In a whole series about pushing back, this one is the most about that drive. It takes a lot to believe that good things can happen to you and that good things can happen for us all. It's work. Gotta keep going.
In a whole series about pushing back, this one is the most about that drive. It takes a lot to believe that good things can happen to you and that good things can happen for us all. It's work. Gotta keep going.
I almost never read romance series in order (unless I am following along publication) and Free is such an interesting turn as a lead in this series. Every other lead has been defending themselves, bearing up under some wound (and they have all been great). Free, initially, feels very different and I've realized it's partially because she has a grown up in a world molded by those women from the earlier books. Not to say Free hasn't always been[...]
I wanted some positivity in my life, and this book more than delivered. The characters have been through hard times, but they work through them and come out the other side. Courtney Milan is the queen of emotional catharsis, and I'm sorry I'm almost done with the series.
I'm disappointed that the cover shows a gown rather than the more radical dress that Free is described as wearing when Edward first meets her.
A suffragette and a forger/blacksmith/viscount stop several nefarious plots, fall in love, and have to figure out how to live together. This one had an interesting flow that I don't often see in these kinds of books. I like when it doesn't just end with the couple getting married.
I‘ve spent the past week or so gobbling up The Brothers Sinister series and this was by far my favorite. We get Frederick “Free” all grown up and fighting the good suffragette fight, running a woman‘s newspaper, living out loud and then this wonderful, broken man comes along and they fall in admiration and love and there‘s lesbian subplot that made me cheer and I‘m going to have to spend real American dollars to have this in my collection. Cont‘d
I've really enjoyed this series and my introduction to Courtney Milan's writing. Her historical romance is different from most historical romance I've read in the past, and I loved it. Everyone is a full and complex character, and the storylines have great twists and turns. I'd definitely recommend anyone else interested in reading Courtney Milan's books to start with The Brothers Sinister Series. I've really enjoyed it.
Loved this final book (I still have one novella!) of the Brothers Sinister series! Free is feisty (when are Milan's heroines not?) and the banter is wonderful. And once again Courtney Milan writes a grown-up romance where the protagonists actually talk to each other.
I listened to Whoa!mance's podcast about this book & it got me excited to read the 4th book in the series! Thank goodness because I had skimmed through book 3 in boredom.
“Do you love men with damage? Do you love women with gumption? This book is for you! Let me tell you what Free is Victorian England's His Girl Friday and Morgan and Isabeau freaking love it!!!“
A reread of a favorite #romantsy
I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of not having one disappointment in a series--other than Kate Clayborn's Luck series. Still, not all of those are gushing 5 stars. For the main novels in Brothers Sinister, they are. And as I've said, don't ask me to pick.
Full review,: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17343236-the-suffragette-scandal?from_search...
I just read this in October and I'd already forgotten how funny it is.
Soooooo delightful, probably my fave Milan so far. Huzzah! Suffragettes! And sneaky scoundrels!
#romance #historicalromance #feministromance
Fun and easy read. I liked the hero and the heroine. The plot demands a little suspension of belief and there are one or two longish plot detours when as a reader I would have stayed in the character's relationship mode. But this is a fun romp in an slightly AU Victorian romance. Bonus we get a gloat scene ala Leverage near the end. #romantsy
What to say... I loved our hero and heroine and though I wasn't *quite* as drawn into their story as the last two Brothers Sinister books, it was still an amazing addition to the series. I was completely glued the last hundred pages.
Courtney Milan, how do you always sneak up on me like this? I started out thinking "this will be okayyyyy" but by the halfway point I realize I am so invested and this literally happens with every Brothers Sinister book.
Milan is a new-to-me author discovered just this year and I'm so addicted already.
This series is beyond adorable and charming! A great cast of characters, witty banter, women who are strong willed. Many of the sub plots feature gay and lesbian characters which I adored. And the final novella, featured a black heroine. I love seeing representation in romance. Could not recommend this series enough! #romantsy
Well clearly Courtney Milan can do no wrong in my book; obviously I loved this last installment of the series. Frederica "Free" was an amazing feminist character and I loved how she was bad-ass and tough and smart but also sometimes afraid. I also loved the cameos of all the beloved characters from previous books, especially how Robert got to be the big brother to Free that he'd always wanted to be. Also, adorable lesbian subplot!! #Romantsy
Aha, is that a lesbian subplot I see in the making? I was hoping that one of these suffragettes was going to be a sapphic lady. Of course, Courtney Milan does not disappoint. In fact, now that I think about it, there have been minor queer characters all along this series (Minnie's aunts in the first book, Jane's friend in the second book, and in this last book Patrick and the Baron's "friendship" and Amanda the suffragette). #Romantsy
When I‘m too tired on a Sunday to read, I can always count on reading a romance novel. I‘m not too tired for that! 😅
This book was great! I really enjoyed the story and didn‘t want to put it down. A great end to this “series”. I‘m glad I saw someone reading it on Litsy to remind me that there was still one more to read! (I forget who!)
Every book in the Brothers Sinister series is about people whose circumstances seem to demand they change who they are or lose the person they love, because that's how the world WORKS.
But every time--and this is maybe a spoiler, but it's a totally guessable and uplifting one--they reject that paradigm and instead demand the world change to suit them.
And, most importantly, their beloved supports them in this. I love it awfully much.
Turns out it's kinda hard to read and eat mussels at the same time, but I muddled on through.
Another one that's been waiting to be read for far too long. So many friends have raved about this series. #suffragettecity #septembowie #romantsy
A #romantsy with a suffragette heroine. Love Courtney Milan and loved this series. #suffragettecity #septembowie
Getting out of the sun for a bit and doing some reading lol 📖 #romance #JuneBooks
A week ago I posted that I was reading my first Courtney Milan. Now I've read four novels and a novella, so I guess we can safely say I enjoy her writing lol. Dance exams are done now so as my stress levels calm I think I can slow down on the voracious consuming of light entertainment. I do sorta feel like I just did the literary equivalent of eating mini wheats for dinner. No regrets though cause, I mean, mini wheats are delicious.
Had to stop reading partway through a chapter last night cause my battery died. This doesn't happen with a paper book! Good thing I'm near the start of this book so it wasn't too bad.
These days I rarely buy books that I haven't read yet. The exception is romance, which I buy for my e-reader. My only true #autobuyauthor is Courtney Milan, in the very literal sense that I will pre-order anything she has coming up as soon as she announces that it's available. My e-reader library has several pages that are only her books. #marchintoreading #romantsy
Free is the heroine I recommend when I get people who say romance isn't feminist
Milan's historicals shatter the stereotype that romance novels are nothing but mindless fluff and "lady porn." Frederica "Free" Marshall is an unforgettable protagonist, sticking her neck out for beliefs that, in society's eyes at the time, rendered a woman an unnatural radical. Of course there's a love story with a HEA, but it's surrounded by politics and social issues, which makes it an intriguing read. #politics #romantsy #feminism
I am getting into these books after all. I don't see them as historically accurate butthey're fun.
I'm a big nerd who is picking out a pantsuit to wear for Election Day. I'm leaning towards the light one, even though it's out of season, because I read that Hillary wore a white pantsuit at the third debate as a nod to the suffragettes who wore white. And now I'm off to iron a white blouse...for feminism 🤓
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I need more heroines like Free in my life and catching up with the other Brothers Sinister was the cherry on top of this book.
Finally starting this bad boy 😍😍😍 #sundayreads #favoriteauthor
Starting this tonight. Decided to chuck my planned TBR for July and wing it for a month.