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The Gilded Wolves
The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
Set in a darkly glamorous world The Gilded Wolves is full of mystery, decadence and dangerous but thrilling adventure. Paris, 1889: The world is on the cusp of industry and power, and the Exposition Universelle has breathed new life into the streets and dredged up ancient secrets. In this city, no one keeps tabs on secrets better than treasure-hunter and wealthy hotelier, Sverin Montagnet-Alarie. But when the all-powerful society, the Order of Babel, seeks him out for help, Sverin is offered a treasure that he never imagined: his true inheritance. To find the ancient artifact the Order seeks, Sverin will need help from a band of experts: An engineer with a debt to pay. A historian who can't yet go home. A dancer with a sinister past. And a brother in all but blood, who might care too much. Together, they'll have to use their wits and knowledge to hunt the artifact through the dark and glittering heart of Paris. What they find might change the world, but only if they can stay alive.
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The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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#SpringSkies Day 14 #InvolvesHeist

A trilogy that is waiting for me to be read😳😬Story of my life🙄

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty cover 💚🖤 5mo
Eggs Beautiful 💚👏🏻🖤 5mo
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Started this YA series, set in 1890s Paris, where a group of misfits work as treasure hunters. And also there is magic! I like the “found family” trope and I like heists, so this worked for me. I will definitely keep reading the series.

The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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This is pretty good. There's an awful lot going on and I probably should have read it more quickly but I was busy. It may have been a bit tricky to follow. Finished on the airplane home on Saturday.

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 11mo
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Well I inhaled this one! Love all the characters and the storyline was fun and quick paced. I look forward to reading the next in the series.

TheBookHippie I‘d buy it for the cover 😂 1y
KristiAhlers @TheBookHippie honestly that's why I did buy it 😆 1y
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This book was so awesome! There weren't boring moments and I loved every single page.

Characters were relatable, they were nicely fleshed out and it was so easy to feel for them. I loved their chemistry and friendship.

I am a big fan of heists and this was even flavored with magic. I loved scenes: they felt so beautiful and alive.

This was so adventurous and thrilling, I would have loved to just read this and do nothing more.

Lauredhel Heists and magic? *pricks ears* Some fancy challenge footwork there, well done 2y
CBee You‘re really catching up on the #TBRtarot stuff, yay! 😊 2y
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AllDebooks Wait, what? Plants, heists, magic, how has this slipped me by? 2y
TheSpineView Fantastic!📚📚📚 2y
Andrew65 These look brilliant, you‘ve just added them to my series for the future. Well done. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
Clwojick Wow! Fantastic colour match! 2y
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Overall, I liked this book, but it wasn't as good as I was hoping it would be. I think it was the ending where I started to lose interest. I still think I'll give the next book a try, but we'll see.

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It took me a minute to read this due to a reading slump. But I think this book single handedly cured me. 100/10 recommendations.

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“I hired a Forging artist with mind affinity to make a people repellent. Sadly, it doesn‘t last longer than a minute, but it makes for a delightfully useful walking stick.”
Enrique looked envious. “Well, my walking stick emits a bright light.”
Zofia felt a flare of pride. She had designed that stick.
Hypnos lifted his chin. “Mine can…”
Zofia ignored them. She had no interest in listening to two boys compare their sticks.

😂Need ppl repellent asap

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So the last five books of this years reading goal are hiding from me, I‘ll read like 3 pages and be like “Nope!” And move on. However, here‘s one of the best dedications in a book ever.

shanaqui I love noticing this kind of thing in dedications and acknowledgements! 2y
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Thank you for tagging me again, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙

No need to overthink this letter. I love the whole trilogy dearly 💛

I'm tagging whoever wants to play as well.


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
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Have any of you girls read either of these books
#LMPBC @KateReadsYA @Readergrrl @persephone1408

persephone1408 @Endowarrior21 the gilded wolves was the one I was supposed to read this month but nobody liked it. The other is one I would like to read tho. 2y
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KateReadsYA Havent read either! Children of blood and bone looks all kinds of amazing! 🤩 2y
Readergrrl I haven‘t read either, but would love to read Children of Blood and Bone for sure! 2y
MrsGagnonreads2024 Okay Children of Blood and Bone it is 😁 2y
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The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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I loved the plot and setting of this story, and I‘m a sucker for a heist gone wrong. The characters, however, were all kind of interchangeable. I had to keep flipping back to remind myself of the differences between some of them, because they all pretty much had the same personalities. While I loved the story itself, the static characters made it hard to have any sort of emotional response to what happened to them.

