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Written on the Body
Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
A combined love story and philosophical meditation on the body as a physical phenomenon thrusts the reader into the life of a married woman and her erotic relationship with an unidentified lover who narrates the story
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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I called Winterson a genius earlier, which she may well be, but I'm clearly not. Got to page 47, but it was by pushing myself hard. The writing is very good, but I'm not connecting with the narrator. Got to listen to the heavy feeling in my gut (why should a book cause that? 🤔), pass on this and maybe dip into that library pile.
Alice Coltrane still delivered, though 😊

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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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“Poor me. There's nothing so sweet as wallowing in it is there? Wallowing is sex for depressives.”

Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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27th August is the birthday of both Alice Coltrane (1937) and Jeanette Winterson (1959), and as this book was already near the snow-capped summit of Mount TBR, it seemed appropriate to go with the flow of this confluence of awesome female genius, so here I am again, ignoring my library books in favour of my own stacks!

Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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I am not smart enough for most of this. There were pages (many, some in a row) I did not understand. But what I did was gorgeous. I love how groundbreaking it was, to have a main character with no gender before non-binary was commonly used vernacular.
It is interesting how Wintson wove past and present and the relationships of the main.

monalyisha I remember LOVING this. But I also read it for an English undergrad course (the class was “Beauty & Desire in American Novels”), so I‘m sure that was helpful when processing. 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures @monalyisha oh that would be fascinating! I am sure me reading it along on my couch is not doing it justice at all. 2y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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The front door to my house has this window that throws pretty light prisms and sometimes when I am reading on the couch it is beautifully distracting.

ju.ca.no Lovely! 2y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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I don't think I am smart enough for this book. But this quote made me smile -

"I had bought a new flat to start again from a nasty love affair that had given me the clap. Nothing wrong with my organs, this was emotional clap. I had to keep my heart to myself in case I infected somebody."

Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Take love poetry that is passionate and desperate, mold it into a novel, and you have Written on the Body. The result isn't exactly romantic. Love is under a microscope in some ways: we witness the main character's obsession in a new light, not even knowing their gender. This choice distinguished it from any other love story I've seen, removing the distraction of male-female or female-female dynamics. It's daring, uncomfortable, brilliant stuff.

Nute Excellent review! Love that bit...”take love poetry...mold it into a novel.” 3y
Liz_M Gorgeous picture, worthy of the book! 3y
Billypar @Nute Thanks! It's a tough book to describe the reading experience, but I really enjoyed its originality. 3y
Billypar @Liz_M Thanks! I felt like it needed to be a little dramatic 🙂 3y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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My fiancee surprised me with a 'just because' book--like was by a bookshop and looked up my Goodreads TBR and found this one I recently added. Not sure what I did to deserve this! ☺❤@kindalim

DrSabrinaMoldenReads Just being YOU 4y
BarbaraBB That is wonderful! 4y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Portions of this book were incredible, but I can‘t help feeling that either something was missing in the execution somewhere, or that perhaps I simply don‘t fully relate to Winterson‘s depiction of the kaleidoscopic complexity of love. The section that enumerated different tissues and cells also felt out of place to me. Nevertheless, rating Pick for ambition and many exquisite and highly quotable passages.

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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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JustJill1963 Loved this book so very much. 6y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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readordierachel OK. I need to go out and get this book right now. 6y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Moving and emotional story of love and loss... definitely not one to read if you‘ve recently lost someone. Told through reminisces of relationships past, and the one that was just right and you lost.... and can you go back and right the wrongs, even as everything reminds you of what you‘ve lost.


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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Weaponxgirl I love Jeanette winterson but haven't got around to this one yet. It's a great cover too 6y
ephemeralwaltz @Weaponxgirl it was my first! What do you recommend next? 6y
Weaponxgirl @ephemeralwaltz I really liked sexing the cherry I think it's one of her earlier ones. Oranges are not the only fruit is semi autobiographical and heart wrenching too. 6y
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ephemeralwaltz @Weaponxgirl awesome, thanks! I'm also interested in 6y
Weaponxgirl That's a really good one too! She's an author I will always give a try to and I tend to keep her novels after I've read them. 6y
Andrew65 @Weaponxgirl saw a tv production of Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit and I agree about being heart wrenching. 6y
Weaponxgirl @Andrew65 I haven't seen it., but will now keep an eye open for it. 6y
Andrew65 @Weaponxgirl It was many years ago. 6y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Poetry is not really my bag but I tried to create a Haiku:

“Any human heart
a place of greater safety
written on the body “

#riotreads #spinepoetry

BkClubCare I think you are very creative. Insightfully so 6y
Ruthiella @BkClubCare Gee, thanks😊 6y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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A pretty great reading month for me - and no bad reads! 🎉✌️

Lindy No bad reads! 🎉🎉( one of my all time favourites is 6y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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"Why is the measure of love loss?"
And thus begins a short novel that reflects on love, passion, trust, sex, guilt, loss, beauty, and the consequences of our acts... The narrator is genderless and nameless, which allows the text to explore love in a more universal manner, surpassing gender limits. A very interesting, poetic, and accessible text which I highly recommend. This has been my first Winterson and will not be my last!

