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The Romanov Sisters
The Romanov Sisters: The Lost Lives of the Daughters of Nicholas and Alexandra | Helen Rappaport
A New York Times Bestseller for 12 weeks! "Helen Rappaport paints a compelling portrait of the doomed grand duchesses." People magazine "The public spoke of the sisters in a gentile, superficial manner, but Rappaport captures sections of letters and diary entries to showcase the sisters' thoughtfulness and intelligence." Publishers Weekly (starred review) They were the Princess Dianas of their dayperhaps the most photographed and talked about young royals of the early twentieth century. The four captivating Russian Grand DuchessesOlga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia Romanovwere much admired for their happy dispositions, their looks, the clothes they wore and their privileged lifestyle. Over the years, the story of the four Romanov sisters and their tragic end in a basement at Ekaterinburg in 1918 has clouded our view of them, leading to a mass of sentimental and idealized hagiography. With this treasure trove of diaries and letters from the grand duchesses to their friends and family, we learn that they were intelligent, sensitive and perceptive witnesses to the dark turmoil within their immediate family and the ominous approach of the Russian Revolution, the nightmare that would sweep their world away, and them along with it. The Romanov Sisters sets out to capture the joy as well as the insecurities and poignancy of those young lives against the backdrop of the dying days of late Imperial Russia, World War I and the Russian Revolution. Helen Rappaport aims to present a new and challenging take on the story, drawing extensively on previously unseen or unpublished letters, diaries and archival sources, as well as private collections. It is a book that will surprise people, even aficionados.
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This book looks at the Romanov story by focusing on the 4 daughters. We get a look at their gilded cage and an idea of their personalities, as well as a bit about Alexandra. Engaging writing that I really enjoyed. This pulls from their letters and writings as well as other sources.

LeahBergen I have this waiting on my shelves. 👍 14mo
TrishB I enjoyed this one 👍🏻 14mo
MaureenMc I enjoyed this one, too. I‘m fascinated by all things Romanov. 14mo
Christine I‘ve wanted to try this one! Your review has me stacking. 14mo
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Images from google…
I have always been intrigued by the Romanov Sisters, their family and their fate 💔


Eggs Love this 🏰💗📚 - that perfect reflection! Perflection!!! (edited) 2y
lynneamch Yes. I also enjoyed 2y
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21st century Trish thinks there is no place in modern societies for monarchies.
Also 21st century Trish- endlessly fascinated by stories of monarchies 🤷‍♀️ go figure.
This one always end the same though 😢
A good read, thank you Victoria 😘

JillR @trishb you summed up my feelings perfectly! Also, I‘ve always had a fascination with the Romanovs in particular, adding this to list! 2y
TrishB @JillR it‘s weird isn‘t it! This was a good read - concentrating on the sisters. 2y
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LeahBergen Great review! I‘ll try to move it up the TBR. 😆 2y
Bookwomble I get your feeling, Trish. I wander around National Trust stately homes admiring the architecture and loving the artworks, while muttering about the exploitation and inequality which they were built upon. 2y
EvieBee I adored this one. Equally fascinated with monarchs. 2y
TrishB @LeahBergen 👍🏻 2y
TrishB @Bookwomble what would we do without the stately homes for a weekend visit and the very over priced shops we all love 😁 2y
TrishB @EvieBee 👍🏻 hard not to be! 2y
Cinfhen They are a fascinating bunch / so tragic 2y
Cinfhen Great review ♥️ 2y
Birdsong28 Glad you enjoyed it. 😀 2y
CarolynM I'm with you. No time for the aristocracy but fascinated by it nontheless? It's a "know thy enemy" thing. 2y
TrishB @Cinfhen very tragic 😢 2y
TrishB @Birdsong28 👍🏻😘 2y
TrishB @CarolynM that‘s a good way of putting it! 2y
Cathythoughts I like 21st century Trish , yes I can relate to these contradictions 😄 2y
TrishB @Cathythoughts it‘s just hard to let go of them! 2y
Centique I‘m just the same way! I think part of it is because there is so much more information left behind about royals and nobility from history - I wish for more information about the lives of the peasants and servants but there‘s not a lot. And I also have to read all the Romanov books… it‘s an addiction 😂😂 2y
TrishB Agree totally @Centique 2y
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Daughter goes back to uni later this week so this may be the last one for a while. Mine‘s the one on the right.

