I just finished this and I honestly have no words. This book made me so angry, because it is so true. It makes me want to smash the patriarchy. 😤
I feel like this book should be required reading for every high school ever.
I just finished this and I honestly have no words. This book made me so angry, because it is so true. It makes me want to smash the patriarchy. 😤
I feel like this book should be required reading for every high school ever.
Whatever you are doing, just stop. You need to read this book first. 👌
Thus actually surprised me. I ended up really loving this mystery novel, even though I read it while I was in a massive reading slump. 🙈
I'm currently in a reading slump I think, but I am hoping this one will get me out of it! 😁
I can't decide whether this is my favorite of the series so far or my least favorite one. Loved it though, I can't wait for Etched in Bone.
It's been a while since I've read this one, so I had forgotten quite a bit of what happens. I actually also read this one in translation, in Dutch. It's the first time I've read any of them in Dutch and it was definitely an adjustment at first. But it was still an amazing read ❤️
Again, I adore this series. Re-reads are honestly the best. ❤️
This is still one of my all-time favorite books (and series). ❤️
Almost done with my re-read of this one! I adore this series, and wanted to read them all again before the last book comes out. 😀
I have read this book at least 3 times already I think, starting with my discovery of it in 2013. I still adore it, every single time. ❤️
I really enjoyed this one! My journey of reading non fiction this year has already taught me so much. I now know so much more about the daughters of the last Tsar. About these 4 wonderful girls who were pretty much raised in isolation, and killed when they were only teenagers. 😢
This book gave me so much to think about! It wasn't the easiest read at times, but well worth the effort. I'll be thinking about this one for a while, probably.
I read the Dutch translation (the title is Postcapitalism in English) and gave it 4/5 stars 🌟
Just started the Dutch translation of Helen Rappaport's The Romanov Sisters! So far, it's really easy to read and absolutely fascinating. I'm about 70 pages in, but this book is almost 500 pages! 🙈
It makes me so sad to see how underrated Kelly Oram's books are! I loved this one. I lived the theme of body positivity. Of loving yourself. Of not letting yourself be treated like shit. Or caring for yourself. Of being respectful.
If I ever had any book boyfriend, it would be Adam Koepp. ❤️
My first read of 2017 🎉
I really enjoyed this one, far more than I thought I would. I think the hype is quite well-deserved, and I really want to continue the series. 😊
It was also my #OWBookClub pick of the month, because the theme of January is fantasy. And it counts for my #BeatTheBacklist challenge! 👌
I genuinely don't know how I feel about this book. Part of me loved it, and part of me didn't like it. 🙈
I don't think I have EVER been this confused about my feelings on a book. Will I continue the series? I think so, yes. I am invested in the story after all.
Have you read this? If so, what did you think about it?? 😱
I FINISHED IT 🙌 Okay, that sounded really negative. It took me about a month to read this, but not because it is a slow read or boring. I just didn't have time for it.
This was a fascinating read. I never really thought about the artwork during WWII. How the bombardments could have easily destroyed hundreds of years of European culture. How Jewish families lost every possession, especially the art. I think this is such an important read!! 👌
I finished this last week but totally forgot to update this 🙈 I really adore this series. I also like reading about the Battle in the Shire, which was not in the movies.
This series will always be a favorite of mine. The books, the movies, the soundtracks, the scenery, everything. ❤️
I love this series so much. ❤️
But I have to admit that book four (or part 2 of book 2) is my least favorite...
I think I would categorize this book as a 3.5 star one! It was very interesting, and it definitely made me think of what I would do in such a situation. It also made me kind of hate most of humanity. 😐
But I felt like it lacked closure? Like, I wanted more of a conclusion. We spent so much time talking about the lifeboat, but then the rescue we have all been waiting for (and knew would happen) only took like half a page...
Sunday morning starts with a coffee (with hazelnut milk) and The Fellowship of the Ring 👌
What a pleasant surprise this book was! It's a historical fiction novel with slight fantasy twists set during (and in) The Congress of Vienna!
I can't tell you how excited I was to read a book set in Vienna, after the Napoleonic war. It was such a fun read too, I would highly recommend it 👌😄
I'm not quite sure what to think of this book. I think it's a solid 3-star read.
I finished it! This was really good and a very interesting story, but I didn't love it as much as I did The Secret History...
This book was so weird. Yet I was captivated by the biologist's discoveries! I definitely want to continue the trilogy...
Just started this one! I am both excited and intimidated... 🙈
I have finished it. This is definitely a 5-star read. It was a true roller-coaster of emotions, and I am still not okay. 😨
Just started this one for the #TomeTopple! It is so intense already... I don't think I am ready for the ending of this trilogy...
This book hit me so hard. I was expecting it to be just a cute fluffy romance. But it had so much depth to it. It was so real. It made me think about disability, choice, family, knowing your limits, respecting others' views. It was amazing. ❤️
This was an incredible ending to the trilogy! 😍😨
This was my first read for the #TomeTopple and it absolutely blew my mind. Such an incredible sequel!
An enjoyable mystery! This reminds me that I need to finish watching the Rizzoli & Isles TV show too 😊
I just started this, before I have to bring it back to the library at the end of the week. I've heard such great things!
This was the most amazing sequel ever. I can't say goodbye, I just can't! 😥
I just read this for the first time ever. I know that may seem ridiculous to a lot of you... I am Belgian, so in high school I had to read Belgian and Dutch classics, not American/British ones. 😊 But I finally decided to read this.
I have never been this engaged in a classic before. Never this attached to the characters, or involved in their lives. I really liked it! I will definitely read more Jane Austen novels. 😄
I'm reading this one for the first time ever! I'm on page 100 so far, and enjoying it more than I thought I would! 😊
I really enjoyed this one! I think it's my favorite in the series so far.
I do have to admit that I am a tad bit disappointed in some of the developments in the personal relationships of the characters... 😐 But in general, this is an amazing book.
Read this mystery series! And if you don't love the first one, don't worry. Neither did I. But I ended up truly enjoying the sequels. 😄
I quite liked the mystery aspect, but unfortunately the other aspects of the book didn't work for me. I have a full review on my blog, but I will just leave you with a quote.
"I wanted him to appreciate me like he appreciated a freshly baked brownie."
I think this book was so overhyped... I think I will go and see the movie, because it may work better in that format. Overall, not really a fan!
I'm about 150 pages into this but I'm not loving it as much as I hoped to. I actually feel quite in different so far.
I liked this book, but it wasn't amazing... My biggest issue with it is that it's such a slow read! It took me 10 days or so to read a 400 page book...
Someone please explain the point of this book to me, because I clearly didn't get it.
This book was absolutely amazing! I loved it more than I did Air Awakens, to be honest. I wrote a full review on my blog, if you're interested in seeing my thoughts on it :)
Currently reading this one for the #spookathon! It's not as fast of a read as my previous ones though, I'm only on page 67.
This was my first read for the #spookathon! I can believe how amazing this book was! The different formats, the mysteries, the characters... It was all incredible.
I just finished Days of Blood and Starlight for the #spookathon and I don't even have any words for it. I loved it so much! 😍
It is definitely one of the best sequels I have ever read!