It's here!!! I don't want to wait though! 😅
@WordlyNerdly @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
It's here!!! I don't want to wait though! 😅
@WordlyNerdly @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
I totally forgot to take a picture of the box! 😣😅 here is the receipt though! It's supposed to be there Thursday, but we've had cruddy weather so don't be disheartened if it's Friday 🙄
@WordlyNerdly @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
Always love Reich's books for the realistic perspective she can put into them.
I'm back! Got a new phone and thought I had lost my Litsy acct for forever but I got it and I'm do happy! Meanwhile I've finished a couple of books...
When you stay up later than you ought to because there is just never a "good place" for stopping
This one left me with a hangover. It was so good though! I love getting different perspectives on time eras such as this one and toys book certainly offered a different perspective.
Finished 4 books in January:
📖 A Column of Fire
📖 Turtles All the Way Down
📖 Peter Pan
📖 A Man Called Ove
For a grand total of 1728 pages, not counting the three other books I've been working through. If I keep up this pace, I might actually meet my Goodreads goal!
Started this one yesterday in pre-op. Can't do a whole lot of what I'd like to with a bumb wrist, so I'll be using this to distract me today!
Loved this book soooo much! I can't tell you how many quotes I was tempted to share. And only cried like once 😉
It's late, I'm not going to make it to #24in48 because life happened, and I'm totally melting over this quote from #AManCalledOve 😢 #HeDidnt
Idk if I'm gonna make it guys... I'm 1 hour closer than this (let it run for 30 mins to make up some of my lost time ), but I'm still looking at 15 hours tomorrow. If I make it, it'll be off audio books. #MomLifeMeansMoreChaosLessBooks #24in48 #2BooksDown #15hrs2go #GiveOrTake
"You know you're in excellent hands when, in the midst of sine nutty, diadactic dialogue, the author disarms you."
Coming into the #FirstLinesChallenge for #24in48 with this little nugget of truth. #24in48readathon
Tack on another hour ( ETA and a half according to my last post... this is why I should be tracking things) for 12am to 1am when I forgot to start my timer, and I'm not doing too poorly for #24in48. Finished Peter Pan, starting on the next... it got me thinking about the stories behind the movies 😂
Halfway through #TurtlesAllTheWayDown, planning to finish this and at least one other as part of my #24in48 weekend. Started at midnight my tune, got a solid 1.5 hrs in- only 22.5 to go! 😂
This was an excellent read! Tudor England isn't a time in history I'm very familiar with, so looking stuff up as I worked my way through the book and finding that many of the people and events actually took place was interesting!
1 Everywhere I get the opportunity
2 Bookmarks when I have them, papers and wrappers when I don't
3 I can but prefer a chapter
4 All the time
5 Yes. I actually prefer background noise
6 Several at once, but not too similar
7 Everywhere
8 Silently
9 Sometimes I'll peak ahead and read a paragraph out of context. Skipping makes me feel like a cheater
10 I'm a breaker 😶
11 Only the old used ones, like retired library books
12 @ryanmiller
Returned to #LibriVox today to bump up my "reading" with listening. I've never read Peter Pan because I felt so confident I would be bored knowing the story so well going in. The way Barrie writes has absolutely captivated me- both the way certain situations are interpreted and the way the words paint those interpretations are so interesting!
"It was as if he hadn't properly solved what a woman was until he saw Madoka do that. And then he had it. Women became one woman- became Madoka- became love. It was like the way you could- in one moment- "have" something in math, or in physics. Have it without metaphor or simile, have it intrinsically, as it itself. He had been profoundly moved, and very relieved."
Reading about the moment Yoshi realized Madoka was the one for him makes me smile.
Only just now getting to Part 2 of A Column of Fire... #momlife
Made it out of B&N with only ONE book today! Pretty proud of myself 😅 #BookHoarder #Stiff #MaryRoach #TryingNewGenres #NonFiction #TBR
The makings of a good day.
Taking advantage of everyone sleeping... #LateNightReading #MeTime #QuietTime #SnoringDoesntCount #KenFollett #AColumnOfFire