Emily92Bibliophile LOVED Four Sisters! 2y
rubyslippersreads I need to read this one. 2y
squirrelbrain Enjoy! 💚 2y
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BarbaraBB I‘ll miss those posts. You too I guess 😔 2y
LeahBergen Aww! Back to uni. ☹️ 2y
Cathythoughts Lovely posts of you and your girl ❤️ 2y
Cathythoughts I look forward to your thoughts on Four Sisters. I bailed on The Husbands... I wonder how Charlotte will find it ( it is Charlotte, isn‘t it !? (edited) 2y
TrishB @Emily92Bibliophile @rubyslippersreads it‘s good so far 👍🏻 2y
TrishB @BarbaraBB @LeahBergen there will definitely be something missing from the house ☹️ 2y
TrishB @Cathythoughts it is Charlotte 😁 and she didn‘t think much of it! She gave me a half hour summary when she finished which was basically that she thought the writing was very poor! 2y
Cathythoughts Charlotte is such a beautiful name 💫 I love it 2y
TrishB @Cathythoughts aww thank you ❤️ amazingly she had never shortened it either! 2y
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Just got done reading this book. It was really good!!!! It is really sad about what happened to these sisters.

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This book was interesting. I liked reading about these individuals however it was dry and mostly biographical which isn‘t a bad thing but it‘s just not my preferred reading genre. It was very factual and informative though.

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So I got this as a gift from a coworker for Christmas last year and I‘m so proud to only have 21 books left on this list to read. It‘s been up and down but it‘s still one of the most thoughtful gifts that I‘ve ever been given.

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From the tbr shelf!! 📚📚📚


OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚❤️ 5y
suvata Must get this 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @suvata I got it from Thriftbooks!! ❤️ 5y
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This book is as much about the Romanov sisters as it is about their immediate family. I don‘t think it‘s possible to tell their story any other way because the family is so tightly knit. And none of these young women ever had the chance to develop their own lives. It‘s a sympathetic look at the family with just enough history to give the Romanov family‘s circumstances context. The audiobook is also excellent.

Daisey Good review! This has been on my TBR for a while, but I just never seem to get to it. 5y
LauraJ @Daisey It had been on mine for a long time too. Glad I finally around to it. 5y
ValerieAndBooks Looks great! Stacking. 5y
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Audio-kitten-taming. Should I name her after one of the Romanov sisters? This vicious beast kicked the dog out of her own bed. #catsoflitsy

LeahBergen Tatiana? 😆 5y
Heideschrampf Maybe she's more of a rasputin? 5y
Leftcoastzen Tough little monkey! 5y
BookishTrish Anastasia? 5y
LauraJ @Heideschrampf Rasputina! Just like the cello band who were big in the 90's. Suits her. 5y
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I intended to just skim a bit of this one, but I‘m now 170 pages in.

rubyslippersreads This looks wonderful! 5y
LauraJ @rubyslippersreads It‘s heavy on the sisters‘ lives and light on politics so far. 5y
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1) Historical Fiction, Mysteries and Suspense
2) Classics and Retellings (Fairy Tales and Mythology)
3) Horror and Romance
4) Historical Fiction. I love period dramas.
5) I love J D Robb‘s Eve Dallas series, if it counts as romance as well as mystery
6) The tagged book...let me count the ways.
7) I am late to the party so anyone who would like to play.


