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Ten Tiny Breaths
Ten Tiny Breaths: A Novel | K.A. Tucker
Just breathe, Kacey. Ten tiny breaths. Seize them. Feel them. Love them. Four years ago Kacey Clearys life imploded when her car was hit by a drunk driver, killing her parents, boyfriend, and best friend. Still haunted by memories of being trapped inside, holding her boyfriends lifeless hand and listening to her mother take her last breath, Kacey wants to leave her past behind. Armed with two bus tickets, twenty-year-old Kacey and her fifteen-year-old sister, Livie, escape Grand Rapids, Michigan, to start over in Miami. Struggling to make ends meet, Kacey needs to figure out how to get by. But Kaceys not worried. She can handle anythinganything but her mysterious neighbor in apartment 1D. Trent Emerson has smoldering blue eyes, deep dimples, and he perfectly skates that irresistible line between nice guy and bad boy. Hardened by her tragic past, Kacey is determined to keep everyone at a distance, but their mutual attraction is undeniable and Trent is determined to find a way into Kaceys guarded hearteven if it means that an explosive secret could shatter both their worlds.
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I've read this book some time ago.
Now I'm looking for a book to read with 15 year old children. Maybe you can recommend me something?

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I read this over ten years ago, back when it was an indie book with a different cover. Back then, New Adult stories were brand new to me and I fell HARD for them.

Reading this now: I still enjoyed it—it‘s a fast read, a compelling story. Predictable too. It‘s definitely not the best romance book I‘ve read, but I really do like this series as a whole and I think l‘ll reread more of it.

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I started out really not liking this book. The dialogue felt equivalent to “bad acting” in written form. ~50 pages in I started to enjoy it & couldn‘t put it down. Towards the end it started getting really cheesy again. The story was predictable (I figured out the ending really early on), a little cringey, and unrealistic. But the middle portion of the story saved this book from being a “pan” for me! ☺️

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This story deals with death, family, loss, depression, and sisterly love. I didnt really get into this book until about half way. I felt like the writing was okay it kept me entertained and wanting to read more. I knew what the twist was going to be from the beginning of the book. I felt like it was a little unrealistic but still liked it for what it was. Short book and a fast read.

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I got surgery on Friday and I'm finally feeling up to reading. Hoping to get a lot done 😎

Karkar Glad you are feeling better! 6y
ReadZenRites Hope you keep feeling better and better! 🌸💕 6y
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‪Today I reviewed Ten Tiny Breaths by @kathleenatucker @AtriaBooks 5🌟https://jilljemmett.com/2017/07/07/ten-tiny-breaths/ #bookblog #review

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These were three of my most anticipated books this month! I got to meet each of these authors this month. They‘re the nicest women! @katucker_ @jennyhan @sj.maas

#bookishmayflowers (May Haul)

#bookstagram #bookblogger #bookblog #bibliophile #books #sjmaas #jennyhaan #katucker #toalltheboys #acotar #tentinybreaths #ya #youngadult #fiction

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This wasn't as light hearted as I had expected, but it was still just what I needed. I did find some parts of the book problematic, but other parts were delightful.
Right book at the right time 👍

bookwrm526 I'm glad it was what you needed. I really enjoyed it right up to the end, but I just thought the end was SO psychologically unhealthy! 7y
Kalalalatja @bookwrm526 totally! I could never see this happening in real life. But everything got a bit too happy ending for me at the end. It would have finished stronger, if they didn't end up together 7y
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After The Scarlet Letter, I am in need of a #palatecleanser, so my next read is a more light hearted romance 💕

#LitsyPartyOfOne #currentlyreading

bookwrm526 This ones not exactly light-hearted....it deals with some pretty heavy themes 7y
Kalalalatja @bookwrm526 completely true, I was a bit surprised when I started reading, but in a good way! 7y
bookwrm526 @Kalalalatja I'm curious to know what you think of the ending! 7y
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Last round of #bookmail this month (or so I hope!) 📚

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#didntlikeitstillfinished I try to be better about bailing on books I don't like, but I was reading this one for a challenge and I didn't realize where it was going until I was almost done anyway, so I finished it. It was my first foray into New Adult, and it would have been fine, except the above image perfectly illustrates my reaction to the ending.....#marchintoreading

ReadingTurtleDuck I also didn't like this book and I'm sorry to hear this was your first impression of New Adult book and didn't like it. I guarantee you that there are new adult books worth reading and finishing. 7y
bookwrm526 @ReadingTurtleDuck I definitely won't hold this one against the entire genre :) Do you have a recommendation for another I might try? 7y
ReadingTurtleDuck I would recommend Before We Were Strangers by Renee Carlino 7y
bookwrm526 @ReadingTurtleDuck great, thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out! 7y
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I'm sitting here, having just finished this book trying my hardest not to simply bawl my eyes out. So many emotions right now I don't even know how to process them. @Debiw781 I lied....buy it. It's worth every penny. I'll PM you something tho first.

monkeygirlsmama Stacked! 8y
Bostonmomx2 @monkeygirlsmama ya!! I'm sad because my library doesn't have the rest of them. Do yourself a favor. Don't read any reviews, comments or even blurbs on the other books in the series, there are too many things that can be spoiled. My jaw literally fell open at one point toward the end. 8y
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Starting this tonight. The Litsy community isn't a big fan but Goodreads sure is so hopefully I'll like it.

Debiw781 @Bostonmomx2 this is one I've been curious about 8y
Bostonmomx2 @Debiw781 it's turning out pretty good. I have to overlook some of the way they talk but there's definitely a lot of feels. 8y
Debiw781 @Bostonmomx2 If you like it, I'll give it a try 8y
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Bostonmomx2 @Debiw781 don't buy it. I'm not sure you'd like it enough to pay for it. Unless you're ever so slowly converting over to the new adult romance genre lol 8y
Debiw781 @Bostonmomx2 maybe the library will have a copy that isn't icky 8y
Bostonmomx2 @Debiw781 lol maybe. The one I have now is fine, doesn't even feel read yet. I'm annoyed they don't have the rest of the series, 4 more books, so I'm gonna have to maybe buy them 😩 8y
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I really enjoyed reading this book even though I figured a key part of the book out pretty early. I plan on reading the next book in the series ( I believe there are currently 4 or 5) because the characters are so easy to like. And now, I need to know what they are up to!😊

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A little reading before bed!

BookReviewFAIL White dress in the pool? I admire her courage. 8y
Leslie2 @BookReviewFAIL lol!!!! I second that! 8y
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My first foray into New Adult. I was enjoying the story; I thought it dealt well with the issues of PTSD and the difficulty of treating it, but the ending left me completely cold.

razmanda I hadn't heard of this genre yet. I'm not 100% sold that it needs to exist but will have to try a few out. 8y
bookwrm526 @razmanda I needed to read one for a reading challenge, and I couldn't find one that wasn't a romance - not that I mind romance mind you 8y
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I was surprised how much I enjoyed this book. Not perfect, but so enjoyable!

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