Miss_Kim I absolutely adore this novel and mine is full of highlighted sentences and phrases. It‘s so perfectly beautiful.❤️📖❤️ 6y
ephemeralwaltz @Miss_Kim The prose is indeed breathtaking! I've underlined a lot too 😍 6y
Ms_T Wonderful review! 6y
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ReadingEnvy I love all Winterson, but this is on top for me alongside 6y
ephemeralwaltz @Ms_T thank you! 6y
ephemeralwaltz @ReadingEnvy oooh I hadn't heard of that one! Adding to the TBR. 6y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Beautiful day for some beautiful reading!

MayJasper I don't know where you are but it looks gorgeous and warm 6y
Andrew65 Looks gorgeous, pouring with rain all day here! ☔️ 🌧 6y
Sophoclessweetheart Beautiful book. Xx 6y
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Bibliogeekery Love that book! 6y
Kalalalatja Gorgeous! 6y
ephemeralwaltz @MayJasper It has been a gorgeous and warm day! I'm in Barcelona. 6y
ephemeralwaltz @Andrew65 aw :( Hope it clears up! 6y
ephemeralwaltz @Wanderingwithwords @Bibliogeekery I'm almost done! The prose is breathtaking. 6y
ju.ca.no What a view! Beautiful😊 I‘m gonna go to barcelona in summer and am already much looking foward to it😍 6y
ephemeralwaltz @ju.ca.no oh that's wonderful!!😍😍😍 6y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson

There are, too, simple picnics on the beach which only work when you‘re in love because otherwise you couldn‘t bear the sand in the brie.

Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson

“She was a committed romantic and an anarcha-feminist. This was hard for her because it meant she couldn‘t blow up beautiful buildings.”

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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Sharing this one to finish catching up on #ReadingResolutions in March! A bit late! This #bookquote from one of my current reads is referring to films but it made me think of the relation between characters in books and the reader as well.

Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Mini used bookhaul from @BetterWorldBooks ! 😍😍 Two required readings for this upcoming semester.

saresmoore What is the course? I want to go to there! 6y
ephemeralwaltz @saresmoore It's a course on Contemporary Fiction! I don't know any details yet but I'm excited. But first we're reading 6y
saresmoore Ooh, best of luck with Midnight‘s Children! It‘s a doozy! Feel free to share as you go through the syllabus. 😊 6y
ephemeralwaltz @saresmoore thanks! Will do 😊 6y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Bone of my bone. Flesh of my flesh. To remember you it's my own body I touch. Thus she was, here and here. The physical memory blunders through the doors the mind has tried to seal. A skeleton key to Bluebeard's chamber. The bloody key that unlocks pain. Wisdom says forget, the body howls. The bolts of your collar bone undo me. Thus she was, here and here.

AlfredLordTennisAnyone This book is something altogether magnificent 7y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Happy Eid to all of you who celebrate!
This is such a good book, if you haven't read it yet you definitely should!

Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Easily one of my favourite first lines of all times! #booktober #greatfirstlines #queerbooks

Lindy Great book! 8y
Krisjericho I haven't heard of this one, but this first line makes me want to read it. 8y
ApoptyGina69 I adore this book. It is so incredibly unique, not to mention passionate and, at times, frustrating. 💖 8y
Bibliogeekery @ApoptyGina69 - it's all those things! I adore it too! 8y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Hi, this book DESTROYED me.

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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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I felt like a seed in a pomegranate. Some say that the pomegranate was the real apple of Eve, fruit of the womb, I would eat my way into perdition to taste you.

Verity My comparative literature module at A level was Oranges are not the Only Fruit and The Color Purple. I've never read any other Winterson, though I've read several more by Alice Walker. Should I try this? 8y
Bibliogeekery This is one of my all time favourites! Thanks for bringing it into my day! 8y
Lindy @Verity Absolutely! This is a fantastic genderqueer novel. 8y
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Lindy @Bibliogeekery My pleasure! Love anything by Winterson and this one's a classic. 8y
DebinHawaii Nice! 📘💙 8y
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Re-reading one of my favorite books while preoccupied with assigned readings for lit classes 😻❤️😻

Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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Written on the Body | Jeanette Winterson
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