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The Romanovs are one of those subjects that you know isn‘t going to end well. I picked this book up to learn more about the doomed sisters and ended up loving them a little too much and hoping for an ending I knew to be impossible. Excellent book, I‘ll be reading Rappaport‘s entire Romanov collection. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 (In order: Olga, Tatiana, Anastasia, Marie)

KarouBlue Rappaport is an incredible author and a wonderful historian! 5y
Susannah It‘s painful to get into a story like this one and wish that, by some magic, the doomed subjects might live. 5y
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Has anyone read this?? I read the first 27% of this roughly 500 page book in two sittings.

Rappaport pulls back the veil on the famously private Romanovs in a tender and engaging way. I felt slightly uncomfortable when I realized that Alexandra likely wouldn‘t want me to know these things, and simultaneously realized how effective the writing is. I‘m enamored with it.

(Full disclosure: I adore nonfiction and all things Russian history.)

BookNAround I am fascinated by the last tsar and his family. 5y
CouronneDhiver @BookishTrish ☝🏽 sounds like your jam 5y
BookishTrish @CouronneDhiver YES! I haven‘t read it yet, but this is my thing. 5y
OrangeMooseReads I have this one but haven‘t read it yet. I‘m a bit obsessed with the Romanovs and Russia as well. 5y
Crazeedi This looks good, I've read several on the Romanovs but not this one 5y
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So, if you're looking for details about the Romanov daughters, this book is for you. It came recommend by fans of Anastasia and those who might not have known about the musical or movie. This is a week written well researched book.

Read from: October 4th- December 30th

Writing 5/5
Research 5/5
Pacing 4.8/5 it is slow at some points
Overall: 14.84/ 15

Ravenclawsbookshelf Week should read well 6y
Crazeedi Want to read 6y
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Afternoon reading! Tagged: the book you can't see the name of on the cover. I'll be back with a Christmas book haul later today.

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It has been a while, but I want to get more active on this app. Tagged: the book you can't really see the title of.

ChristieWitch I have the Romanov Sisters book too! Have you read it yet? What did you think of it? 😊 6y
Ravenclawsbookshelf @ChristySevern Yes! I am on chapter 20. I love it. 6y
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Kind of a weird pick for #tenthavenuefreezeout, but here we are.

My reasoning was two fold. First off, Russia is cold af. I mean, I think so. I‘ve never actually experienced it myself. Secondly, Tsar Nicholas and his family were part of their own little freeze out when the tsar was overthrown by the bolsheviks.

And I guess you could add a third reason—sources say that Tsarina Alix of Hesse was one frigid lady. #winterwonderland

LauraJ Clever choice! 6y
Ruthiella My first thought was Russia is cold! Totally works for the prompt 😀 6y
Richryan52 I have to take issue with your characterization of the czarina. She was rather quiet and shy but totally devoted to her husband and children. She got a bad rap by comparison to her cosmopolitan mother-in-law, Maria Fedrovnova. 6y
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Reviewsbylola I don‘t disagree with that. But I definitely think she was known as icy. I think she was very misunderstood and desperate as well to help her ailing son. @Richryan52 6y
Richryan52 Shyness can often be interpreted as reserve 6y
Cinfhen Ha!! From Springsteen to the Romanov love it 💕🙌🏻 6y
TrishB Great post 👍🏻 6y
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Empress Alix of Hesse was the ultimate Ice Queen in my eyes, which would make her daughters the #iceprincess(es).

I had a fascination with the Romanovs as a young adult and read everything I could get my hands on. I think it was mostly due to the brutal way in which their lives ended, but also because there was a question for many years as to whether or not Anastasia survived, a possibility that I first became aware of on Unsolved Mysteries. ⬇️

