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The count of Monte Christo
The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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Can't wait to dive in... 😉👏

Bklover This is such a good book. I loved it! 4y
thevagabondlawyer @Bklover Yes, so good this book I am in awe. 4y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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A genuine epic on revenge and humanity. Outstanding story telling that is still as accessible and enjoyably readable today as it always has been. This is a classic for a reason.

The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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1) Jane Eyre and The Count of Monte Christo.
2) Red Queen
3) I'm decent at French and I know a few phrases in Russian and Spanish.
4) Power Rangers, Angry Beavers, Rugrats, Keenan and Kell...I watched a lot of TV as a kid lol
@alisonrose #sundaysurvey

alisonrose Thanks for playing!! 6y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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Film and stage versions make this into a #swashbuckler, but it‘s really about using one‘s brains to ensnare people through their own character flaws to enact revenge. #oldcoolbooks @Linsy

Linsy Oooh, I NEED to read this! I‘ve meant to ever since I fell for the movie. Good to know! 6y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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JamieArc I started this today (with a lot of fear and trepidation!). 6y
GripLitGrl @JamieArc it's a good book worth a read👍 hope you enjoy it! 6y
Swe_Eva This is one of my all-time favorites. Very long, of course, but a surprisingly fast read. 6y
eeclayton @Swe_Eva I think so too :) 6y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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I love a #chunky book. For me, they are the perfect holiday/vacation book, or just whenever I have the time to immerse myself completely into their worlds and read until I can't read anymore. 📚


minkyb Pretty photo! 7y
Cinfhen Gorgeous photo!!! I forgot you love a #chunky❣️❣️❣️ 7y
Kalalalatja @minkyb thanks! @Cinfhen when I have the time for them, I do! I hate when a book is taking me weeks to finish because I‘m only able to read a chapter or two a day. 7y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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I‘ve have not read this yet but this face made think of this #👹 for #emojinov today. I think it‘s the redness.

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Good book! One of the few classics that‘s worth it! 7y
Ash.on.the.line @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled good to know! It‘s on my tbr for sure! 7y
BarbaraBB Haha it does! 7y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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- I *think* The Count of Monte Cristo (also my favorite book). Goodreads said The Stand but I think my paperback was a shade shorter than Count.
- It really depends. In average I read books that are about 300-400 pages but if I read a whole longer book it's probably awesome because I have no qualms about DNFing.
- Hazlenut creamer in a breakfast blend or iced coffee from DD or McDonald's
- ... coffee
- Always loved it

The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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My bookhaul from my bookstores VIP event where all full price books were 25% off. I may have gotten more than I should have...

Maike But what a great haul! 😉 7y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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Thanks @Kalalalatja for tagging me for posting my #FiveStarPredictions. I expect much of these five and hope I'll get to them soon.

I'll tagging some other littens, I am sorry if you have been tagged already. Then just ignore me! @AudreyMorris @Billypar @jhod @andrew61 @Cathythoughts

jhod Thanks! I need to think about this and will post when I have. But Olive Ketteridge is definitely on my list - 78 pages in and it is book of my holiday so far...! 7y
BarbaraBB @jhod Really? I loved both her last books and am really looking forward to this one! 7y
jhod Is my first, but won't be my last! 7y
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Kalalalatja I loved the bottom two! 👏👏 7y
BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja good to know! 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Homegoing deserves it! 7y
Redheadrambles Homegoing made my five star list last year so hopefully you enjoy it 7y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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Today is #bookloversday!! So, here's a part of my rearranged shelf to celebrate! 💙

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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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It's very good, but I seem to have been reading this FOREVER .... revenge is a dish best served very, very cold. #rorygilmorereadinglist #frenchliterature #Dumas #classics #doorstops

Bambolina_81 I have this chunkster waiting on my nightstand for when I finish Les Miserables 🤣 7y
kirriemummy Les Miserables has more diversions than British roadworks!!!! 7y
Bambolina_81 @kirriemummy So I've noticed! I'm still learning about the priest's barn layout 😂 7y
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kirriemummy The bit I loved was where most people would write 'This is thernadier. He used to be a soldier. Now, back to my story', Victor Hugo wrote a complete history of the Napoleonic wars.... 7y
tpixie @Bambolina_81 lol 😂 7y
kirriemummy Still kicking it in Paris with the count ... #willthisbookeverend 7y
kirriemummy Still reading. Many years have passed. I have skipped to the end by watching the film. Thoughts: jim cavesiel:Yep. Guy Richie's hair is better than his accent. Mercedie 7y
kirriemummy Mercedes even: curiously ageless and robbed of any personality whatsoever. Dauntless, I shall carry on with the book. 7y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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Finished Anna Karenina last and finally decided my next big challenge book.You know it's going to be a long haul when, after finishing the first issue, it still says you are 0% through the book. #bigbooks17

Reviewsbylola I will say a prayer for you. 😂 7y
Notmacaroniandcheese @Reviewsbylola Haha! Thank you! I might need it! Though from what I can tell it doesn't look to be as bad as Anna Karenina! 7y
Reviewsbylola It doesn't sound like it but I've never read it, so I can't say for sure! 7y
Verity I've read a couple of Dumas' others and they've been a lot of fun even if long. 7y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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So technically my Carrie Fisher book is a #bookface but I already posted about that today so I chose this book for #riotgrams! I read a simplified version of this book when I was about 12-13 and I really wanted to check out the whole unabridged version, but it does look daunting!

Amanda.T I've been really wanting to read this one lately. 7y
DGRachel I love Dumas and read this one about 20 years ago. Really good. 7y
Kalalalatja It is a long book, but it is so worth it! 7y
hlgreenfield @DGRachel @Kalalalatja guess I'll have to give it a chance soon. I remember really enjoying the abridged version, but I'm sure the unabridged one must be better! Quite the endeavour though! 😃 7y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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such a beautiful edition of my favorite book ever

bluegreenmarina yay I convinced my husband I need another copy of this 8y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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Set in early 1800s France, The Count of Monte Christo is a tale of love, adventure, and revenge, with wide array of characters, including some Italian bandits. I enjoyed it, and would recommend, especially if you like classic lit.

Currer I read this book in 9th grade and I couldn't believe that the rest of my class didn't love it as much as I did. There was mystery and romance and murder and revenge. It was amazing!! I just wish that I can find an unabridged version. 8y
anneofgreentables @Currer I know, right? I wish I could read it in the original French, but my French abilities aren't that good. 8y
Currer Lol!! Same here @CrazyLibraryGirl !!!! It would be cool to know every language in thr world then you can just pick up any book and read:) 8y
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The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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Ahh, it's great to delve back into a swashbuckling adventure story!

The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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My dad's copy of his favourite book. He died five years ago and reading his books always makes me feel close to him. I often find 19th century literature too dense for my modern reading tastes, but I know this is a ripping yarn full of adventure and intrigue to keep me reading!

The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas
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Books and flowers ❤️

The count of Monte Christo | Alexandre Dumas

"All human wisdom is contained in these two words - 'Wait and Hope.'"

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