This book was inspired by the 2014 Oso, Washington mudslide. I don‘t remember this tragic event. The story follows a young woman who lost her family. Annie struggles not only to NOT lose herself, but to find herself and her happiness.
This book was inspired by the 2014 Oso, Washington mudslide. I don‘t remember this tragic event. The story follows a young woman who lost her family. Annie struggles not only to NOT lose herself, but to find herself and her happiness.
Wanted a light and comforting read, but I‘m now halfway through the book, and it doesn‘t do it for me. DNF.
“Just read your book, mama. No pictures needed.” #catsoflitsy #cats #kindle #ebook
#LitsySpringBreak #Cottage
A quaint little cottage by the sea, where souls can be mended and hearts learn to love again.
Normally I like Macomber‘s books. They‘re easy to read & satisfy my need for fluffy happy endings.
So why pan? Because 2 characters had been psychologically abused & suffered from (undiagnosed) mental health issues. I felt Macomber seriously glossed over these issues. Showing them as happy/“cured” at the end is not a good message. I get the need for conflict, but there are other ways than by glossing over mental health issues.
After reading a few fast paced, psychological thrillers I felt the need for something a little slower and heartwarming.
This book is classed as Romance which I wouldn‘t typically choose and at times the writing was very poetic and sappy. I liked Annie, found the dialogue for both Keaton and Mellie cringeworthy. Overall, I enjoyed the storyline of each character and it ticked the boxes of a comfort read for me.
Rating: 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
A sad but sweet story about a woman who moved back to her family's vacation cottage after losing her family in a mudslide.
A must read for springtime readathons.
Still reading. Love Debbie Macomber books. Never disappoints. Great read while in quarantine,
Going to re read all her books. Will recap and review when I‘m done.
Nice to spend time with an old friend during Corona times.
My review of this book is up on my blog. Come check it out. https://wwwjustagirlkindleing.blogspot.com/
I started this book a year ago and forgot about it because I got busy with life. Anyway my review will be up on my blog soon.
I finished listening to this book last night, it's been keeping me company on my short commute for several weeks. I always enjoy a good Debbie Macomber book and this one did not disappoint. Next up...Amy Poehler's book and the next Flavia de Luce book, both on audio 😊
Finished this one during my walk. It‘s Debbie Macomber and is what you‘d expect. The Popcorn of books. Satisfying when you‘re hungry but not enough for the meal. 3⭐️
I enjoyed this book for the most part. However at times Keaton and Annie got on my nerves. I felt like some things were rushed and the reason Annie went to Oceanside barely got talked about again. It's not on of my faves by Macomber but I still liked it
Haven't been moved to tears in a while . . . Feels good 😊
Such a sweet and loving story about a woman who is dealing with a huge tragedy and learns how to mend her broken heart and learn how to love again!
What a sweet and loving story about loss, love and new beginings.
Having a second cup and finishing this ARC.
So this just happened💃
#giveawys #goodreads
I‘ve started my #2018summerreadinglist (not that I‘ll be reading at the beach tho lol). Do you have any suggestions for me to add?