Reviewsbylola This will shock none of you to know that UM was my very favorite show as a kid. I loved the idea that Anastasia had escaped and lived a full life. My interest deflated a bit when DNA proved that Anastasia did in fact die on that horrible night. #nofemmeber (edited) 6y
Birdsong28 Have you read any of Gill Paul? it's fiction but her last two have been on this subject one is 6y
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LeahBergen My fascination with the Romanovs took the same arc as yours. 😆 6y
Reviewsbylola No I have not. I think the only two fictional books I‘ve read about The Romanovs are The Kitchen Boy and the tagged book. I‘ll look into those! @Birdsong28 6y
Reviewsbylola Right?! 😂 @LeahBergen I would be into an in-depth non fic tho on the polish factory worker and how she came to impersonate Anastasia so convincingly. @LeahBergen 6y
Birdsong28 @Reviewsbylola Thanks for your suggestion 😀📚📖 6y
LeahBergen @Reviewsbylola Right? She didn‘t even look like Anastasia (I examined all the photos obsessively in those earlier bios 😂😂). I would definitely read a book about her! 👍🏻 6y
Billypar Oh man....an Unsolved Mysteries about the disappearance of Anastasia?! 😯😆 I loved that show, but sometimes they came out randomly with a very high profile mystery/conspiracy theory which was always weird. I remember they did one for Kurt Cobain's death possibly being murder, and even my child brain was like 'now that doesn't seem very plausible' 😋 6y
BiblioLitten I loved the book! 6y
Cinfhen I‘m pretty sure I saw a Disney film about Anastasia 😜 6y
Mdargusch Such a tragic story that I can‘t get enough of. 😢 6y
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Totally crushed it!

BookishGirl06 Wow congrats 🎉 6y
BeansPage Congrats sweetheart!!! 🧁✨🧨🎈🎉🎉🎉 6y
JoScho 💖🎉💖🎉💖 6y
CoverToCoverGirl 💃💃😊 6y
sprainedbrain That‘s awesome!! 6y
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#boozeandbooks Birthday edition

merelybookish Happy birthday! 🎉🎈🎉 6y
britt_brooke Happy birthday!! 6y
Jas16 Happy Birthday 🎈🎉🎂🎁 6y
Tanisha_A Happy happy birthday! 😀 6y
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...'no great revelations, scandals, or gossip', but I was consumed by the story of the Romanov sisters. This poignant read left me conflicted because, even though, I was constantly sympathising with the imperial family, my husband kept offering me anecdotes that countered my feelings.(Russian history is his forte)
Their tragedy lies in their innocence, as well as, their ignorance. #russia
Now, to watch the documentary mentioned by @Weaponxgirl

Weaponxgirl I would really like to read this! I‘ve only watched that series and it left me wanting to know more about them all. 6y
rubyslippersreads I need to move this up my TBR list. 6y
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These #Russia related books are all on my #TBR. Doesn't everyone (if they haven't already read it) have War & Peace on their "I'll read it one day" list? I've tried at least three times. #AugustIsATrip @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

Reecaspieces I have read War and Peace. Took me a long time. I had it on my Nook and read a little everyday. 6y
vkois88 I'd love to read the Romanov Sisters & I Was Anastasia... I've heard such good things about the second one 6y
MallenNC @vkois88 I had I was Anastasia from the library but had to turn it in before I got very far. What I read I liked, so I hope to get it back soon. 6y
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MallenNC @Reecaspieces That's what I need to do. It's just so daunting and I keep thinking of how many regular sized books I could finish in that time! 6y
vkois88 Good to know! I will continue the hunt for a copy!! 6y
Reecaspieces @MallenNC that‘s exactly the reason I did it that way. Too many good books out there. Lol 6y
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I love making connections like these. 😀
The King's Speech is one of my favourite movies. And of course I had to see how similar they ⬆ looked. #gladtogoogle #smallworld

Weaponxgirl I watched a documentary about the romanovs a while ago and they really weren't joking about how similar they both looked! 6y
readordierachel Wow, they really did look alike! 6y
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Couldn‘t do it. I thought this would peak my interest in learning more about Russian history but it just couldn‘t hold my attention. Super slow paced and just not as interesting as I would have hoped. Oh well, on to the next!

#audiobook #bailed #dnf #library #hardpass #mpls #twincities

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Agenda for the weekend
Sit and stare at a wall.
Read a book.
Sip chai, or eat cake. Whatever.
DO NOT enter the kitchen.
Lie down and take multiple naps.
Avoid people.
Give your baby a break.
Sing along to crappy music.

