Picking up where March leaves off, a blend of history and memoir of Lewis‘ time with the Civil Rights Movement. An incredibly important read.
#votersrights #civilrights
Picking up where March leaves off, a blend of history and memoir of Lewis‘ time with the Civil Rights Movement. An incredibly important read.
#votersrights #civilrights
This is an amazing Black History Month or anytime read, carrying forward the excellence of the March series. It deepened my understanding of divisions within SNCC and the movement overall, and of how those connected to the Vietnam War, backlash to the Voting Rights Act, and more. Cool how many lesser-known activists were highlighted. I gasped at the final page bc I wasn‘t ready for the story to end. Hope his co-creators will put out a Book Two?
It is vile that months ago March trilogy & Run were banned in a PA Jail. Book 1 of March was released in '13 & the trilogy itself is one of the most important American political historical gn as it tells of Lewis life & his involvement with the Civil Rights Movement. Lewis, Aydin & Powell managed to give the movement a sense of relevance & urgency to the younger generation with their graphic history, without watering down the details.
This feels like it was supposed to be the first of a new trilogy. That‘s why this felt off out and ended abruptly. Maybe #2 in a few years. This focused on the SNC arguing over supporting the Vietnam War for freedom deboned blacks in America. The KKK makes me nervous, I can‘t begin to understand how blacks must have felt. John doesn‘t know where or what to do at the end here. The KKK are making their largest march
First you march, then you run.
A little confusing and it seemed to end unexpectedly. But still important!
I loved Lewis‘s March trilogy, so I was really looking forward to Run in #October. The first volume did not disappoint! What an absolute legend
I‘m in awe of the amount of research that went into producing this graphic novel. I‘m not really a graphic novel person, so I missed the memo about the March trilogy by the same team. Time to read those as well!
RUN is the sequel trilogy to John Lewis‘ MARCH graphic memoirs of the Civil Rights Movement. The Voting Rights Act is signed into law, but the struggle continues amid a violent backlash from white supremacists. Meanwhile, Lewis struggles to lead SNCC through the turmoil of the Vietnam War and public disillusionment with the nonviolent principles he holds dear. These books are so important, inspiring, immersive—I‘m so grateful the story continues!
First we march, then we run...
Wow! March left a lasting impression on me and I didn't think anything could top it, but with Run, Lewis and Aydin have once again created a must-read for people of all ages. 💚
This read made me angry, sad, and hopeful. I highly recommend this. Read it; gift it; talk about it.
Big thanks to Abrams Comicarts for sending this to me. I‘ll be reading this tonight!!!
How did I not know about this until today?!? I need to make a phone call to my favorite bookstore!