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Time Cat
Time Cat: The Remarkable Journeys of Jason and Gareth | Lloyd Alexander
18 posts | 25 read | 9 to read
Jason and his magic cat Gareth travel through time to visit countries all over the world during different periods of history.
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Cats! Time Travel! History! Jason‘s cat, Gareth, takes him on a journey through nine different places throughout history, from ancient Egypt to colonial America. Each section introduces a new time and place and a familiar historical figure or key event…and often several historical cats! This was a soft pick for me. Each adventure wraps up a little too quickly and neatly, and there‘s not much character development ⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) …(although Gareth hints at the end about the growth that Jason has experienced). I think I‘d have really enjoyed this as a kid, but it felt a bit thin reading it now. Honestly, I‘d have loved this as a series, with each of the nine adventures fleshed out into a full book! This was my 1963 book for #192025. 2mo
Texreader Excellent review 2mo
Librarybelle You cannot go wrong with cats, time travel, and history! 2mo
peanutnine I remember really enjoying this book in middle school! 🐈‍⬛ 2mo
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“Gareth was a black cat with orange eyes. Sometimes, when he hunched his shoulders and put down his ears, he looked like an owl. When he stretched, he looked like a trickle of oil or a pair of black silk pajamas. When he sat on a window ledge, his eyes half-shut and his tail curled around him, he looked like a secret.”

That is a fantastic opening paragraph! 🐈‍⬛

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My friend‘s cat, Ferdinand. Look where he‘s laying; clearly, he rules over time itself. (The clock table is real, it‘s in the living room of her flat). I think this fits the time cat story perfectly. Unfortunately though, Ferdinand isn‘t the nicest cat.

IuliaC 😻 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
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Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView ❤️

1. Forwards! I want to see space travel! 🚀
2. One of my favorites from when I was a kid! I reread this book until the pages separated from the cover.


TheSpineView You're welcome and Thanks for playing! 3y
Allylu Time Cat!!! I read that one. It was one of the books for the Reading Competition that my daughter was in. I was helping their team come up with questions to help them prep. They were in 8th grade. They won BTW!!! They were awesome. 3y
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I‘m at a so-so but kiddo said she loved this one even more than Prydain (I‘m suspicious, as she never pushed for reading time, but okay). Jason goes on a time-traveling adventure with his cat Gareth and they sample various cultures. Interesting, but not my favorite. I could see how it could inspire fascination in a kid, though, and it was cool that we‘ve studied a lot of these time periods and peoples.

rubyslippersreads I used to check this out of the elementary school library over and over again. 4y
ravenlee @rubyslippersreads I probably would have enjoyed this as a kid; I can see how it could be magical. Reading it now, though, I can only see where he developed ideas/characters more in Prydain. 4y
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Day 14 of a book from my shelves with random thoughts - despite the fact that I love the Prydain Chronicles so hard (see yesterday's post), I have never read either of these other books by Alexander, despite them being on my shelf for literal decades. Anyone else read either of these? I'm sure I will get to them someday...

Also pictured, part of my knickknack reorganization project! 😂

effani I loved Time Cat when I was a kid. I mean, it's about a time-traveling cat, what's not to like?! No idea if it holds up - it's been probably at least 20 years since I read it. 4y
ravenlee I‘ve been collecting Lloyd Alexander books for the past few years, since the kiddo has developed such love for Prydain too, but haven‘t read any of them yet. I don‘t have Illyrian though. (edited) 4y
Clare-Dragonfly I think I did read The Illyrian Adventure. It was interesting but paled next to Prydain! Edit: I think I actually read The Philadelphia Adventure, because I grew up in Philly. (edited) 4y
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Time cat | Lloyd Chudley Alexander, ???? ?'???? ???????

This is a cute book about a boy named Jason and his cat, Gareth. Gareth takes Jason time traveling and they visit multiple places and times in the world, usually escaping to a new place right before they get in trouble in the old one. A quick, easy read I enjoyed.

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In Egypt they thought you were a God. Here they think you‘re a demon. Won‘t anyone ever understand you‘re a cat?

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“I‘ll be glad to get out of here,” Jason said. “This is a terrible place. It‘s bad enough for humans, but what about the cats? If these people keep on there won‘t be any cats left!”

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After all the talk in the village about witches, how they fly through the air, make themselves invisible, turn straw into gold – I just thought to myself, why not try it. I always wanted to do those things.

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Gareth arched his neck and sniffed the air. “There‘s something coppery and smoky, like wood-burning. Something sour and bitter that stings my nose and makes me feel crackly.”
“Can you tell what it is?” Jason asked.
“Yes... that‘s what fear smells like.”
If the days in Egypt had been the greatest times for a cat, Jason thought, the days in this village must be the worst.
(Germany, 1600s... The Burning Times)

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Feel sorry for cooped up rabbit. Let rabbit out for hoppity exercise in bedroom. Rabbit makes beeline for the library sale book haul to munch on #facepalm #bunnystruggles

Crazeedi Awww!😍 6y
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One of my favorite Childhood reads. Still love it as an adult. Its a perfect pace for its audience, and teaches wonderful things through whimsy and fun!

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I have plenty of other books with animals on the covers, but it's late and this was one of my favorites as a kid. A time-traveling cat! Getting the picture was a challenge because Cosmo just wanted to gnaw on it. @bookriot #riotgrams

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A time-traveling cat? Sounds like my kind of book. #TBR #RockinMay #CatsInTheCradle

Cinfhen 😻😻 7y
annkuch13 I loved this book when I was a kid! 7y
hes7 @annkuch13 Yay! That's good to hear. 7y
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Cat books with dog bookends. 😸 #shelfie #aprilbookshowers

LeahBergen I love the bookends. 😍 7y
Suetara I loved Time Cat! Still have my childhood copy. 7y
Zelma I love that you have a cat shelf! 😻 7y
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rubyslippersreads @Zelma My cats require it. 😸 7y
rubyslippersreads @LeahBergen Thanks--the kitties don't approve. 😸 7y
rubyslippersreads @Suetara I used to check it out of the library. Now that I have my own copy, it's time for a reread. 7y
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Showing off my favorite car for #NationalCatDay. I'm not convinced he can't travel time if need be but he is definitely my best pal.

MrBook 😻😻😻 8y
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Time traveling cat and boy sidekick. What more do I need? I wish there was more in depth historical facts, but for the intended audience it was a good balance. Spent an afternoon reading this and it inspired me to look up nonfiction books about the respective time periods. 👍😜

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