Leftcoastzen That sounds fantastic!👍😀 6y
Sace Avoiding people is always my go to plan. 6y
BiblioLitten @RestlessFickleBookHoarder I should have put that before anything else.😁 @Leftcoastzen 🙌😀 6y
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Going back in time with my next #blameitonlitsy read. 🕯📆🕦
Thank you for the book, @BookaholicNatty 💖
The pretty bookmark from @CouronneDhiver makes me so happy! 💖
I have been litsified! 😎
#Currentread #russia #jb

BookaholicNatty Yay!!!!! @BiblioLitten let me know how it is!!! Also I‘m sooo glad you apart of the #jb group!!! When I saw your name I was like yay!!!! 😁 6y
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I‘ve only just started reading this one, and I can‘t help but get a little teary-eyed at the beginning, reading the descriptions of “trunks and hampers ready for that last journey but never taken.” Everything in Alexander Palace left waiting. The sense of anticipation felt by visitors when the doors opened to the public....lots of mixed emotions already with this one.

lynneamch This was a fascinating read, knowing up front what the ending will be. Must also read 6y
MeganMarieWrites @lynneamch I finished I Was Anastasia just a few days ago; I absolutely loved it! Even knowing the ending, some small part of me was hopeful... 6y
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From left: Grand Duchesses Maria, Tatiana, Anastasia and Olga in 1914.
Hope to be able to read the account of these #famous , most photographed and talked about young royals of the early 20th century.

Reviewsbylola I am obsessed with the Romanovs. I don‘t think I‘ve read this one yet. 6y
sudi Stacked already, i loved researching the Romanov family and manytimes their relation to Rasputin. Lovely recommendation 😃 6y
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Cinfhen I‘ve stacked this before but your posting reminds me I want to read it❣️❣️ 6y
emilyhaldi I‘ve been meaning to read this for literally YEARS!!! 😅 6y
Mdargusch Yes! One of my favorite books! So tragic. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @sudi hope you‘ll get to read this soon 🙂 6y
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Been a while since one of my #audiobook library holds has come in! Excited for this one, I'm fascinated by the Romanov's. Anyone read it?

#libby #nonfiction

Reviewsbylola I have not but I‘m fascinated by them too and I own this I think. 6y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook Ooh looks good! 6y
LeahBergen It‘s waiting on my shelf. 👍🏻 6y
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youneverarrived I‘m interested in this one. Looking forward to seeing what you think 👍 6y
Skyler This one‘s great, but my favorite Romanov book will always be Robert Massie‘s Nicholas and Alexandra 6y
Mdargusch Yes! I love any book about this family! 6y
drbethandherkindle I have! It was SOOO interesting! And like @Mdargusch, I will read anything about them 6y
k.reads.5 I read this a few weeks ago and it was fantastic. 6y
swishandflick @Skyler Thanks for the rec!! 6y
swishandflick Good to hear, thank you!! @drbethandherkindle @Mdargusch @pl.2886 6y
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I‘ve forgotten who first brought this book to my attention, but I‘m enjoying the Russian history.

Christine11 I find Russian history so fascinating! 😊 6y
Laura317 @Christine11 I do, too. This book seems well researched. I recommend it. 6y
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“Yet a little knowledge of natural law and of history would demonstrate that a perfect woman, nobly planned is nature‘s crown, and a female sovereign has often been the salvation of a people denoting their era of greatest material and social progress.” 💁🏼‍♀️👑👍🏻

