• just another few minutes of book cover beauty appreciation 🌺 •
#stories #tbr #shortstories #fiction #paperback #librarylends #bookcovers #beautifulbookcovers
• just another few minutes of book cover beauty appreciation 🌺 •
#stories #tbr #shortstories #fiction #paperback #librarylends #bookcovers #beautifulbookcovers
I‘ve been camping this week and didn‘t get my #bottleandbookswap picture posted! I love everything @Traveler13 💜💚💛❤️ The bottle design is awesome and I‘ve been looking forward to both of these books for ages! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Found a great new indie book store in San Diego!! The Book Catapult has a great book selection, bookish things, and even a small boutique section!! #GetIndie #SanDiego #TheBookCatapult
Discussing a dog choosing a neighbor over Lora, the dog‘s owner:
“Do you miss him?”
“Not really. Men are better, and he was always making me choose. Nimrod [the dog] didn‘t like human males over 4 feet tall.”
Discussing an old relationship:
“And what about Tom?”
“Well. He took this new job downtown-“
“Who did he fall in love with?”
“No one!”
“Just say he‘s dead, like [I do with] Nimrod. Run over on the street. It‘ll make you feel better.” 💁🏼♀️
Intoxicating glances at the lives of mostly horrible people. It's a weird amalgamation of nostalgia & hope twisted around & wrapped into a semi-human presentation. Reading these stories is like not being able to look away from a car accident— abnormally fascinating despite the nausea that ensues.
Fridlund‘s voice compares to the strange aspects of Eat Only When You're Hungry & the complexities of Everything I Never Told You. It‘s a bizarre ride.
This cover is gorgeous and the stories are wonderful. Book 3 of 2018.
I loved History of Wolves so I just had to read this. #currentlyreading
Emily Fridlund's debut, History of Wolves, is one of my favorite books of this year. I've been eagerly awaiting the publication of her first story collection, and I'm beside myself with excitement to be holding it in my hands. She's one of the most powerful voices in contemporary American literature, and I am SO HERE for anything she writes. 😍
"It's not like we don't like the baby, it's that she doesn't like us."
Thanks to the mailman and Sarabande Books, I have a new book for the readathon. I ❤️ HISTORY OF WOLVES! 📚