Gritty and insane.
She said it with absolute conviction, like her belief in her own monstrousness was a religion, and maybe it was the closest thing to religion she had.
It was the patient, cut-flower sound of a man who is waiting to die.
This series is almost a poetry.
P.S. Kvothe would be furious if he were to read it.😂
Reading the book thief on the bus and trying to control the weeping.😢
I do this so you cannot help but hear. A wise man views a moonless night with fear.
My heart is at peace👏
Absolutely loved this book, i hope the second one is also good.
Its like that movieseries SAW, expect ther is no doll on tricycle or death traps. It is a gripping narrative which is woven so beautifully that you'd lose the track of time reading it. The individual narratives are devious, every end of chapter has a "twist". This book is a must read for those who crave a good mystery thriller.
Eagerly waiting for the next book!!
This book is a wonderful mystery. It's actually a page turner, you can't keep it down once you start reading it. Through the last quarter of the book seem to lack in the narrative or maybe just is plain. It would have been a real nice if we had the murderer's perspective on the killing he makes. It would also have been nice if the murdered had his own narrative.
Long as the universe had a begining, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have netiher beginning or end: it would simply BE. What place, then, for a creator?
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted,all else follows.