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The heartbreaking story of the downfall and murder of the Romanov family is an era that I often read about. It crushes me every time. I was happy to read a Gentleman in Moscow for a different look at that time period and because he escaped their fate. #SetinFaveEra #FillYourHeart #tearjerker #FallIntoBooks #AwesomeAutumnBooks #SeptemBowie

rubyslippersreads I'm fascinated by the Romanovs too. 7y
DrexEdit Stacked. I read A Gentleman in Moscow and it was delightful and charming which I loved, but a small part of my brain kept saying "this would never have happened!" just a tiny part of me unwilling to suspend disbelief, I guess. 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes I've read so much about them bc my grandfather's family was also caught up in all of that--apparently my great-grandfather was a high-ranking officer/aristocraty type person and in charge of the Tzar's yacht or something hilarious like that...less funny is how only he and one other family member made it out of that period of time and to America alive... 😥 7y
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Mdargusch Wow @Natasha.C.Barnes ! That's is amazing. So wonderful that he survived!!! 7y
Mdargusch @DrexEdit another great book about this period is one of my favorites Nicolas and Alexandra. 7y
Mdargusch Have you read Nicolas and Alexandra? @rubyslippersreads 7y
rubyslippersreads @Mdargusch Yes. That was what got me hooked. 😊 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @Mdargusch Yeah, lucky for us. But it was traumatic for him I'm sure because he refused to speak Russian after that, or really talk about his time there. So my grandfather was left with this history and culture that was so close to him but never passed down...which of course leads to some over-idealization, so it seems like he's just some American over-identifying with his distant ancestors....but it's so much closer to us than you might think. 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes So I've got a Russian name but culturally my family isn't Russian AT ALL. (Though by my generation that would pretty much have been true regardless...😆😭) 7y
Mdargusch I t would've made for fascinating conversations @Natasha.C.Barnes ! 7y
Mdargusch Me too @rubyslippersreads. My husband's grandmother gave me the book years ago and I've recommended it so many times since then. 7y
Mdargusch Since you read nonfiction @rubyslippersreads , one of my other favorites is 7y
emilyhaldi I almost took that Romanov sister book this past weekend! 😂 but then I remembered how big my tbr stacks are 😬 7y
DrexEdit @Mdargusch thank you for the suggestion. I'll check that one out too! 7y
Reviewsbylola Ugh the Romanov story was so sad. And I always wanted to believe that some of them escaped but sadly I don't think that's the case. Ariel Lawhon has a new book coming out based on Anna Anderson, the Anastasia imposter. 7y
Mdargusch I saw that you added that on GR @Reviewsbylola , I'm definitely going to read it. 7y
Mdargusch Someday @emilyhaldi 👍🏼😁 7y
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This was an incredibly well-researched and detailed book about the family life of the Romanovs before their untimely demise. The ending felt too abrupt even with the author's warning that she had already written an entire other book about that so she wasn't going to go into much detail here. Guess I'll be adding that one to the TBR now!

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4⭐️Took me 9 months to finish, but I am so glad I took my time on it. In all of my readings of the Romanovs, I still read information I had never learned. This book humanized them, and made them more lifelike than other books- it made it all the more tragic for such innocent girls' lives to be taken away so early. Please read this book (PS I know the Anastasia Movie and Broadway play aren't entirely realistic, but the revised story was excellent)

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Getting some quality train station reading in on my way home from work and I'm super excited to dive into this one! I went through a serious Anastasia phase as a kid so I'm looking forward to learning more real history about her and her family.

LeahBergen I went through that stage, too (and firmly believed she was alive until DNA evidence proved otherwise 😆). 7y
danimgill @LeahBergen Same!! Glad we weren't alone hahaha 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess I went through a reading stage with the family too. 7y
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Bklover I read this one- really enjoyed it! 7y
rubyslippersreads I've always been fascinated with the Romanovs. This looks great. 7y
Dogearedcopy LOL, A friend of mine went to great (and ludicrous) lengths to try and persuade all and sundry that *she* was "The Missing Princess!" ( This despite the fact that the ages for did not match up at all!) 7y
danimgill @Graciouswarriorprincess Yes, more of us! 😄 7y
danimgill @Bklover I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! I've heard good things all around so I'm excited about that 7y
danimgill @rubyslippersreads It does look great, I'd love to hear if you get around to reading it too! 7y
danimgill @Dogearedcopy omg that is hysterical! 😂 I hope you haven't let her hear the end of that hahaha 7y
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It is unusually cold in Costa Rica so I am snuggled in my bed with my kindle paperwhite

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My current read! It's been forever since I've read some non-fiction, and this has been on my TBR for ages so I thought it was time to give it a go. It's really interesting so far (only on page 27!) and it's such a tragic story!

