Visiting a bookshop and then calling in to see Jimmy Perez.
Visiting a bookshop and then calling in to see Jimmy Perez.
Last week I was at the Terror Australis Writers and Readers Festival. Fantastic event with the Ann Cleeves 👏
I'm catching up on my Seasonal Readalongs this afternoon. This is such a beautiful book. Divided into section Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. I've really enjoyed my reread.
"Autumn is the season of the Equinox, of fierce gales and big tides.....
1* Jimmy Perez of Shetland
2* In Shetland for sure!
3* We would visit Lerwick and Fair Isle, take long walks, then I‘d ask him and Tosh a million questions over dinner
#SundayFunday @ozma.of.oz
Continuing my Seasonal Read with Summer:
"Midsummer in Shetland is a season of long days, and in June there are times when the sun seems to slide towards the horizon and then reappear almost immediately. In midsummer the sun is up for eighteen hours and fifty minutes, contrasting with just five hours and thirty minutes in midwinter."
? The Scotsman
#travelbybook #shetland #summer
Sorry for the delay. Last night I fell asleep on the couch!
1. So many series! Kinsey Millhone, LOTR, Harry Potter...and Shetland is a new favorite that I can‘t wait to continue once the library reopens and I can pick up the next book.
2. If I‘m still thinking about it months later
3. A wonderful rendition of Vivaldi‘s Four Seasons that I heard yesterday.
Day 3 #7days7covers #covercrush
Just pictures. No Explanations
Want to play? Consider yourself tagged. 🤓
Shetland - 💙💙💙💙💙
Holy Cow - 😕 #bestandworst
#marchstats #marchwrapup
1. Teaching Yoga ?
2. 5'4"
3. Almost 1/2 My Life
4. Continuing my Shetland Obbsesion. Maybe start on Poldark #4.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
January is usually a quiet month. Garden is asleep & social obligations are few. But still WOW! Last January Total was 11. This year:
Audio 6 + Kindle 11 + Print 8 = 25 Total.
#shetland - 5 #phryneappreciationclub - 4
#MountTBR - 3 (Print)
#readmyshelves - 9 (KINDLE and Audible)
Favorite Non #seriesbinge
Gentleman's Guide To Vice and Virture. 😍
Tie for #leastfavorite - Winter Garden (to maudlin) & dreadful Vampire Sequel.
#jan #stats 🤓
1. Chocolate/Winter. Ice Cream/ Summer.
2. Shetland
3. Reading Lord of the Flies in High School. still haunts me.
4. Almost year and half
5. Gladly! Tag me @missnavigation
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks