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Autobiography of Red
Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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A New York Times Notable Book of the Year Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award Winner of the QSpell A.M. Klein Poetry Prize Award-winning poet Anne Carson joins the Vintage Canada list with this stunning work, both novel and poem, both unconventional re-creation of an ancient Greek myth and wholly original coming-of-age story set in the present. Geryon, a young boy who is also a winged red monster, reveals the volcanic terrain of his fragile, tormented soul in an autobiography he begins at the age of five. As he grows older, Geryon embarks on a journey that unleashes his creative imagination to its fullest extent.
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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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A version of the story of Geryon and Heracles set in modern times (the book is written in 1998).

The book started and ended with some references to the original Greek myth. I didn‘t quite get the point of that, so I‘m afraid I might have something.

I did enjoy the updated version.

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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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This is one of the best books I‘ve read this year—unique, poignant, layered. I am a SUCKER for good alliteration and historical references. Anne Carson is a master at that.

This novella/poem is simultaneously a mediation on our relationship with the world… “We would think ourselves continuous with the world if we did not have moods. It is state-of-mind that discloses to us . . . that we are beings who have been thrown into something else.”

Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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Oh noooo I am not smart enough for this one.

What did I read? Because honestly I read it and have no idea.

monalyisha Ha! Don't assume it was you; it could have been the book! Or maybe it's one that's best listened to (which is sometimes true of novels-in-verse)? In any event, I like your photo! 4y
Bits I have the same little planter! 😁 4y
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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson

Absolutely beautiful. “A novel in verse”- a story imagined about Hercules 10th labor to kill Geryon and turned it into a beautiful, sexy, tragic coming of age story.

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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson

“Reality is a sound, you have to tune in to it not just keep yelling.”

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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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Just finished reading this book again. Love it so much.
“He has not flown for years but why not be a black speck raking its way toward the crater of Icchantikas on icy possibles ... he smiles for the camera: ‘The Only Secret People Keep.‘”

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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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Anne Carson's novel in verse about Geryon, a monster who appears and is murdered in the Tenth Labor of Herakles. Based loosely on fragments of a poem by the Greek poet Stesichorus.
In Carson's #retelling, Geryon becomes a sensitive boy in the modern world, with wings to hide, who falls in love with a caddish Herakles. A strange, beautiful story about being a misfit.
#maylovesclassics @Sarah83 @Bambolina_81

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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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Happy poetry month! This verse novel by Anne Carson is one of my favorite reads 🤓📚. Autobiography of Red is about a mythological queer boy monster named Geryon who we follow from his troubled/abusive boyhood to his first love with another young man and beyond. It's been my staff pick @strandbookstore for over a year! •• 📸: Erica Snyder || #autobiographyofred #geryon #annecarson #bookrecommendation #hardbackhoe #bookstagram #queerlit

Chelleo Happy Poetry Month! and Welcome to Litsy! New book friends are the best! We hope you‘re loving it here! Checkout these #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: http://bit.ly/litsyvideos There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! Check out @LitsyHappenings for details. @LitsyWelcomeWagon
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DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚👍Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
Leftcoastzen Welcome to Litsy! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 👋😁 6y
asiriusreader Welcome to Litsy! 6y
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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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#riotgrams Day 19 - #FavoriteSchoolRead

This was assigned during the same creative writing class that assigned Actual Air. It was by far my favorite from the class and one I‘ve read again, even after college. I don‘t keep many books once I‘ve finished reading them but this is one that will stick with me through any future moves or purges.

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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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#riotgrams day 9 - #lgbtqpride

Sharing this book with @Dempsey for today's theme. Wasn't until I picked up The Argonauts that I realized it was the same Anne Carson. Bluets has been on my #tbr for a while as well.

Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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Borrowed from my brother's "library." #lgbtqpride #riotgrams #day9

Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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Loved this book! Definitely gonna get a re-read and have a copy of my own on the shelf.

Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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I like the feeling of words...

Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson

This would be hard for you if you were weak but you're not weak

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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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Happy 65th to Anne Carson! She's an author I've encountered and enjoyed in small doses, but never fully dove into her work. However, a dear friend gave me Autobiography of Red and so I'm hoping to get to it soon. (Suit game on point.)

tkmadden the best! 8y
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Autobiography of Red | Anne Carson
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Favorite book, favorite quote. #repeatreads

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