I ♥ Tom Gauld
35% hilarious, 35% clever and witty, and 30% meh. Considering what a quick read this is, it is well worth it. The ones that are funny are REALLY funny, and the clever ones show what an interesting mind the author has.
If you need a clever/bookish break time read, this book is perfect.
I love Tom Gauld's drawing style and subject matter, even when the jokes were over my head. And you really can't beat that title.
These are the kinds of bible stories that could get me #backtochurch!
[as a survivor of 12 years of catholic school, and many a loooooong service, I get to find humor in it now, thank you 😁]
And I can't pick my favorite from above: each should be a multi-book series as well as a movie!
Presenting 'Holy Spirit Investigates' on Masterpiece Mystery!
Space Jesus starring Chris Pratt!
Gimme a 'HELL YEAH'!!!
#feminism #feministfairygodmother
'Her brightly-attired companion was not so lucky.'
Looks about right 😉
Oh, my. Hilarious literary-related & intellectual-skewering cartoons.
Even when they went over my head, I could see they were funny 😁
❤️ Tom Gauld
Now I'm in a Tom Gauld mood! Sci-Fi lovers will enjoy this one! 😂
Mostly amusing, erudite, very literary. I must admit a lot of the cartoons went over my head. I think I am moderately well read, but not an ivory-tower-die-hard-literature-fanatic. I think to fully appreciate this book, one should be 1. British, 2. an English literature professor and/or fanatic, 3. a fiction writer. 3/5
Between a pick and so-so, upgraded to pick because it is about books...
This book is full of great book related cartoons.
so random... so good! #tomgauld #jetpack #comics #comicbooks
Witty comics for literary lovers.
Dryly hilarious, and definitely out there in some cases but so much fun.
Received a Tom Gould sampler in the mail. Resisting the urge to show you every literary cartoon. He's hilarious!