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This book tries awfully hard to be Six of Crows, and fails miserably.

I‘m definitely not reading the rest of the series, but if you have and want to give me a brief synopsis, I‘d love that… can‘t find one online and I‘m just curious enough to care, but not nearly curious enough to read them. 😂


I made it through, #LMPBC Group L, but it was rough and I‘m afraid I didn‘t mark much.😬

Kimberlone I couldn‘t finish this one. Definitely wannabe Six of Crows. 2y
Kar2b Oh, bummer. This is on my shelf… haven‘t gotten to it yet. Such a pretty cover, too! 2y
sprainedbrain @Kar2b it‘s a gorgeous cover! 2y
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💠 Physical book for one of my 3 (THREE) #LMPBC groups this month…

💠 Maybe ⭐️⭐️… struggling to get in to it! 😬

💠 Only #LMPBC books

Thanks for the tag, @Ddzmini @Chili & @Bklover ❤️

Tagging anyone who wants to play, but especially @HOTPock3tt and @Chrissyreadit 😘


CaroPi What is LMPBC? I see that many of you put it but no idea what it means 2y
sprainedbrain @CaroPi Litsy Mark-up Postal Book Club! A new round starts every 5 months… people who are interested sign up in groups of 4 and those 4 people each pick a book, read it and mark it up with their notes/thoughts, and send it to the next person in the group. By the end of the round, you‘ve read all 4 books in your group and get your marked up book back. @suvata can describe it much better than me—she‘s the host. 😃 2y
CaroPi @sprainedbrain that sounds good! 2y
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CaroPi @suvata how can I know more about this? 2y
Ddzmini I really don‘t like when that happens… struggling to get into a book sucks 2y
MoonWitch94 It‘s tough when you struggle through a book. I always feel compelled to finish it, just in case it gets better (which in my experience it rarely does lol 😂) Thanks for playing ☺️📚 2y
Chrissyreadit I posted this! Thanks for the tag 😘 2y
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The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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I have been slowly listening to this via audio book and I have to say I‘m just not getting into it.

KristiAhlers You‘re the second or third person that has either bailed or panned. I‘m so glad I didn‘t spend money on it. 2y
Darklunarose @KristiAhlers im super glad I got it from the library to be honest! 2y
shanaqui I liked the book but read it super super fast, and found it kinda fell apart when I tried to look back and review it! 2y
Darklunarose @shanaqui that can happen so easily! 2y
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It took me a month to reach the halfway point. After several attempts I couldn't make myself finish. I didn't connect with the characters or the story. A lot of people liked this book so maybe it was the mood I was in.

Did anyone else struggle with this one?

Johanna414 I got about a third through it before giving up. I still have a copy of it to try again someday, but if attempt 2 is not successful, I'm putting it in my little free library. I did hear from a friend that book 2 is much better... 2y
TheSpineView @Johanna414 That's some good news. I plan to try again to read this one. Maybe audio next time.🤔 2y
RosePressedPages Roshani Chokshi books always seem to drag for some reason. But her plot ideas are creative. 2y
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KristiAhlers I have picked it up and put it down so many times at my bookstore. I read the first few pages and yeah just couldn‘t commit. I may borrow it from the library…yeah probably won‘t 😂 2y
Kimberlone Totally the same! I am 50% in and just struggling to connect with the plot or characters. The description had Six of Crows vibes but the execution does not feel similar at all 2y
TheSpineView @Kimberlone Yes I too was expecting something along the lines of Six of Crows. However the writing is not close to the quality of Bardugo. 2y
Kimberlone @TheSpineView yep that‘s what I‘m thinking. I‘m more inclined than ever to DNF now 2y
MrsHood @Kimberlone what does DNF mean 2y
TheSpineView @MrsHood Did Not Finish 2y
MrsHood @TheSpineView thanks. Slowly learning all the acronyms here haha! 2y
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#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

"Fléctere si néqueo supers Acheronta movebo."
If I cannot move heaven, I will raise hell." ~Virgil

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#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

"Once there were four houses of France."

