My cat Jo loves to keep watch over my library books!
My cat Jo loves to keep watch over my library books!
Goodreads calls this a "contemporary romance", which I guess?? The main character, Olivia, catches her best friend, mean girl Adrienne, and boyfriend together. She decides to take down Adrienne. As part of her revenge plot she convinces golden boy Whit to act as her boyfriend. This book left me stressed!!! I couldn't stop reading about Olivia and Adrienne's toxic relationship and the lengths they went to hurt each other.
First of all, I love this cover! It completely fits the book, which is set in New York during 1977 when disco was king.
Nora is trying to deal with a difficult brother and decisions about college, all while a serial killer is roaming the neighborhood. I loved the setting and the characters. It was interesting to read about a time period that I don't know much about!
Had to give my eyes a break! #24in48
I absolutely loved this book. There were so many passages, like the one above, that had me laughing. It also felt quite relevant to my current life-modern dating is no joke! #24in48
Thanks to my sister @emilydecato I have plenty of delicious snacks to eat as I start my next book! #24in48
I wish this book had been about a hundred pages longer- I just feel like there wasn't enough character development for me to feel truly invested. I loved the world building, I just wish I could have understood more the motivations of the characters. That being said, there were some scenes that made me giddy because the descriptions were so rich and enchanting. I will probably read the next one because I would like to see what happens! A+++ cover!
All teenage girls are drama queens inside their minds, even the mousiest of us. We load and reload movies of ourselves in heroic postures and outlandish triumphs, movies that, if they were ever be played in front of an audience of people we know and love, would cause us to shrivel in shame.
I kind of hated this book at the beginning, it felt like it was going to be another depressing story about white upper middle class people who are kind of horrible and not very nice. And it was like that for a lot of the book but the last couple of chapters redeemed it for me-the characters developed and changed in ways that made sense and took them out of the poor me and my life. The last two chapters made me cry, they were so beautiful.
I read this book last year but I think because I was in the middle of my last semester of grad school I did not appreciate it. I just reread it and I am in LOVE. The magic was interesting and different, the relationship between the main character and her best friend was thoughtful and real, and I felt transported for a few hours. I can't wait to recommend this book to all of my friends/family.
I liked this book a lot more than I expected! It was a little slow in the beginning but I immediately found the characters compelling. There were some surprising twists, or maybe I am just not observant, that make me excited for the next book. Though I hope it is not a trilogy-two books would be good for me!
They needed to be "smart, driven, involved in many different activities (as are men), and, in addition, they are supposed to be pretty, sexy, thin, nice, and friendly".
I read this book all in one go-once I started reading I couldn't put it down! I was expecting it to be a more shallow and "beachy" read but the characters were interesting and complex. I felt fully invested in their lives for the few hours I was reading, which I love!
I got a kindle gift card for Christmas, so I stocked up on some of the kindle daily deals. I have heard amazing things about each of these and can't wait to start them! Now I just have to decide which one to start first!
I wasn't sure how much I would like this book, but I actually ended up loving it. It felt like she was my friend just telling me about her life and giving me advice. I actually cried a lot, which I wasn't expecting. If you haven't watched Gilmore Girls it might not be as interesting. I guess I now want to be best friends with Lauren Graham!
I started reading this and could not get into it because I had completely forgotten what happened in Illuminae, since I read it last year. Once I caught up on the first book, I couldn't put this one down. All of my favorite things from the first one were in this book, just with different characters. I can't wait for the next one to be out!
One of my favorite books I have read this year. Nicola Yoon writes characters that speak right to my heart. Plus the cover is just gorgeous.
I stayed up until two last night, reading the newest Melina Marchetta. It was everything I hoped for and filled with the things I have come to love about her writing; characters that feel achingly real, stunning observations about the ties between families and friends, and descriptions of life that leave me crying.
Beyond excited for this book! Tana French is one of my favorite authors and I can't wait to dive into this mystery!
I spent the weekend reading this series and I am in love! Political intrigue and unreliable narrators?! Some of my favorite things!
This book is all I wanted and more. I need someone to talk about it with me!!
In this novel, Samantha Whipple, the last living descendant of the Bronte family begins receiving mysterious packages while attending Oxford. Determined to find out who is sending the packages and how the relate to the Bronte "treasure", she enlists the help of her handsome professor.
I loved this novel, I think. Samantha was an interesting character and it made me want to reread all the Bronte works. And I am still thinking about it days later.
'Who hasn't walked through a life of small tragedies?'
This is my new favorite book. It tells the story of three different girls during Alaska, right after it was made a state. I thought my heart was going to burst from the love and sorrow that is contained in this book.
I was not expecting to love this novel, with Vlad the Impaler reimagined as a girl, but I did. The characters were interesting and made me want to research more about that time period. I can't wait for the next one in the series.
Hermione is drugged and raped while at summer cheer camp, so she doesn't know if it was someone on her team or another camper. I cried through this whole book, as she tries to come to terms with what happened to her and the actions of those around her. It was terrible and beautiful. Read it.
"We used to laugh at our small selves, saying that I was a bad girl trying to be good and that he was a good boy trying to be bad. Through the years these roles would reverse, then reverse again, until we came to accept our dual natures. We contained opposing principles, light and dark."
How does a person go from being like a decorative component in the house that is your life-a nice table, perhaps-to being the pipes, the foundation, the center beam without which the entire structure falls apart? How does a barely noticeable star become your very own sun?
I read this book a couple of years ago and am now listening to the audiobook, read by Lin Manuel-Miranda. At one point I was in my car sobbing. Aristotle's struggles with his place in his family and his growing feelings for Dante are perfectly articulated by Miranda.
"When it began, it began as an opera would begin, in a palace, at a ball, in an encounter with a stranger who, you discover, has your fate in his hands."