My December TBR 🎄
Fast paced thriller written in multiple POVs that adds more suspense to the whole narrative, Die Alone doesn't let up until the end. A great book to pick especially when you've got a few hours to spend waiting somewhere, this is the perfect company!
I'll do everything I can to become someone of significance, not for the sake of fame, but because I want to serve... I want to offer... something useful.
This is a series I love recommending especially to fantasy fans. The mix of mythology, politics and scheming thieves (fine thief) is so delightfully done. As much as I loved seeing Costis again, I miss reading from Gen's POV. #litsygram
The start was confusing (or was it just me??) but when it all came together, it was heartbreaking.
❤❤❤ It's one of those favorites that is close to my heart.
All the while I was thinking "please don't die, please don't die!" I hope there were a lot of fantasy books set in Japan ?
I hope the book be as gorgeous (or more!!) as its cover. 💕
Because it's late and I'm craving for some donuts. Alice may have joined the party.
#litsyph #litsygram
Not yet finished but... First book going into the favorites shelf this year! Heartstrings unexpectedly tugged 😆
Read by the author himself! And a highly recommended audiobook so...
Nobody should talk to a child like that and no child should talk back to an adult like that. The violent words thrown around in this book was something I did not expect in a much loved children's book either.
Starting this today. I read it before as a kid and since I can't remember much, I thought I should do reread. Works for a challenge I'm doing in Goodreads too!!
#litsygram #reading
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love is a collection of short stories tackling all kinds of love from the good, to the dangerous, and to the destructive kind.
The prose feels like jumping right into a conversation and when things start getting interesting, you get called out and when you return you realize that the conversation has moved on to another topic but as interesting. Great read!
1. Cooking or commuting
2. Audible
3. Sped up
4. Stephen Fry
5. The Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner
#audiobookinquiry @Chelleo
This book explored the boundaries of love in friendship — the good, the bad and the dangerous. It put forth dangerous ideas and if you aren't grounded enough, you'd waver.
Also, I disliked Cassie so much. My opinion of her ran from hypocrite to self righteous to selfish.
Not as good as the first but highly recommended. Oh and be ready for the ride.
Home alone with nothing else to do so... here goes pain. *prepares self for the rollercoaster ride*
Anyone else into this series?
#reading #litsyph #litsygram
Dear morning person,
I have great admiration for you. The way you excitedly get up and prepare for what the day has in store for you. Please give me tips. I find getting up in the morning so hard to do. I force myself to open my eyes and drag myself out of bed. Any kind of help will do.
Thank you!
Night owl in need,
If I kept looking hard enough maybe the pieces of the world would fit back together into something I could understand.
“For nonreaders, life is simply what they touch and see, not what they feel when they open the pages of a play and are transported to the Forest of Arden or Illyria. Where the world is full of a thousand colors for those who love books, I suspect it is simply black & gray to everyone else. A tree is a tree to them; it is never a magical doorway to another world populated with beings that don‘t exist here.”
It's sort of a crime fantasy? I enjoyed reading how Elendel has progressed...
Almost done with Rebel Queen and hoping to finish at least half of The Alloy of Law today.
“Many boys will bring you flowers. But someday you'll meet a boy who will learn your favorite flower, your favorite song, your favorite sweet. And even if he is too poor to give you any of them, it won't matter because he will have taken the time to know you as no one else does. Only that boy earns your heart.”
My new rainy day read 🤗
It was a rollercoaster ride.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 /5
One of my favorites!
Finally, something's happening. I was already thinking I might have to add this to my "books that put me sleep" list...
This was me. Yesterday. Stealing quick reading times in between patients 😂
Rating: 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝❤
Marchetta handles YA contemporary well. I love her fantasy and now I love her as well. *added to autobuy authors*
What color is your love?
Shades of grey, ruby red, bitter greens, shades of earth---
It was heart pounding and I enjoyed every minute of it. The book explores terrifying what ifs. What if Hitler won and his goverment was successful with their experiments?
Rating: 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌜
The Magician's Nephew was full of adventures indeed. I can't decide how to rate it though. I was wary about the happenings in the last few chapters and it is what's refraining me from giving this a solid 5. Still a good read though!
Rating: 🌝🌝🌝🌜
Coffee, anyone?
Just stoked it's Thursday... one more day and it's the weekend!! 💕💕💕
#litsygram #bookstagram #litsyfeature
Girl, no one ever told you about the stranger rule? I get that you're a goddess of sorts but you are sooo not Supergirl or Wonderwoman or Catwoman--- if you get my drift. I get that you're on a mission of love but I believe there could have been other ways for you to get the guy alone and talk to him. 😥
"If I could but know his heart, everything would become easy." #JaneAusten
And it's February once again. *long sigh*
#litsyfeature #litsygram
"I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren‘t pretty, or smart, or young. They‘re still princesses."
#bookstagram #litsygram
It's short, sweet, a bit sappy but still a good read. I disagree, however, with "Love means never having to say you're sorry." For me love encompasses forgiveness & humility and that means you are ready to say sorry when you have done wrong. When the role is reversed & they're the one asking forgiveness from you, you accept it because love keeps no record of wrongs. But I guess we all have different perspectives on love :)
What do you think?
I can't find the correct book title but Brene Brown's Daring Greatly talks about vulnerability too. I don't think this should be classified as self-help--- it was more of a guide to self reflection. It was an enlightening audiobook and it was great listening to the author herself! A lot of what she said was interesting and really had me thinking. Listen to it and you'll understand what I mean. And that's it am off to bed! 💕
#litsygram #audiobook
Going through some old photos and found this 😂😂😂 Throwback to when my shelves were organized.
#bookshelfie #litsygram #litsyfeature
Logged in to #Goodreads to rate my recent read and this happened. Buut I wanted to post my thoughts on Pinball, 1973 before I forget! Who else got this sweet note? 😭😭😭
My favorite bookstore had this sign and I just had to take a snap. What a perfect enabler! Beware bookworms. Check your wallets, have you got lunch money left? #IhaveNone
#tsundokulife #litsydaily
#litsyfeature #litsygram