society.
Other than that. Story is moving along and is still interesting
The characters were amazing! I really got the sense of their personality and constitutions. That being said, once you learn all the characters there was a bit of a dry spell. The world was vivid and clear and the magic system was beautiful written into the world building. Serene was just a wonderful strong character 👏
The author repeated herself less in the final book of crown of feathers. Veronyka grew so much as a character. Worldbuilding throughout this series is heavy but great. We learn the history of how the Phoenix riders fell and to watch them rise back up. I just wish that when something or someone was sacrficed.sacrificed.. it stays as a sacrifice.
This was funny. I loved the audio, performance was fantastic. As usual I wanted more of a build up between Kal and aurora. UT that YA. I do like how there was loss.
Needed something short at the time.. and boy was this cringey and predictable
I really wanted to like this one. I just got annoythatvit was exclusively Jane being the badass. No one else can kill zombies. Everybody else sucks. I would have appreciated more character building.
I listened to this one and found myself spacing out quite a bit. People can travel through a Multiverse. Every other earth had no humans in it. I would have liked a little alternative earth's where the other country in war had won instead of what had happened. World building wasn't too bad however the characters lacked for me. This may need a physical read before I say that I don't like it.
I don't know why I bother with the grishaverse. I keep thinking okay this is gonna be the book that I can join the hype. When will I give up on it? 😢
I enjoyed this book way more than Young's current series "Fable". This book was more thought out. There was two gods/goddess and two cultures built around the two. However, there was no significant loss when it came to the battle. There was no emotional impact at the end.
I heard this was a Vlad the impaler retelling with gender swap. This was very slow, no action. Perhaps this first book was the is the very boring prequel to what vlad had become??
This book was way better than the first. Characters developed well, especially Cyra. An interesting twist on how the fates came to be.
This was an interesting book that goes over how elements were discovered. The drama on some of these got their place.
This book focused more on world building and it was beautifully written! "Sometimes, the moments that define us are the moments in which we spare ourselves. They force us to examine who we truly are and what we stand for. Don't lose hope. Perhaps this is the moment when you decide what you need rather than what you seek"- Samson
Elana struggles to become the queen she is expected to be. She undergoes grief and sacrifice.
This book tackled the origins of inequality through the change from hunter gathering to the development of agriculture, from tribes and bands to city and states, and the development of currency. It covered the start of slavery, and the roles of women, and also religion.
I did not love nor hate this book. The premise is really good! Tattoos gives a person abilities, using them too much can overtake the holder. The only complaint is that Rina was a spoiled brat of a dutchess and when she lost everything her change in character was instant. She did not grieve. She was just a different person entirely. No trace of her old self.
It was really interesting to see how the uprising started. Director Tann is now more hated. Sloane, however, went through a weird character development where it doesn't make sense to her character in the game. She went through all the BS to getvthe station back up and running, and dealt with Tann undermining her only for her to end up ruling Kadaara port the way that she is in the game is hypocritical. I completely agreed with the uprising.
I was hoping this book would make me appreciate Cora. It didn't. I appreciate the AI Sam more. Alec Ryder a bit more. But not Cora and that's why I picked this up. The writing was fine it was that I didn't care for for the character.. still.
This is not an action packed book. This was a beautifully written book about how people behave at the end. How one copes with regret and all the decisions made in their life when they think they are at the end of their lives. The downfall for me was that the rumor war was not confirmed. We don't know what exactly happened for the earth to go silent. This has become a Netflix movie w/Clooney and I heard it was terrible. The book was great though
Forgive me, but I feel like so many different elements was crammed into this story that it was likewhy tf is this in here.. i.e the aliens. She used them to save Shizuka soul. demons, aliens, and social issues seems like a great story but it didn't connect well.
This was a little better than so-so but not quite a favorite. I don't understand the hype this book had. I started off really slow. It's a little interesting that she followed the Hermes line in all her love interests.. I enjoyed the dark monsters like the minotaur and Scylla. Then it slowed down once circe had a child and then the climax was pretty anticlimactic for me.
I knew very little of this disaster. I pretty much only knew it happened. Holy crap the incompetence!! It's unbelievable. They wrote manuals on equipment not performing to its design rather than fixing it!!! So much of their actions I just wanted to pull my hair out.
