My #booked2021 first quarter progress. Kind of bounced all around, but there were some good reads. Looking forward to some good reads next quarter.
My #booked2021 first quarter progress. Kind of bounced all around, but there were some good reads. Looking forward to some good reads next quarter.
What do you do when you work from home in the morning and your husband is at work? You finish the last few pages of your book in bed before you get up, because no one can stop you.
This guy is making it difficult to read. Also, don‘t tell my husband he‘s on the couch.
On my way to work this morning, I realized I didn‘t have a lunch book in my work bag. Luckily, events aligned and I was able to go pick up the book I ordered last week before lunch instead of after work. Huzzah! (I ordered this last year, before #pennyperpage for #newyearwhodis, so I‘m not counting it against my budget.)
I really loved this book, which was another of the My TBR recommendations for me last quarter. I had never heard of Khalida Brohi and her work to empower women and end honor killings in Pakistan. She is very inspiring! More people should read her book. This would be great for those reading in the #SheSaid group, @Riveted_Reader_Melissa
This book is NOT getting enough attention. It's the memoir of a teenager inspired to action when her cousin is killed by family to preserve honor in Pakistan. It's also a love story, a father/daughter bonding, a story of arranged childhood marriage, a story of change and hope. Only complaint was it was too short at just under 200 pages. Despite that, read this and immerse yourself in another culture.
I love small-world resonances and intersections in my reading. First book by a Pakastani author and she is connected to Tlaquepaque, a place with many resonances and memories in my life.
I should have honor...and it is nice to have a beautiful warm beach to read on. Especially if that beach is Kuana‘oa Beach at Mauna Kea.
This is a book that stays with you. It is a memoir of difficult and horrifying challenges, yet it leaves the reader with hope. The author is a Pakistani activist, trying to end honor killings and child marriages in her country. I learned so much about Pakistani culture and appreciated the way the author was able to show respect and love for her traditions while acknowledging the parts that need to change. I grew as a person just by reading it. ♥️
Started this last night. So far very interesting to learn about Pakistani culture.
I can‘t help but notice that all my pics recently have been taken on my bed. . . I really like my bed! Probably too much. And it‘s my favorite reading spot too. I‘m really grateful to have such a cozy place to sleep!
A very quick read that was both harrowing and uplifting. After witnessing the abuse and murder of multiple young childhood friends and family members, Brohi devotes her life to ending the marriage of prepubescent girls and "honor" killings of girls and women in tribal cultures. She perseveres in her efforts despite the social approbrium and death threats. Though a bit short on specifics of what her NGO has accomplished, it's a riveting read.
A memoir to inspire by the feminist social entrepreneur, Khalida Brohi. A young woman from tribal Pakistan, she is changing the world for women. Read more at: https://onthebl.org/2018/09/07/i-should-have-honor-by-khalida-brohi/
What initially drew me to this memoir was the cover: it‘s beautiful. But the cover is so deceiving. Because inside its pages is not flowery prose or a whimsical tale; it is a story of strength, of heartbreak, of strong will and meek upbringings &yes, of honor too.
Brohi examines Pakistani life, culture, &customs, specifically the inferior &harsh treatment of women (ie honor killings) &she rises above to create change in her country.
"I have made it my mission to redefine honor, to bring it back to where it belongs. Honor is not the inheritance of men. Every woman should have honor.
You should have honor.
I should have honor."
I loved this book. I couldn't put it down. It is an inspiring book in that it shows us how one person can affect change. It also gives us a glimpse into rural and tribal life in Pakistan as well as showing us what needs to change. This book brings greater awareness to the practice of honor killings and hopefully will help affect change in the world. I highly recommend this book.
Release date: September 4, 2018
"That day, a year before my birth , he did the most sinful thing he could imagine: he made his father cry by raising his voice to him. But to me, standing up for a daughter he had not yet even held in his hands was the most honorable thing. He saved my life."
"Honor has been misused for centuries. We have come to feel it is ugly and unnecessary. But in reality it is a beautiful, powerful value that grounds us and makes us stronger."