Sure-footed, farseeing women. (...) How the whitewash of starlight would buoy them along. How they dance with the rocking deck. How them sing. 😍😍😍
Sure-footed, farseeing women. (...) How the whitewash of starlight would buoy them along. How they dance with the rocking deck. How them sing. 😍😍😍
'Good man,' I said. 'God forbid the prince should meet an actual Indian on his tour of the country.
"... but suicide and sacrifice weren't the same thing." (Ren)
A wee bit dark in this series, but amazing world building and character development.
"Meanwhile, tall and slender on the upsweep of bills that surrounded their river-run valley, the blue gums stood silently, streaky skins glinting metallic."
Devastating truth! "To strip a man down, content him to be beaten, flayed alive, then anointed with salt water, you cannot feel him the way you feel your own."
"So come on. There's the future over there. Let's all go."
"As Sancia Gradi lay facedown in the mud, stuffed underneath the wooden deck next to the old stone wall, she reflected that this evening was not going at all as she had wanted." .... No kidding!
From a stylistic perspective, I think I liked The Hate U Give more - this one was good, and a quick read, but it was a bit more predictable. The story is really necessary though, and the characters are nuanced and well-rounded.
I want to know more about what happens to Pooh, Trey and Sonny too!
The first Nan Boyce read for me, but I went back to read the others.
This is some stellar world building! Really engrossing story and characters too.
Just started, and the first story - "Cougar" by Maria Anderson - slayed me... ??
Racing through my kid's new graphic series... Really good!
Really fascinating - wish I'd been a better student of math and physics.
Labor day weekend reading
This book is amazing. What a clear and honest voice Angie Thomas has. Her characters are never stereotypical, and always multidimensional. I really had to sit with, and examine, my white, middle-class privilege. Looking forward to reading more of her work!
"Thus Vasilisa Petrovna, murderer, savior, lost child, rode away from the house in the fir-grove."
- I love this book so hard! #fairytales #women
The Beast is an animal... You'd better lock the gate. Or when it's dark, It comes for you. Then it will be too late.
This book is devastatingly raw and beautiful and sad.
Soooo excited to start this! ❤️❤️
More relevant than ever!
Really loved this memoir! King is such a straight-forward writer, and his comments on technique are clear and helpful.
"Good writing is often about letting go of fear and affectation."
Just started this - already seems spot-on.
"What do you call a physician? A veterinarian who can treat only one species."
Couldn't quite love this one as much as the first.... Afraid this series may be jumping the shark. Still entertaining but not as compulsively so as the first few.
This book was gripping. Fast moving, with interesting characters.
Just started....
This one really made me sit up and pay attention... Great characters and story. #selfexamination
I love the beginning already... "This book is about [...] reacting to bad circumstances in the worst way possible."
This book is slaying me so hard... It's so good and totally devastating.
Starting this with great anticipation!
Currently reading... Not sure yet what I think. Usually not fond of #translations.
"... From a biological perspective, nothing is unnatural. Whatever is possible is by definition also natural."