Ibwas trying to be festive with this collection of Christmas themed crime stories. Not all had murder. They were all dated and boring stories.
The world building and magic system in this book was amazing. The romance was a subplot and was not distracting to the story at all. Miranda was a strong female character that didn't need rescuing. Silas was my absolute favorite. I love the chemistry that Miranda, Nathaniel, and Silas had. The end though.. I need a least a novella more on Silas!!
I do not like Miranda's POV. She is an annoying child..teenager.. throwing tantrums. I don't like her brother Matt either. Coming home with a "wife". The kids all getting a relationship in this one was just to say love is in convenience in the circumstance. Matt really annoyed me by saying that Miranda should have gone with her dad. Matt wouldn't be alive if not for Miranda in book 1. The hard choice Miranda made at the end was Character changing
This was worse than Disney romance themes. There was a mix of evry pop culture vampire books/TV shows (twilight, vampire diaries, legacies, immortals etc.) Boy vampires acts like a D word then an intimate moment follows immediately after the toxic behavior. They just meat and he is touching her without permission! HE IS A STRANGER YOU DONT KNOW HIS NAME YET!! There was the team Edward vs Jacob theme but a dragon not a werewolf. So much is wrong
Alternative historical whimsical book. It was just pure silly and an unexpected treasure! The banter between Jane and G was hilarious. The narration of the book was also fun cutting in to explain why they twisted something and to apologize to the British people for butchering their history.
This was very boring until it got to the end. The first book is by far the best book in the series.
I really appreciated the writing style of this book. However I felt the pace was rushed. With the description saying Juliette was locked on her cell because of her power I expected that to take up more chapters than it did. The romance, of course being YA, was also rushed. But otherwise a very Xmen vibe book.
This end really wasn't much. Perhaps a more elaborate return to earth would have revived this series for me. It was never revealed why they didn't research the alien planet before conquering it. Still bugged me.
An asteroid hits the moon causing it to orbit closer to earth. This is the 2nd book that follows a 17 year old boy, Alex, and his sisters struggle to survive the climate and social changes immediately after the event. His father gets trapped in Puerto Rico and his mother is last in Queens, presumed dead. The kids struggle with their faith as they try to survive and find food and stay warm. Alex struggles with moral decisions and actions to survive
The constant betrayal of the character got annoying. I felt like bits of story was missing. One minute the group is traveling and the next Nadya was in the salt mines, is just one example of missing text. With all the controversy surrounding this author I won't be continuing the story, and it's not like I'll be miss anything. The book fell flat and it felt like a chore to finish this one.
Ness chose the perfect setting for this book. Set in the cold War Era. It tackles racial injustices,the fear of Russian spies, parellel uninverses and DRAGONS! However the swapping of POVs got a little messy, it would switch randomly and without a text saying who's pov it was. Because of the pov issue I'd give this 3.5 stars I stead of 4
I don't think it's very realistic for babel to not have done research on the planet and their moons before trying to conquer it. I get the theme of the book. I just find the lack scientific inquiry in a company that focuses on science, discovery, and yes the militia, very disconnecting to the plot.
I loved the lore of this book and the way mythical creatures were integrated into the modern world. The author put her own creative twist on mythology.
Honestly, I don't think I was in the right mindset for this book. I did enjoy the use of nanites to be able to bond with animals. I got a huge "omega" feel from this city/station. I felt no connection to any character. There seemed to only be bad guys. They were either a crime lord or working for one. And when one turned sides you didn't care anymore.
I received this book from owlcrate 2 years ago. It took me 2 years to get to it. This book didn't interest me at all. I did not care for tailoring nor do I care for the trope of girl dressing up as a boy to admit herself into trials or tournaments. The beginning was awfully slow but once it picked up once magic and the enchanter was introduced. The romance was a little much at times. It simmered then just boiled over. Looking forward to concluding
What a great ending to the series. Rho grew so much as a character! Favorite quotes of the book are from the antagonistic (imagine that)
"Humans are a brief phase of biological evolution who exist but for a minute, in a galaxy that is but a drop of water in an ever-expanding ocean. And none of you can be saved."
This book had so many themes for other book. Just to name a couple: throne of glass & shadow and bone. Even stuff from assasins creed that it lost its originality. I found myself mocking the character with how predictable and stupid they were being.