Bookbuyingaddict #Firstlinefridays #theislandofmissingtrees “Once upon a memory, at the far end of the Mediterranean Sea, there lay an island so beautiful and blue that many travellers , pilgrims ,crusaders and merchants who fell in love with it either wanted to never leave ……. 3y
TheSpineView @Karons1 👍📗📚 3y
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To start listening to tomorrow night


Enjoyable... and a bit heartbreaking there at the end. I'll continue the series if the library has the ebooks, but I'm not 100% hooked if not.


I've accidentally peeked ahead at the ending, and wowza, how are we going to get there from here?

So far I'm sticking with my Aliette de Bodard comparison for setting and mood, but with a good helping of Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows.

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I understand why so many people have rated this middling, but I found it a good heist/found family narrative, and while it had some awkward characterisation and character interaction elements, for the most part it was enjoyable. Conclusion was abrupt but I think it was always intended to be a trilogy(?) series.

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Need to read this fast for a book club, oops. I mean, I've got till the end of the month, but still...

So far has a bit of the same feel as Aliette de Bodard's House of Shattered Wings, only with heists and banter.

Clare-Dragonfly Ooh, I am intrigued. 3y
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Listened on audio- w o w. Best fantasy series I‘ve read in a while! It‘s a glamorous setting, quirky cast of characters, found family AND heists. I loved it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

shanaqui Ooh, I'm about to read this for a challenge, and “found family“ is my catnip, so that's exciting. :D 3y
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I wanted to like this one, but to be honest, the plot felt unnecessarily convoluted and I was bored through a lot of it. A big part of the problem may have been that I listened to the audiobook… the female reader had a truly atrocious “French” accent that made me cringe, and the male reader had an incredibly monotone, robotic voice during any narration (though his French accent during dialogue was much better).

The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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This book was stunningly written and I can‘t put into words how much I loved it! The small drawings were also very nice as it added a bit of visual affect. What else can I say, I loved this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi

Kisses were not supposed to be like this. Kisses were to be witnessed by stars, not held in the presence of stale death. But as the bones rose around them, she saw fractals of white. They looked like pale constellations, and she thought that, perhaps, for a kiss like this, even hell would put forth stars.

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The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi

“Power and greed always have appetites.”

The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi

“Never underestimate the human capacity for betrayal.”

The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi

“Because, my dear, we are without armour. And beauty is it‘s own armour.”

The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi

“Half of winning, my dear wallet, is simply looking victorious.”

The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi

“If you get in the way of a woman‘s battle, you‘ll get in the way of her sword.”

The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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Reggie Lol 3y
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The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi

“I don‘t want to be their equal. I don‘t want then to look us in the eye. I want them to look away, to blink harshly, as if they‘ve stared at the sun itself. I don‘t want them standing across from us. I want them kneeling.”

The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi

“Are you dying?”
“No more than usual or expected.”

The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi

She should have been more careful, but that was the problem with happiness. It blinds.

The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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The Gilded Wolves | Roshani Chokshi
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I. Have. No. Words.
This book is absolutely amazing! I love it so much. I love the setting. I love the characters. I love the adventure. I just love it. It‘s a found family fantasy book with fantastic heists. Need I say more? Honestly though, I highly recommend this book and am both happy and sad to have finished it already.

HollyBolly @lovelylottereader This book has recently come on my radar for the autism rep in it. I am looking forward to reading it at some point! 3y
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An author‘s note at the end of the book! I‘m stunned.


I think the greatest power is belief, for what is a god without it?

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“What? I‘m hungry. What about you, Tristan? What do you want?”
“This,” Tristan said quietly. “Just this.”

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Kisses were not supposed to be like this. Kisses were supposed to be witnessed by stars, not held in the presence of stale death. But as bones rose around them, Laila saw fractals of white. They looked like pale constellations, and she thought that, perhaps, for a kiss like this, even hell would put forth stars.


“Never underestimate the human capacity for betrayal.”


Enrique, who had always dreamed about what magic might feel like, thought he had found it then: myths and palimpsests, starlight sugaring the air, and the way hope feels painful when shared equally among friends.