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The Whisperers
The Whisperers: A Charlie Parker Thriller | John Connolly
Oh, little one, he whispered, as he gently stroked her cheek, the first time he had touched her in fifteen years. What have they done to you? What have they done to us all? In his latest dark and chilling Charlie Parker thriller, New York Times bestselling author John Connolly takes us to the border between Maine and Canada. It is there, in the vast and porous Great North Woods, that a dangerous smuggling operation is taking place, run by a group of disenchanted former soldiers, newly returned from Iraq. Illicit goodsdrugs, cash, weapons, even peopleare changing hands. And something else has changed hands. Something ancient and powerful and evil. The authorities suspect something is amiss, but what they cant know is that it is infinitely stranger and more terrifying than anyone can imagine. Anyone, that is, except private detective Charlie Parker, who has his own intimate knowledge of the darkness in mens hearts. As the smugglers begin to die one after another in apparent suicides, Parker is called in to stop the bloodletting. The soldiers actions and the objects they have smuggled have attracted the attention of the reclusive Herod, a man with a taste for the strange. And where Herod goes, so too does the shadowy figure that he calls the Captain. To defeat them, Parker must form an uneasy alliance with a man he fears more than any other, the killer known as the Collector. . . .
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#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #SeriesRead2021 @TheSpineView

Oh Charlie Parker and John Connolly how I love your books. 💚

I did miss Angel and Louis in this one since they were only somewhat involved in this story, but other than that, this was a great continuation of one of my favorite series.

The supernatural factor increase in this book, and The Collector shows back up, which I personally loved. He's such a creepy character.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
TheSpineView 🤩📖📚 4y
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Apologies for crappy picture! So being ill in bed has some perks - managed 7 books 😁 one a day is my life goal.
4 on the left were my forecast, 3 on the right my late additions! I enjoyed them all too 👍🏻

Oryx Hope you feeling better 5y
TrishB @Oryx it seems to be like all those winter things- leaves you with a never ending cough! 5y
batsy Great reading week! But I hope you're on the mend. 5y
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squirrelbrain Urgh! Sorry you‘re still under the weather. Great reading week though, if nothing else! 👍😕 5y
Kalalalatja I second that life goal! 😄 hope you are starting to feel better! 5y
Eggs Sorry you‘ve been ill, but fabulous on the reading 📖👏🏻📖 5y
Cinfhen Agreeing with all the others xx sorry you were under the weather but great use of time 😌 5y
TrishB @batsy @squirrelbrain @Kalalalatja @Eggs @Cinfhen thanks lovely peeps 😘😘 winter in the U.K.! 5y
Balibee146 Hope you are feeling better now Trish 😘😘 5y
TrishB @Balibee146 nearly there 😘 thank you 5y
Centique That is a phenomenal amount of reading! Hope you get back to 100% healthy quickly 💕 5y
JennyM Hope you are feeling much better Trish 5y
TrishB @Centique @JennyM thank you 😘 I‘ll miss the reading time once back in work! 5y
UwannaPublishme Feel better! 🤗❤️ 5y
TrishB @UwannaPublishme thank you 😘 5y
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Another brilliant one in the series 👍🏻 they get creepier and creepier, a real mix between thriller and supernatural.

vivastory Sounds fantastic! I have book 1 on my TBR 5y
MicheleinPhilly I need to start this series. Feeling any better? 5y
TrishB @vivastory it‘s a great series 👍🏻 5y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly it‘s a series that gets better and better! I‘m on my way to work but think I probably shouldn‘t be! 5y
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This one is a bit slow going, but I'm anxious to see how Parker learns and adapts. I'm going to take a break after this one and cheat with another author. 😁

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#MirrorImage #MagicalMarch ordered another hardback thinking I was replacing a paperback, then found another hardback while sorting other books....

DeborahSmall @TrishB do you have this one yet? I can post it with other books if you don‘t xx 7y
vkois88 I've done this! I somehow ended up with 4 copies of Wideacre and gave them ALL away bc I disliked it so much lol 7y
LauraBrook This happens to me far more often than I‘d like. 7y
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DeborahSmall @vkois88 I‘ve now 3 of these inc the paperback. I‘m trying to clear books out but finding it difficult 🙈 7y
TrishB I did that this week! No I haven‘t got this one yet. I have 1-4, 6 and 7!! Lol 😁 thank you in advance again 💕 7y
DeborahSmall @TrishB will get it sent this week xx 7y
TrishB 😘😘 7y
jenniferw88 Thanks for all the goodies with whodunituk - arrived safely today. Hope you enjoy Harry Bingham as much as I enjoyed John Connolly! 7y
DeborahSmall @jenniferw88 looking forward to it xx 7y
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#Aprilamazingreads Charlie Parker with Angel and Louis, of John Connolly's great series has my heart when it comes to #fantasticcharacters ❤️📚

TrishB I see another series going on the list.....never read any of these. 8y
DeborahSmall @TrishB he's a fantastic author. The books are very dark. For thrillers the prose is beautiful. Charlie is an ex nypd cop that suffered a great tragedy. He turns PI in Maine. His unlikely friends and sidekicks in many investigations are Angel and Louis, a real mismatched couple. Both add great needed comic relief. Start with 8y
TrishB The first 4 books were available for 9.99 on kindle for all 4, so I may have just brought them 😀 8y
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DeborahSmall @TrishB Fab! You'll fall in love. It's breaking my heart that John Connolly is currently speaking about 5 mile away at the Ulster Museum. With everything going on I forgot to get a ticket and when I emailed at the weekend they told me it's sold out. I'm distraught 😭 it's the release of his latest Charlie Parker 8y
TrishB Oh no 😱 that sucks x 8y
lute Love love love the Charlie Parker novels!!! 8y
64 likes6 comments

Absolutely love the adventures of Charlie Parker!

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