Memoir from a nice writer / scientist... summer park reading... #summerbooks #picnic #oliversacks
Memoir from a nice writer / scientist... summer park reading... #summerbooks #picnic #oliversacks
When in doubt... do like Hermione Granger... #mantra #hermione #hp #potterhead ( t shirt from @outofprint ... )
"Whatever happened to the American Dream?"
"It came true... you're looking at it!!" #watchmen #alanmoore
So my reading challenge for 2017 in #goodreads is a little humble... but I want to make it with not only graphic novels or comic books hehe... so I will start with the second part of 1Q84
The best Pop Up books eeeever!!! #sabuda #popupbook #childrenbook #dinosaurs
"You get what anyone gets... you get a lifetime".. #death of the #endless is one of my favorite characters from #sandman .. #neilgaiman
Spanish (original) version of "Women on the edge" by Maitena!! raw and amazing humor about being a woman in the 90s. Funny and sarcastic... Unavoidable! #maitena #womenontheedge #comics #cartoon #femalecartoonist
This comic artist is so random and accurate and poetic!!! He deserves much more atention! #comicbooks #tute
Nice book.. good first lookout of a world that would be later masterly developed by Tolkien.
I still have some unresolved questions about how some things from this book get into (or don't) the Lord of the Rings.
I must say that the lack of female characters is soooo obvious and deliberate that it bothered me.
so random... so good! #tomgauld #jetpack #comics #comicbooks
#tbt to one year ago that I had the opportunity to listen to a talk by Jorge Cham!!! The Power of Procrastination!!! #phdcomics #phd
one of my favorite books and one of my favorite tees. Neil Gaiman knows how to write an amazing T-shirt... I mean.. novel! #americangods #neilgaiman #tshirt #kindle
Absurd... surreal... ridiculous... beautiful.... the perfect gateway to the Cortazar universe!
Let us all become more like a Cronopio and much less like a Fama!!
Not bad as a play I suppose... not my favorite book.. sometimes it felt like reheating leftovers... but some parts where cool! #harrypotter #cursedchild #jkrowling
I found this beauty on a charity sale at my Uni. It costed me 1 canadian dollar!!! UN.BE.LIE.VA.BLE!!! #thehobbit #lotr #tolkien #bilbo