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Past Tense
Past Tense: (Jack Reacher 23) | Lee Child
31 posts | 44 read | 17 to read
From number one bestseller Lee Child, the thrilling new blockbuster featuring hero Jack Reacher. Reacher, the eternal drifter, happens by chance on the small New Hampshire town he remembers his father was supposed to have come from. But when he starts looking for his dad's old home, he finds there's no record of anyone named Reacher ever having lived there.
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A rural town in New Hampshire. That‘s where Jack Reacher lands for his next adventure. Quite a few of the Reacher novels have left an impression and this is one of my favorites. Traveling from ME to CA, Reacher sees a road sign for a familiar town. Not familiar because he‘s been there before, familiar because he‘s seen it on letter envelopes. It‘s where his father is from.

Full review and pictures of sunflowers at https://abookandadog.com

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This will be my first Lee Child read… looks good 😁

papascott33 How was it?? 2y
all_4_kb @papascott33 I really enjoyed it !! 2y
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This one didn't take me long to read, quite good

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The Jack Reacher series is like the Road Runner/Wylie Coyote cartoon. You know, the same desert, same road, same chase but one one day you hope that coyote gets the road runner so you keep watching, just in case. Well, I keep hoping that Jack Reacher will quit hitchhiking, fall in love and maybe not walk into a town with some gangster/meth dealer/Army evil person wanting to fight him. I think I‘m done with this series.

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I haven't read any Lee Child in a while, and I'm really enjoying this one. It's a bit different from previous Jack Reacher books in that Jack is looking into his past (something he usually avoids doing), and there's a subplot that's almost horror. I love that some of it is set in a library. Of course I had to Google the location, and the Laconia (NH) Public Library is indeed beautiful. #mystery #mysteries #JackReacher #bookssetinlibraries

Bookzombie I need to pick this series back up. I have only read the first two. 5y
TiredLibrarian @Bookzombie I really like this series; it's one of the few I've read that has kept its quality over time. 5y
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This one kept me on the edge of my seat! I was left wanting to know what happens next with all of the characters that were involved.

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I love Jack Reacher's novel but this one is too tedious for me...



Traveling through New Hampshire, Reacher decides to visit the town where his father grew up. In a parallel story, two young Canadians find themselves prisoners of sorts at a remote motel. Eventually, the disparate elements merge in a story that, although not Child‘s best, is still plenty satisfying. There are several subplots and the usual array of unusual characters. Despite the flaws, a Reacher book is always a good read. No exception here.


Thrills and a bit of new backstory for Reacher. The bad guys get their just deserts. Reacher walks off into the sunset.
I‘ve been reading Lee Child for years. Predictable and satisfying

Got to say though, Nick Petrie is my new fave in the “loner detects wrong and kicks butt” genre. Better writing, better characters. If you like Child, you‘ll love Petrie.


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Was a good story and I did warm to Reacher again, now I've stopped picturing Tom Cruise 🤣 He does kick some serious ass!

I enjoyed it but they still aren't what they used to be, I guess that happens the longer a series goes on.

#Seriesread @TheSpineView

#booknerdchallenge to listen to an audiobook. In regards to audiobooks they just aren't for me! I just didn't get that satisfaction of completing a book like I do with a physical book 😒

madamereadsalot1 I was so irritated they cast him as well. I heard they'll be picking someone else on future films because Child was like, yeah he's a good actor, but he isn't Just a. 6y
TheSpineView 😊 6y
suzie.reads @madamereadsalot1 yeah he isn't playing him anymore, it was the most ridiculous casting 😒 6y
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madamereadsalot1 I absolutely hate that I can't edit comments.... That was supposed to have been Jack, not Just a... I don't get how that happened. 😂 But anyway, yeah it really was ludicrous. Have you seen anywhere who they may be considering next? 6y
suzie.reads @madamereadsalot1 there are alot of rumours just hope it's not Matthew McConaughey 😂 looking forward to the tv series though. 6y
madamereadsalot1 Oh gosh.... Please no McConaughey! I don't know who I'd cast, but I know who I wouldn't. 😆 6y
suzie.reads @madamereadsalot1 have you heard of Ray Stevenson? He was in Dexter, he is who I imagined as Reacher before they ruined it all with Tom Cruise 😂 6y
madamereadsalot1 I looked him up. I can see that, definitely! 6y
Crazeedi My hubby's favorite series! 6y
suzie.reads @Crazeedi it used to be one of mine but getting bored now 😒 6y
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So yeah I'm trying but not enjoying it so far 😒 I think my mind is too active to focus on someone just talking about me, I keep drifting off 😂

Part of the #booknerdchallenge to listen to an audiobook. Picked the latest Jack Reacher book because I've sort of fallen out of love with him and refuse to buy anymore and it was only available from the library on audio 🤣

I'm hoping the latest book makes me fall back in love with Reacher again 😍

Laughterhp I found it easier to listen and get into audiobooks by listening to nonfiction first, like celebrity memoirs. Fiction is tough at first. It also helps if you‘re doing an activity, walking, driving, cleaning, etc. 6y
suzie.reads @Laughterhp I've been trying whilst I cleaned and I realised I'd stopped listening 😂 I just don't think it's for me, I prefer listening to music. Will finish this book though because it's a series I'm reading 😊 6y
Chelsea.Poole I had a tough time adjusting to audiobooks at first as well. I also thought it wasn't for me. It took me several tries to "learn" how to listen. One of the books finally clicked and now I listen (at least partially) to everything I read. I'm a total convert!! I have faith you can learn to love it too! 6y
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I love me a good Jack Reacher novel. He‘s so bad ass.

