A well written Dirty book.
Some stories were ‘eye twitch‘ type of cringe.
A well written Dirty book.
Some stories were ‘eye twitch‘ type of cringe.
This book is fairly new.
If one wants to learn true islam,
learn and understand its philosophy and spirituality,
One would recommend to read this book.
I cried,
and found answers that soothed my aching heart.
I smiled,
and found ease.
I recognized God through the war with my Self, ego.
And rose above it.
I have a tattoo on the left side of my rib ,
Written in Arabic that says,
يا ودود.
Meaning the All- Compassionate.
I read this book with my daughters at bedtime.
We‘d read a few chapters every few days.
This book is a full lesson about the ethics of life, and how the oppressed will rise.
We loved it, and when it ended it was a relief.
In a sense that intoxicated our hearts.
To the point. Honest and simple.
It can get irritating how calm and straightforward the teacher is.
Light. Cute and short.
It‘s the kind of book you read when you need a break from the heavy deeper books.
For those who are aware of this classic novel,
the history behind it,
I Had to see what the chaos was all about.
Reading this made feel depressed.
She wrote carelessly, and arrogantly.
She let her demons take over.
Watching her simply give up, twisted the story of her life into a fiction novel
she was afraid for her family, she loved them, yet she needed her truth out, in her passionate way. Even if it meant death. It didn‘t scare her.
Oh my God! This book is filled with symbolism and philosophical adventures.
I read this one slowly.
Took my time with it because each fairytale, folk, and story, sent me into a state of reflection and contemplation.
I truly believe as a woman or a human,
I have elevated from this book.
This book is underrated.
It was magnificently written, with depth, elegant vulnerability, and open to the core.
Wild with imagination , yet aware of every idea, and separates the ego from the pure self.
Women, Mothers, and.. Men should read this.
Highly recommend.
Easy read, and the details in this grandfather‘s thoughtfulness is inspiring.
She had love.. no matter how unconventional it was to society and tradition.
I love the way he can just caress the heart so gently and kindly.
I‘ve read plenty of his books.
For those who enjoy spiritual books, and are seeking the path of love, I highly recommend this.
I found myself pondering over something as I pause while reading, only to find him answering to my ponders a little while after.
It‘s like the book chose me.
“It was not that he pitied me
but that he felt we were in the same boat for different reasons,
and that I could understand his frustration just as he could countenance my withdrawal.”
I know our group was considerate enough to have us choose from the options they have provided, but the moment I signed up
the only book that stuck to my head was this one!
Even though I have a few other options in my collection, this is the one. Hehehe 😂😅🙏🏻
@Kaila-ann @REPollock @jb72
I do hope none of you have read it. Let me know.
This is my first time Participating on #lmpbc ! I can‘t wait to experience it.
Lots of love.
“You are the product of the great love that two wounded souls have found. I love you every minute of everyday.”
My next two reads 👅🧠
When you fill up your soul with the old, you leave no more space for the new.
I love this ❤️
This book has taught me tremendous amount of information.
It taught me about myself, and most importantly how to treat and love my children.
EMPATHY game stronger!
Highly recommend!
Trauma and how the brain works.
The true stories he shares, are excellent, yet heartbreaking!
I love it when a book shifts your way of thinking, and helps you move forward.
I‘m on the last few chapters of this... it got boring real fast to me.
His writing started to get on my nerves, for it takes him 2 to 3 paragraphs, just to get to a simple point, and at intense climaxes.
He goes off topic excessively in my opinion.
Sometimes I feel like he elongated things just so the book doesn‘t seem too short.
The story is interesting, but I wouldn‘t read it again.
Since it‘s a classic, I had to see the fuss. @Clwojick
Going to be frank; as I stroll on some of the best beaches in Tunisia, reading this gruesome novel, I find myself shamefully aroused by this Author‘s writing.
I ended up asking my friend, “am I sick for feeling this way?”
He joke-fully replied, “yes you are sick”.
He had read the book, and understood where I was coming from.
I‘m confused mentally and emotionally by this book, for I‘m disgusted, yet intrigued. 😂
Art piece of a writing!
“The thing to me worse than death was the betrayal.
I could conceive death.
I couldn‘t conceive betrayal.”
So you know how my last review on this was a little negative??
The moment he gets caught and goes to prison, the whole aspect of the book suddenly switches.
I‘m intrigued, confused, shocked, and I cannot put the book down!
This type of Islam is not something I grew up learning.
First time reading the Afro-American teachings of Islam.
I‘m a little more than half way through. I‘m scared 😱 😅❤️💔
I‘m a quarter way through,
Excited to be reading this very much, but is it just me or is it a little slow in the beginning? I feel like it drags on towards the same topic.
Love this ❤️
1. If I get really attached to a book, I cry when it ends, because I feel like I was part of the character‘s lives.
2. I‘m working on my own book, but it‘s taking me forever.
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
“I have no mercy or compassion in me for a society that will crush people, and then penalize them for not being able to stand up under the weight.”
“We children watched our anchor giving way. It was something terrible that you couldn‘t get your hands on, yet you couldn‘t get away from.”
“Humans will have to survive by being the inventors of their own nature.
They‘ll have to improvise, inventing their own furs and manufacturing contraptions with speed.
And they‘ll have to remain restless.”