Reading this for #witmonth #womenintranslation. It's anarchic and crass and immensely readable
Reading this for #witmonth #womenintranslation. It's anarchic and crass and immensely readable
Current #womenintranslation pick. Light hearted but occasionally kind of vulgar. Love this cover though!
Latest audiobook. Not convinced by the narrator, something about the way he reads doesn't quite sit right for me. But loving the story so far & this cover is gorgeous!
Next up on my Kindle. Heard lots of good things about this book
This book freaked me out! It's odd and disturbing and also quite baffling, but definitely compelling! #womenintranslation
Eye opening & heart breaking. I can only read in small doses. #womenintranslation
Truly excellent coming of age story, which takes on gender, race, class and colonialism. Read for Book Riot #readharder colonial literature task & highly recommend.
True crime pick for the #readharder challenge. Not really my genre of choice so hope it doesn't give me nightmares!
My pick for the Book Riot read harder colonial literature challenge. Loving it so far.
Rebecca Solnit is such an intelligent writer. Lunch & feminism for the win!
Look what arrived today! My goodreads giveaway prize :-)
Book mail! I don't really know anything much about this book but doesn't it sound great? And what a beautiful cover too!
Drinking tea from my wonder woman mug feels like the right thing to do today
Need some escapism today!
I might be a bit in love with Captain Marvel
Finding this audiobook inspiring today!
I don't read much YA but this is blurbed as being "thrilling, suspenseful and gloriously feminist" which sounds promising :-)
Emotions cannot be fictive. If I am afraid or joyous when I dream or when I read a book or when I am inventing people and their stories in my novels, the love and fear I feel is real even though the characters are not. This is the truth of fiction.
Why do we treat the fleeting day
with so much needless fear and sorrow?
It's in its nature not to stay:
Today is always gone tomorrow.
The best works of art are never innocuous: they alter the viewer's perceptual predictions. It is only when the patterns of our vision are disrupted that we truly pay attention and must ask ourselves what we are looking at.
Really looking forward to reading this essay collection
3 books for £1 in the charity shop today! Especially excited by the Hermann Hesse find!
Continuing with all things Russian - next up is The Master & Margarita.
This was a good, old fashioned mystery. Macabre, amusing and very Russian!
Just starting this. Should be an interesting read!
This is my last read for the book riot read harder challenge. The task is to read a food memoir. I have a feeling this is going to be a slightly uncomfortable read! #bookriot #readharder
The writing in this book is just amazing. I am reading slowly because I just keep wanting to read sentences and descriptions again because they are just so perfect! Mind you, I will never be able to think of squid the same way again! ( if you've read the book, you know what I mean ;-))
Reading this crime thriller for #germanlit month. I am pretty sure I will never look at geocaching in the same way again!
November is #germanlit month. Pulled some books from my shelf & deciding what to read! I think a reread of Narziss and Goldmund is well overdue. I read it aged 15 & remember thinking it the most profound book ever. I wonder if I still will, 25 years later?!?
Made it past the halfway point! #lesmiserables #ilikebigbooks
Today's charity shop finds! Romola is described as Eliot's "most profound and utopian vision of the position of women". How have I never come across this?! #readwomen
£6.85 for all these! I love charity shops :-). I am so taken with this Persephone books edition of Dorothy Whipple - it looks & feels gorgeous! Must seek out more from this publisher. #persephonebooks
Listening to Juliet Stevenson read Virginia Woolf, while doing a little cross stitch. A blissful way to pass the time!
excited to be starting this book, described as a "feminist road trip". Yay!
Here goes!
Dystopia with a touch of the absurd. I think Basma Abdel Aziz is an author to watch. #womenintranslation
Fun, feel-good sci- fi. Audio was good too.