Crazeedi I've never read the series, but it's my hubby's favorite! He waits on pins and needles for the next installment 6y
suzie.reads I miss that love of Reacher 😫 I got bored of them, they got too samey for me👎🏻 6y
minkyb Am a devoted Reacher fan. 6y
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Not Child‘s best in my opinion- but still a great way to spend a summer day. Past Tense has all you need from a Jack Reacher thriller, and Reacher is his usual, measured, ruthless, spectacular self. The threads just took a wee bit longer to come together than I‘d have liked, and this is small town Reacher, so the crime is contained and lacks some of the complexity of his other novels. Still, I really enjoyed this.

Emilymdxn Great picture!! 6y
AceOnRoam That's a great description of Reacher 😍❤😍 6y
Mdargusch Great review! 6y
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ClairesReads @Emilymdxn thank you 🙏🏻 6y
ClairesReads @Mdargusch 🙏🏻 thank you 6y
ClairesReads @AceOnRoam Hahaha thank you!! 6y
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It‘s summer, and I‘m back with my mate Jack Reacher 👌🏻

gradcat And such a fine mate he is! 6y
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Starting the year the same way I did last year, with Jack Reacher (and coffee).

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Halfway through and I'm slightly bored...I need the separate threads to start coming together. Sooner than later.

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They may not be fine literature, but they sure are a fun read.

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Time to start the new Jack Reacher! 🤗

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Love this description of Jack Reacher

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Book 23 finished, now to wait for next November

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Book 4 (final) of post-trip catch-up: I haven't read all 23 of the Jack Reacher series; but I've read a good number. This (most recent) installment was one of the best IMHO, even though I predicted some of the twists. I liked a few of the secondary characters. These are typically different from book to book, as Reacher never stays put for long. [read 11/11-14]

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Yes, Patricia Cornwall! Well said. That's why I reach for Reacher!

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Epic nap this afternoon so spending my evening with Reacher.

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We had the great pleasure of interviewing Lee Child last week about his latest Jack Reacher book, PAST TENSE. You can watch it now: https://buff.ly/2qvDQta

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(A Monday release by a major publisher!?)

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My order came in! Always love this time of year for my new Jack Reacher 🤗

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A solid Reacher Thriller combining two stories that somewhat interlock but both play out in their own way. Here Reacher‘s search for some connection to his past involves a bit of historical investigation combined with some coincidental reliving of history. As the backbone of the book it works but Lee also adds a strange little thriller story into the mix that adds action. This is the first book narrated by Scott Brick and take some adjustment.

inthegreensandblues I like Scott Brick but have only heard him read non fiction, which I suppose requires less acting? 6y
Guildedearlobe @inthegreensandblues Scott Brick is a good narrator. He can be great with the right book. Here, he‘s good but he‘s replacing the long time series narrator, Dick Hill who just retired and the two have very different voices and styles. 6y
inthegreensandblues @Guildedearlobe Ah, that would take a little getting used to. 6y
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1. I take too many pictures of beer. Because beer. It‘s all beer, pictures of books and cat pictures. I‘m a rock star.
2. The new Reacher novel. The first since Dick Hill retired. It‘s taking some time to adjust to Scott Brick as the voice of Reacher.
3. It‘s my weekend to work.
4. My Wawa cup.

“I‘m not the kind to kiss and tell but I‘ve been seen with Farrah....”


Cinfhen WaWa 🙌🏻❣️you must be in PA or NJ??? 6y
Guildedearlobe @Cinfhen I live in the Philly burbs. Wawa is life. 6y
Cinfhen I lived in Lower Merion for nearly 45 years....yes, Wawa is life ❣️❣️❣️❣️ 6y
Guildedearlobe @Cinfhen I lived in Bucks most of my life but I went to Eastern for college so I‘m familiar with Lower Merion. Interestingly, you can‘t get the red cold Wawa cups in my area. I got it while I was on vacation in Florida. 6y
Cinfhen I don‘t think I‘ve seen WaWa in Florida!! I‘ve seen lots of Kwik Marts🙄 6y
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Today‘s plans.

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Got to spend some time with friend and former teacher Lee Child at the Harrogate Crime Writers Festival. He makes a remarkable commitment to fan accessibility and had just jetted over from NYC after doing several appearances at #thrillerfest the week before. Best piece of writing advice I ever got from Lee was that writing is like music and you should read your work out loud to make sure you have the rhythm right.

TrishB Very cool 👍🏻 6y
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