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People vs. Alex Cross
People vs. Alex Cross | James Patterson
25 posts | 39 read | 15 to read
The charges: explosiveAlex Cross has never been on the wrong side of the law-until now. Charged with gunning down followers of his nemesis Gary Soneji in cold blood, Cross is being turned into the poster child for trigger-happy cops who think they're above the law. Cross knows it was self-defense. But will a jury see it that way? The evidence: shocking As Cross fights for his professional life and his freedom, his former partner John Sampson brings him a gruesome, titillating video tied to the mysterious disappearances of several young girls. Despite his suspension from the department, Cross can't say no to Sampson. The illicit investigation leads them to the darkest corners of the Internet, where murder is just another form of entertainment. The People vs. Alex Cross: the trial of the century As the prosecution presents its case, and the nation watches, even those closest to Cross begin to doubt his innocence. If he can't convince his own family that he didn't pull the trigger with intent to kill, how can he hope to persuade a jury? But even with everything on the line, Cross will do whatever it takes to stop a dangerous criminal...even if he can't save himself.
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People vs. Alex Cross | James Patterson
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Taking one for the team... my MIL loaned this to me ages ago and I figured I'd be nice and read it. 🤷‍♀️ I'm totally not into James Patterson and I'm not even really enjoying it but she'll be happy I read it... hopefully? Lol

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Next up on kindle. I‘ve fallen a little behind in the alex cross series but plan to catch up soon! I‘ve been a fan since book 1 and have a soft spot for him and his family, always wanting to know where life will take them next

tpixie Me too! Nowadays, it‘s the only James Patterson I read. Although I thought I had read the next 2 but they aren‘t marked, so I better read them ( ? Reread them?!) 3y
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Alex Cross, the Best! Nothing will pull him down...

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Whoa. So much happened in this next piece of Cross's life.

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Absolutely fantastic to have Alex Cross and John Sampson back in my reading life! Oh and of course Nana Mama.
Another brilliant book in the series and the next one is out next Thursdy😍
Well done again James Patterson you smashed it You know a books good when you read it so quickly!
#borrowbox #alexcross #readingseries

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Finally got round to reading the latest book in the Alex Cross series, book number 25. Book 26 is out next Thursday 😁
Love this series always picture Morgan Freeman as he played him in the early films 😍

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Too many books to read and not enough time. This book wasn't supposed to be available until the 11th which is why I reserved it. The dilemma I face now is which book to read first. Decisions decisions!

People vs. Alex Cross | James Patterson
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This was my first James Patterson and I thought it was just ok. When you‘ve read a lot of this type thriller/mystery, you get a feel for who to suspect, as the ones who are intended to be not-so-obvious are actually pretty obvious.

I‘m not a fan of portraying the good guy as a humble, yet almost larger-than-life hero. I prefer more realistic thrillers. I‘d read another Patterson, but probably not in the Alex Cross series.

People vs. Alex Cross | James Patterson
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Confession. I‘ve never read a James Patterson novel.

Until now! Just got one via Libby.

MaGoose I've never read him either. Just bought The President is Missing recently. I hope to get to it before the end of the year. 6y
MelissaSewell @MaGoose I‘m glad I‘m not the only one! Is that the book co-written by Bill Clinton? 6y
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MaGoose @MelissaSewell Don't feel bad. I haven't read Harry Potter, either. 6y
MelissaSewell @MaGoose because you have no interest in Harry Potter or just haven‘t gotten around to it? I remember reading the first one to my daughter @katiebaby19 in 1998 shortly after it came out. She was nine. To this day it‘s still her favorite series and she keeps re-reading them! (edited) 6y
MaGoose @MelissaSewell I'm not all that interested, but I might try the first book soon. In 1998 l was already in college and since I don't have children I just never got into it. 6y
TheBookKeepers I‘ve read 2 Patterson books (Suzanne‘s Diary for Nicholas & Sams letters to Jennifer). They both made me cry and I loved them! Haven‘t tried any of his other genres though! 6y
CoffeeNBooks @TheBookKeepers Those are the same two I've read, and none of his others! 😁 6y
CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 🎉 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
Jess7 Welcome to Litsy! 📚🎉🤗📖 6y
Hollyreadsalot Welcome! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
CarolynM Welcome to Litsy🌼 6y
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Finishing this book.

