@Cinfhen more laughs for you!
Don't mind me, I'm just busy fangirling over here! 😂😂😂
#AddictedtoTheChase #teamvixen
@Cinfhen more laughs for you!
Don't mind me, I'm just busy fangirling over here! 😂😂😂
#AddictedtoTheChase #teamvixen
#MarchIntoThe70s #day30 #WeAreTheChampions I can‘t believe it‘s the last weekend of March, time flies huh. Thank you all so much for participating & enjoying some of my favourite music, it‘s been a blast. You‘re all Champions! I enjoyed this biography of Queen Freddie,it was more about him as a person rather than the singer, I especially appreciated how it wove the beginnings of the AIDS epidemic into the story. It‘s a huge part of Freddie‘s life.
Bear with me, this may be a stretch, but #ICanSeeTheSunInLateDecember on my hubby‘s TBR with a book about Freddie Mercury 😉 (it‘s been a long day)
I miss Freddy Mercury sooooo muuuuuch!
1️⃣ Fiction. Real life sucks.
2️⃣ The Show Must Go On. (Fat Bottom Girls is pretty good too😋)
3️⃣ Which fictional character wants to kill me? Hopefully none.
4️⃣ @Avanders 👋👋👋
#bohemianrhapsody @Mandigolightly
I am silly excited about this movie!
OMG!!!! I finally found this book after months and months of searching!! I couldnt find it anywhere!! Finally found one on ebay and the sellers feedback was 50/50 so i didnt have high hopes that i would ever get it! But it came!! It only took a week!! Im sooo excited!! Im a nerd for anything Queen or Freddie!! 😍😍
A day late but as David Bowie collaborated with Queen for #UnderPressure, have a book about, imo, the best singer ever! #Septembowie @Cinfhen @Marchpane
What a fantastic book! This is not just about the best frontman in the history of rock, it's also about how the AIDS crisis started, from a bite given to a hunter in the Congo by an infected chimp, to its slow burn across Africa before breaking out into the world. But it's also a celebration of Mercury's life, from Zanzibar to India, then the UK. He was a born star, the consummate performer, but he was also a lonely man who took a lot of risks.5⭐️
After being stupid and going book shopping instead of resting,I'm now collapsed in bed with fatigue and this brilliant biography of Freddie Mercury.This is unique in that it doesn't just go into Freddie's history & life,it also goes into the evolution of HIV & AIDS,from its first emergence in the blood of a hunter in the Congo in 1908,to its jump into Haiti in the 60s till it makes it to the US in the early 80s,which is when Mercury was infected.
A little reading with my lunch before I head out to pick Little Llama up from school. Thankfully this is my last day of dreadful early arrival days; next quarter MomBoss doesn't have class till 10 on Wednesdays!
Started poking at both of these this morning, and since I'm currently in a pattern of starting things (books, knitting projects, tv shows, home improvement projects) and never finishing them (see my 12 "reading now" books on goodreads, my six unfinished projects in my knitting bag, my unorganized house and over-full DVR) I figured no harm would be done by alternating between them both today. Now, if only Little Llama would take a nap . . .
Library haul from last night with @Kat_Reads 💕. Looking forward to all of these
A well written biography of Freddie Mercury and of HIV/AIDS. The authors intertwine the two stories well. The portrayal of Freddie's character is poignant and deep, showing that he was egotistical, generous, creative and secretive, loving, demanding, loyal, and driven. He was essentially alone his entire life. He created incredible music and sang it beautifully, and had many friends; but was, in the end, alone.