Thomas Wharton was great, read from the epic poem that closes the The Book of Rain (spoiler, but that's ok) and I was able to thank him for The Logogryph. It was a good night.
Thomas Wharton was great, read from the epic poem that closes the The Book of Rain (spoiler, but that's ok) and I was able to thank him for The Logogryph. It was a good night.
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView stolen from @Lcsmcat
1️⃣ Same time I taught myself to read, around 4yo. I wanted to know what was written in all the books and mags my parents had and also in mine. So I cracked the code.
2️⃣ I'm a broken record, i.e. tagged.
Your turn: @Redwritinghood @j9brown
Bits and pieces of weird books from parallel universes that aren't supposed to make a plot.
1️⃣ The Forgetting Room, Nick Bantock
2️⃣ The Logogryph, Thomas Wharton
3️⃣ Memory
4️⃣ ⬆️ The very first signs of not muddy Spring
5️⃣ @Librarybelle @TK421 @batsy @joscho @Blueberry 👋👋👋👋👋
1️⃣ As far as works, a year ago, I would have said Élisabeth Vonarburg, but after her last trilogy, I'm not sure anymore. As a person, she is still my favourite. Love her to bits.
2️⃣ Tagged.
3️⃣ It changes, but my most cherished series are the Star Trek foto-novels. I now own them all!
4️⃣ SF, magical realism, slipstream.
5️⃣ Romance. As a sub-plot, that's fine. As a genre, oof.
@RavenclawPrincess913 #ravenclaw-princess913
1️⃣ Bookstore
2️⃣ Monday I went gaming! For the first time in over a year!
3️⃣ ⬆️
4️⃣ The Great Gatsby is entirely overrated.
5️⃣ 👍 @GlitterGirl @Momosimo @rheareads @Machinist
@eggs #wonderouswednesday
🗺️ 🇨🇦
✒️ Not sure anymore. Probably still Élisabeth Vonarburg, but there are so many greats!
📗I always try to rec based on a person's likes, but when possible, it's tagged
#socialsunday Hi, @EchoLogical 🖖
#sundaysurvey @alisonrose
1️⃣ Insofar as it's my favourite and I keep talking about it, tagged. But I always recommend based on the person.
2️⃣ True crime.
3️⃣ One lovely adorable developmentally delayed Min Schnauzer named Igrec.
4️⃣ Depends if you count the municipality across the river. If yes, about a million people.
📓 As alphabetically as size will allow.
📙 I have to choose one? I tagged my favourite novel.
📗 Of course.
📘 I sometimes buy a book in both French and English if the translation is good or useful for teaching.
#onlyreadersunderstand @nu-bibliophile
This was in my #bookmail today. Definitely a #blameitonlitsy purchase and to be even more specific, it‘s a blameiton @tournevis book. I can‘t resist books about lost or imagined books. Can‘t wait to get started!
#riotgrams today is #favoritetitle Since I'm a broken record, the tagged book reappears every few days on my feed. English and French first printings
Books are indeed the best.
1️⃣ Neither of my current reads are in the database. The first is a slow burn novel-length fanfifc so it would never be in there and the other is Élisabeth Vonarburg's Voie des pierres.
2️⃣ My parents made me a reading lover. At 2/3 yo, I was so jealous that my parents could make sense of all these cool books and magazines they had and not me.
3️⃣ Whenever I can.
4️⃣ Tagged. Of course.
#manicmonday @JoScho
Don't know who started this. #meetthelittens
1️⃣ Simple answer, Québec. It's complicated.
2️⃣ Tagged
3️⃣ The Tyranaël Cycle by Élisabeth Vonarburg
4️⃣ Wizard of Oz? I guess?
5️⃣ Star Trek TOS
6️⃣ David Bowie, most days.
7️⃣ 🖤
8️⃣ SF
9️⃣ Professor at a major Canadian University
🔟 Igrec the Min Schnauzer and Madame Blanchette the betta
Lunch and a book - a spring strawberry poppyseed salad and a wonderful book about books 😀 #yum
#thisorthat @Dr.Who_number10
Hmmm, you guys know that the UK is in Europe, right? 🤔😉
I'm to tired right now to think about a current favourite book. My favourite on record is tagged.
1️⃣ 46, going on 58, by how much pain and wear I feel
2️⃣ 1 sister
3️⃣ 1 boy
4️⃣ Horrorificorama, a Québec horror collection
5️⃣ Tagged
6️⃣ Here 😘, elsewhere 💩&👍
7️⃣ Good question...
8️⃣ I'm much older than I seem; people give me late-30s
9️⃣ Cat, but I own a dog
1️⃣1️⃣ The Shape of Things to Come
1️⃣2️⃣ @cleoh
#hallowhoareyou @Gyldholm
Let's do this again! thanks @maich !
1. It's a long story. Let's say Québec for short, but I live in Ontario currently.
2. Thomas Wharton's The Logogryph
3. (book series?) Élisabeth Vonarburg's Tyranael Cycle
4. It's still The Wizard of Oz, actually
5. Star Trek. No contest
6. David Sylvian and Alexandre Désilets, ex aequo
7. Dark lilac?
8. SF
9. A large Canadian university
10. A developmentaly delayed min. Schnauzer named Igrec.
Woooooohoooooo! Thank you all Littens!!!!!
My turn! #meetthelittens, thanks @maich !
1. It's a long story. Let's say Québec for short
2. Thomas Wharton's The Logogryph
3. (book series?) Élisabeth Vonarburg's Tyranael Cycle
4. It's still The Wizard of Oz, actually
5. Star Trek. No contest
6. David Sylvian and Alexandre Désilets, ex aequo
7. Dark lilac, I guess
8. SF
9. A large Canadian university
10. A developmentaly delayed min. Schnauzer named Igrec.