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It‘s one of the 3 books I‘d like to read for the South Asia prompt in the Read Around The World Challenge.
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It‘s one of the 3 books I‘d like to read for the South Asia prompt in the Read Around The World Challenge.
April #bookspinbongo list. I read 10 books with 1 bingo, but not my #bookspin or #doublebookspins. The 1st month in a while I haven‘t finished them both.
Here are the new books I've received from The Wordy Traveler :) Have you read any of these???
Great eye-opening book about children in Nepal who are taken from their families and promised a better life.
The author never expected that his visit would turn into a calling.
Little did he know how much those little people would change his life. 💙
Wonderful telling of one man‘s journey of finding himself as he loses himself in the service of the orphans of Nepal.
“Conor was a special person who fell in love with the children and had an obsession/passion to help the people of Nepal, especially those dear children, to find their families.”
1. I had issues getting into Memoirs of a Geisha. My book club read it years back, and I had nothing to input cause didn‘t make it to the end. Maybe one day, as I do think it sounds interesting.
2. Coffee... Not a snack, per se, but I‘m not big on eating while reading. Maybe Twizzlers?
3. The tagged book isn‘t exactly a biography so much as a memoir about the author‘s time and work in Nepal. It is MUST READ though. ❤️📖
4. Ok
Here is a handful of audiobooks I've enjoyed listening to over the years. Of them all, Little Princes was, by far, my favorite. If you haven't already read it, I simply can not recommend it enough. 💙And if you like audiobooks for when you're on a long #Drive maybe it or one of these others will be of interest to you. 🙂
#feistyfeb #literarycrush ...so I don't have a literary crush BUT I fell hard for Conor Grennan when I read this book, he is so funny and witty AND did an awesome thing by starting Little Princes and saving these children in Nepal. Too bad he is married 🤗
These books did indeed #inspire me. They illustrate how one person truly can make a difference in this big world. One person can drastically change the life of another or many others. Not only do they open up worldly truths that exist beyond our bubbles, they highlight hope and love and the power to help. #photoadaynov16
#booktober day 11 #memorablememoirs I don't read a lot of nonfiction but these looked interesting. Little Princes actually belongs to a daughter, but she had it signed when the author spoke at her school
Heartwarming and inspirational, it's a story of courage and resilience and it will restore your hope for humanity. There's tragedy and there's laughter and joy. It makes you want to help change the world for the better, as you see how one person really can make a huge difference.
I don't just like this book, I love it❤️when I finished I hugged it and so began a journey down the road of non fiction and real people's stories
Such an inspirational read! Connor and his organization are doing amazing things to help children get back to their parents.
Well-written take on one man's experience volunteering with children which turned into a lifetime cause. Inspiring.