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Much has been written about Russia‘s last imperial family, especially Nicholas and Alexandra but this well-researched book shed light on the hidden lives of the Tsar Nicholas II's daughters- Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia. This book focuses on the every day lives of the sisters, their sheltered lives, right up to their tragic death in 1918.
#backintheussr #rockinmay

Cinfhen Is this a dense read? I want to suggest it for book club?!? What do you think...can it be read in a month's time??? 7y
Cinfhen Oh 💩, I see it's on your TBR too! 7y
EvieBee I love this book so much! So readable! 7y
EvieBee @Cinfhen I love how readable it was; it'd be a great book club pick! 7y
Cinfhen Thanks @EvieBee84 😊 7y
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Wasn't sure if I'd be able to get into historical non-fiction but this book was incredibly compelling, fascinating, gut wrenching, and even suspenseful. We all know the ultimate fate of the Romanov family but this intimate portrait of the lives of the four girls still left me on the edge of my seat during the mounting unrest in Russia. If you have any interest in this genre or the Romanovs, this is a must read

tpixie Sounds good!! 7y
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Happy Valentine's Day from me & my favorite Reading Buddies 😁

8little_paws Oh my god so so cute!!! 7y
kylienoele So sweet!💞 7y
ReadingEnvy 😍😍😍 7y
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Merethebookgal Awww 😍 7y
kspenmoll Cuties! 7y
CherylDeFranceschi Happy Valentine's Day! 7y
KarenUK Lovely faces💕💕💕 7y
Laura317 Sweet pups! Happy Valentines Day to you! 7y
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He fell asleep cuddling with my book ❤

KarenUK Such a lovely face 💕 7y
Karkar ❤🐶❤📚❤ 7y
elkeOriginal Such a cutie 🐶💖 7y
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AmandaL 💕 7y
britt_brooke 💚💚💚 7y
JoeStalksBeck Awww❤❤❤ 7y
ApoptyGina69 I'm finding it VERY difficult to keep my eyes open as well! #sleepysunday 7y
Tanner Awwww, so cute! 7y
Bette 🐶💙 7y
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This is a very thorough and well researched biography of the four daughters of Nicholas and Alexandra. I can't say it's a pick as I put it aside for a long time before deciding to finish it this weekend.

lynneamch I did enjoy it. But, it is dense with historical details that made me feel like I was slogging through at times. If you like this kind of thing, it is rich with incredible research. 7y
Dragon Thanks @lynneamch very well said. Perhaps there were too many little details for me. I also felt so sad for those doomed young women. The closer the end came the harder it was to read. 7y
lynneamch True. I think it will some time (if ever) that I'll be ready to read 7y
Dragon Thanks @lynneamch I didn't know about The Last Days. Not sure I can read it. But I'm adding it to my tbr just incase. 7y
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My "to read" shelf, and it's time to start a new book. What's your vote?

MicheleinPhilly Bird Box or Everything I Never Told You. 7y
MatildaBaggins Neverwhere 💜 7y
Soubhiville You've got some good ones there! Neverwhere or the Storyteller. 7y
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read.run.travel Everything I Never Told You! 💙 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Oooo! History of Love!! Bird Box is scary as hell, if youre in the mood for that! You have some great stuff to choose from 7y
MPL Bird Box! 7y
monkeygirlsmama Bird Box 7y
ReadingEnvy Oh man Savage Harvest was part of the four months I spent reading about PNG in 2015 and it is crazy, i mean he basically solves what happened to Michael Rockefeller! 7y
LeahBergen @ReadingEnvy Savage Harvest was so good! 👍🏼 7y
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Score! I've been wanting to read this since it came out. Just picked it up on Kindle for $2.99!