From “how is your heart?”
3.5 ⭐️
What is good is sublime.
What is not is hard to understand how it got published.
But it made me want to read more Bukowski. So I think it‘s done the job.
From “how is your heart?”
3.5 ⭐️
What is good is sublime.
What is not is hard to understand how it got published.
But it made me want to read more Bukowski. So I think it‘s done the job.
sticks and stones ...
A bit tardy for #manicmonday #letterY :
1. You Get so Alone at Times That It Just Makes Sense/Charles Bukowski 📖
2. W. B. Yeats 🇮🇪
3. Yentl for 🎥; The Young Pope for 📺
4. Yellow lentils-I love all the legume varieties 🥰
"An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way."
~Charles Bukowski
(Not a quote from the book but reminds me of how he writes)
Bukowski is not everyone‘s cup of tea w/his brutish upfront in your face ways, but I enjoy him just the same for exactly those reasons. He‘s been labeled a misogynist, sexist, & vagrant due to the majority of themes in his work but honestly I see mostly loneliness & deep self loathing soothed mostly through alcoholism.It brought out his brilliance as well as his many demons, but he was profound even w/out it-I just don‘t think he realized that.
Reading Bukowski & I stumbled upon this starred🌟gem- made me imagine someone somewhere dreaming to be a writer whose heart/soul this spoke to... 🖤
“...let them have the stage so long as I need not be in the audience.”
Beasts bounding through time—\u000
Whenever I'm in a rut, I like to flip through poetry. There's always seems to be a verse or a line that stands out and sticks with me in just the ways I need. 👍
Reading this reminded me of Jack Kerouac's On the Road and Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but in bite sized chunks. These poems didn't seem to have a lot going on in them, but they were written in a way that made them feel significant. This was my first Bukowski and I definitely wanna read more. I can dig it ✌🏾
Bukowski will forever be one of my favorite poets 😍
#CharlesBukowski #yougetsoaloneattimesthatitjustmakessense #poetry #favorites
#aprilbookshowers day 23, #poetry. One of my favorite poets is Charles Bukowski - it's so raw, painful, honest, ugly at times but still beautiful - I just love him. ❤ @RealLifeReading
it seemed to me that I had never met
another person on earth
as discouraging to my happiness
as my father.
and it appeared that I had
the same effect upon
I've been thinking on this all day, doing a lot of counting and chanting of titles, trying to find one (not counting the subtitle) that wins. It would seem the publishing world is fond of 7 words in a title with a couple of 9ers for good measure, but Bukowski clocks in at 11. Here's a cat and some wine...because Bukowski. Man, did I spend too many nights trying to emulate him when I was younger. I'm glad I'm not 21 anymore. #longtitle #booktober
Sometimes when everything seems at
its worst
when all conspires
and gnaws
and the hours, days, weeks
seem wasted -
stretched there upon my bed
in the dark
looking upward at the ceiling
I get what many will consider an
obnoxious thought:
it's still nice to be
I don't re-read books very often but I re-read poems a lot! #fridayfun Wild and crazy joy forever...