It‘s here, I can‘t wait for opening day! #jolabokaflod
It‘s here, I can‘t wait for opening day! #jolabokaflod
This is a spectacular book thats a fun easy read that left me lost in the words. The main character happyface is such a weird goofy nice guy even though he has it really bad at home. his crush Gretchen Is the popular party girl that disobeys her parents but has fun in life. The title for the book is made to seem like a fake face that makes him seem all happy when his life is at the bottom of the pit
This is and amazing book about a kid trying to get his feelings out to his only friend (Chloe) but his family embarrassed him and now he won‘t talk to Chloe now he has met some new people and some girls.
That feeling you get when you find the discount book aisle of the store....hard cover books for $.99-$3.99 😮...anybody see anything on their TBR list?!
How exciting! Loving Litsy and all the fun people and great books!
WooHoo!!! 📚📚📚
I‘m so pleased to have reached this milestone! I love this place, the best place for bookish people on the internet!!💚
Thank you my Friends for making me feel welcome and at home here🤓