This one is making my heart hurt.
My first audiobook of 2019 was really good. I mean look at that cover. Plus dragons 🐉 #audiobook #dragons #ya #ireadya
Trying to finish these two by the end of the year. #endofyearreadingcrunch #amreading
I have 3 boys. Seen here waiting for their morning bite of my husband‘s banana 🍌. From l to r Big Satch, Mojie, and RileyRiles. #dogsoflitsy
Christmas night reading with my partner in crime. #mojiemoje My hubs got the Christmas plague and has been in bed all day so we had to postpone our celebrations.
Enjoying a little quiet time with my book and fuzzy blanket this morning. 😍
This is what happens when I get stressed! #bookhaul #noselfcontrol #ya #iloveya.
And just like that my favorite series is over. Tears were shed. Lots and lots of tears.
I hope my heart is ready for this! #kingdomofash #SJM #saturdaynight #amreading
Continuing my attack of the ToB longlist with this one. Enjoying the audio. #tob #audiobook #currentlylistening #tournamentofbooks
Spending NYD with puppy snuggles and old friends.
Favorite Christmas present. #reader #ofcourseitsabook
Saturday night fun. #amreading #toblonglist #christmastree
This book is an absolutely amazing work of art. #coverlove #grishaverse #yalit #fairytales
The #tob #longlist has been announced. These are some that I have but haven‘t read. Which one should I read first? #tournamentofbooks2018 #botm #tbr
Visiting with some old friends tonight. #GrishaVerse #YA #YaLit
I confess I bought this book solely based on the cover. #coverlove but I ended up really enjoying it and it‘s a stand-alone!
Started the audiobook this morning. Less than an hour in and I‘m already feeling pretty uncomfortable.
Let‘s just take a moment to observe the beauty of this cover. #coverlove
Continuing my #LitsyPartyofOne with some audio tonight.
Somebody wants to join my #LitsyPartyofOne #dogsoflitsy
Kicking off my #LitsyPartyofOne in style. So excited for this book. #YA #YAlit
This is turning out to be the perfect #HalloweenRead. #ya #yalover
Thinking of giving this a try. Still have to do some research but does anybody have any Whole30 experience to share with me?
My husband and I don't read much of the same stuff but when we do this happens. 🙄😮#doublepreorders #oops #sagacomics #graphicnovels
I've been in a bit of a reading slump. I didn't pick this one for my #botm but everyone seems to like it so I got it for my kindle. Have you read this one yet? Any other good slump buster suggestions?
Time to find out #wtfthatending is all about. #currentlyreading
Husband: why are you ordering books from England?
Me: because they aren't released yet in the US. Husband: oh so you've read all the US releases? Me: totally not the point. 😂🙄😮
Started this audio today. Pretty good so far. Made my cardio go by quickly.
I'm a huge Mira Grant fan so I'm excited to read this novella. #currentlyreading #ebook #novella
Made some progress today. #audiopuzzling
#litsypartyofone In bed with my snuggle buddy.