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Yep, that‘s me reading at a basketball game 😂 Waiting on the girls to finish so I can watch my stepson play in the All-Star game 🏀😍

Reviewsbylola That would totally be me. No shame!!! 6y
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Chill Friday night with the Dorkie #dogsoflitsy

Megabooks 😍😍😍 6y
tammysue Sweet!😍 6y
rustoryhuf Such a cutie. I‘m a sucker for doggos! 6y
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Cluster headaches/migraines have kept me from reading for over a week. This latest bought has come with sensitivity to smell and some eye blurriness. So, I‘ve turned to audiobooks.
I enjoyed this one. The narration was good so it made for an enjoyable listen.

Prairiegirl_reading Ugh!!! I‘ve been there. It‘s awful. I‘m sorry you are going through it. 6y
Graciouswarriorprincess Feel better soon, hugs! 6y
DGRachel Migraines stink. I hope you get some relief soon! 6y
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I love James Patterson, but for some reason the first part of this book just drug for me. The last part went quick.

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While my Kindle charges, Dante and I are cuddling on the couch.

TricksyTails Hi Dante!!! 😘😘😘 6y
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Another great Alex Cross. Multiple story lines. Alex is on trial for murder and the most unlikely person is key in his defense. Book 2 of 2018!!!

Amy100 Great book! 6y
Monica5 I am reading right now 6y
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Got this gem for Christmas and it is by far the best gift I got it's been one plot twist after another thrown into the storyline seamlessly I have eighteen pages left and I have enjoyed it so much I just want to savor these last few pages

tpixie It was a great read! Cross always comes through!! 6y
Hayleehay0415 @tpixie it truly was I read it so quickly i didn't want to put it down and the Alex cross series Is definitely one of my favorites 6y
tpixie ♥️♥️♥️ 6y
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People vs. Alex Cross | James Patterson
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1. Thinking 100 books. That's just two per week.
2. The People vs Alex Cross
3. Looking to starting a milspouse book club
4. Several--non fiction a month, Litsy A-Z/Seasonal/Reading Challenge. Maybe Book Riot or Pop Sugar.
5. Tea, Kindle, iPhone, chargers, electric blanket, and dog


Wbabdullah Thanks so much for sharing! 😁 7y
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Just finished the new Alex Cross thriller by James Patterson and as usual, I was not disappointed. When Alex Cross is put on trial for murder, he as well as his family are determined to prove his innocence. This novel refers back to the very first Alex Cross novel, Along Came a Spider. I was very satisfied with this novel!

tpixie Oh wow maybe I should Re-read along came a spider? (edited) 7y
NikkiKey94 @tpixie I didn‘t reread it and had no problem keeping up with the storyline in this novel. I know everyone has a different reading style so it‘s totally a personal choice if you think you should reread it. 😀 7y
tpixie @NikkiKey94 ok! Thx! I‘ll just keep going forward!!! 7y
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NikkiKey94 @tpixie You‘re welcome! Enjoy! 7y
tpixie It was a great read! 6y
NikkiKey94 @tpixie Glad you liked it! 6y
tpixie 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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Typical Alex Cross ... very satisfying read.

Booknerd2 Waiting on this one from the library 7y
suvata If you like Alex Cross books, you‘ll love this one. 7y
tpixie Do you wish you re read Along Came a Spider? 7y
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This just came out today and I‘m so excited to read it. The only Patterson I read is this series. This is the 25th Alex Cross book.

Booknerd2 I‘ve read every single one and can‘t wait for this one!! 7y
suvata @Booknerd2 I just finished it. It‘s a good one. 7y
Booknerd2 Yay. Hope my hold at the library comes in soon. 7y
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