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The Kitchen
The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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In Hells Kitchen in the 1970s, married women have their place-and it isnt out on the streets collecting loan shark payments for the Irish mob. But when their gangster husbands get sent up the river, prison widows Kath, Raven and Angie cant see any other way to make a living-and, as it turns out, theyre pretty damned good at the job. So good, in fact, that they start attracting attention from the big leagues. As the trio expands their operation and consolidates their grip on Manhattans west side, a sit-down with the mafia higher-ups is inevitable. If they play their cards right, the city could be their oyster-as long as all the bodies theyve left in their wake stay buried. Collecting the seven-issue VERTIGO miniseries by the acclaimed creative team of Ollie Masters, Ming Doyle and Jordie Bellaire, THE KITCHEN opens a cracked and sooty window onto a bygone era of New York City and the hardscrabble ambitions that fueled its rise.
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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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I really enjoyed the book. I wanted a good, quick, gangsta book with interesting female characters and I got it.

The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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I liked this one. Set in the 1970s, three Irish mob wives take over their husbands‘ jobs after they are locked up. As with most mob stories, there is quite a bit of violence. I‘m not 100% sure how I feel about the ending. I have the movie on hold at my library. #graphicnovel2019

Read in November.

vivastory Sounds intriguing. Hope you had a good Xmas! 🎄📚 5y
Bookzombie @vivastory I did! I hope you did too! 5y
Reggie Ooooh ambivalence. You make me curious also! 5y
Bookzombie @Reggie Lol! I always enjoy hearing what you think. 5y
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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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Lots of mob violence and each character has a potentially interesting storyline, but each time the story starts to develop any depth, it just turns into an excuse to whack one more character.

The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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I like a good mob story, and this did not disappoint. The Kitchen is a well written, bleak and bloody look at Irish mob life in Hell's Kitchen in the 1970s. When Kath, Raven, and Angie's loan shark husbands get sent to prison, they take over the protection and collection racket, and they are very good at what they do. Soon they catch the attention of the mafia. Their fate, and that of Hell's Kitchen hangs in the ballance.

Cortg Stacked! Sounds like a fun read! 5y
LibrarianRyan The movie was really good. 5y
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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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Back in print!

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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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Coming to theaters this fall starring Melissa McCarthy, Elisabeth Moss, and Tiffany Haddish!

The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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I passed seven hours while I read my daily Genji and started THE KITCHEN over a bowl of lobster bisque. Turns out the Robbie Burns dinner is more of a Robbie Burns snacks, so I needed something to tide me over. #24in48

The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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Imagine my surprise walking home to my apartment after doing some errands yesterday to see a full film crew on my block and this 70‘s era bus! They were filming an upcoming movie adaptation of the tagged book feet from my apartment! Shoots happen a lot in #NYC but not typically in the part of #Brooklyn where I live...aside from the occasional shoot for “Blue Bloods”. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️

wanderinglynn Very cool! 6y
CouronneDhiver 👍🏽 They filmed some bits of a movie called “Silent Hill” in my old town years ago.... we all ran out to see it but all the hullabaloo only amounted to one scene. Lol Still cool though 6y
Megabooks Awesome!! 6y
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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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A GIANT EXCITING UPDATE on the film adaptation being made right now of comic book

A while ago I reported to you guys that Melissa McCarthy was going to star in it (and I just about lost my MIND at that news), but I just learned that Tiffany Haddish is going to be in it too!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS GONNA BE SO GOOD GUYS IM SO EXCITED I encourage you to read this now!!


queerbookreader Oh also just found in another article that Elisabeth Moss is going to be the third woman in it!! Idk who that is I think she does The Handmaid's Tale but anyways it'll be gritty I'm excited 6y
Eyelit Holy crap - that‘s awesome! 6y
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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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A great concept but the whole thing feels slightly undercooked. We never develop a good sense of the characters as individuals, and so the inherent drama of 3 housewives becoming fully fledged gangsters after their husbands are incarcerated, is kind of lost.

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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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Saturday evening : Into the criminal escapades of the wives of the Irish mob in 1970s Hell's Kitchen.
Hell yeah!

The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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Great art, but a flash through their crime career made it hard to root for or jeer anyone.

The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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Character-based gritty crime fiction set in NYC in the 70s, an era brought to life by the excellent art in this 8-issue series collected into one graphic novel. The criminal underworld is a hostile work environment for women but Kath, Raven and Angie step into their jailed husbands‘ Irish mob-boss shoes with their guns close at hand. Suspense, much violence, and a #bisexual side plot.

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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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I‘m already listening to an audiobook set in 1970s Ireland that begins with a brutal murder. Am I ready for a comic about Irish mob women in 1970s NYC? I will soon find out because I‘m going in.

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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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Actually I'm really confused as to how they plan to make this because Melissa is very comedy and I love her for that!!!! But this comic was super dark. Ya know. Mobster shit. Different from the Italian mob, but still. The Irish mob was super violent too. So like. Is she good at scary drama? Or will this be turned into a comedy thriller? So many questions!!!! We'll have to see!! Great comic anyways

Eyelit Interesting! I think she has done drama in the past - but def smaller roles. Wasn‘t she in The Nine? I remember that being a bit dark... but it‘s been forever since I‘ve seen that so I could be misremembering. 7y
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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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Liked but didn‘t love this book. The art was amazing, though, and I‘d loooove a large print of this panel to hang above my bed as a headboard.

The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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The ~main~ reason why I wanted to go to this way outta town library near the county border is because of these two comics. One set in the 70s about women who take over the Irish mob, one about a girl with green hair (I guess?). Yay weird comics

AmandaL I'm curious to see what you think of Snotgirl. 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai I read the first few issues of Snot Girl. It was...intersting? 🤣 I liked it though. 👍 7y
queerbookreader @AmandaL Just read it and I liked it! Definitely weird @GrilledCheeseSamurai but I had zero expectations walking into it so there wasn't much room to be disappointed. Basically is a fashion blogger who meets a spooky person? And she has terrible allergies and every character in the book are kind of terrible people 7y
queerbookreader @AmandaL The colors are gorgeous tho so I recommend just for all the pretty pictures 😍 7y
AmandaL @queerbookreader Yes, I liked it for the art most of all. 7y
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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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I have not been reading much lately as my life is total chaos. I‘m about 225 pages into the Goblet of Fire, so I‘m a bit behind on my Harry Potter reading. Buuuuuut.... my excuse is I‘ve been working A LOT, I‘ve been helping plan my sis-in-law‘s wedding, and bachelorette party AND I‘ve been repainting and moving into a house. It‘s been insanity. But here‘s a picture of the finished kitchen!

Bookzombie Your kitchen is so cute!!! 7y
TheresaGivan @Bookzombie Thank you! I‘m very very happy with how it turned out. I‘ve never gotten to decorate my own place as I‘ve either lived with my parents or rented. I keep walking into the kitchen just to admire our handiwork. 😆 (edited) 7y
Rachellynnwright This kitchen is absolutely adorable! Love the color combo- good work!! I‘m jealous :) 7y
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JacqMac Love the blue! 7y
RebelReader Love the hardware! 7y
Wife So nice! 😍💙💙💙 7y
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The Kitchen | Ollie Masters
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Pretty decent mob story about three wives taking center stage when their husbands are locked up. You've got your usual twists and betrayals - and it was interesting to see how the three women changed through the course of events.

Eyelit @thequeerspiderwoman you asked me to tag. I'd recommend. 7y
queerbookreader I love it thank you for tagging me 7y
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