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Braided: A Journey of a Thousand Challahs
Braided: A Journey of a Thousand Challahs | Beth MD Ricanati
7 posts | 6 read | 8 to read
What if you could bake bread once a week, every week? What if the smell of fresh bread could turn your house into a home? And what if the act of making the bread--mixing and kneading, watching and waiting--could heal your heartache and your emptiness, your sense of being overwhelmed? It can. This is the surprise that physician-mother Beth Ricanati learned when she started baking challah: that simply stopping and baking bread was the best medicine she could prescribe for women in a fast-paced world.
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A sweet and thoughtful book about how taking the time for rituals in your life can greatly improve it. A little reading while my husband watched football & completed my #bookspin book for this month.

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My #bookspin and my #doublespin for October! The first is very appropriate as this is the first night of Rosh Hashanah (although my husband has to work so we‘re not celebrating until tmo) thanks @TheAromaofBooks for organizing!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Enjoy!! 2w
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Sometimes a book lands in your lap and you didn‘t even know you were looking for it. This is a #genreHybrid part memoir, part cookbook, part self-help. Beth Ricanati, shares the beauty of Judaism, its traditions & beliefs and how the art of preparing & baking challah ( traditional Friday night Sabbath bread) is good for your mental & physical health. I‘m looking forward to actually trying her recipe/method for making challah. 👇🏼

Cinfhen This was gifted to me by my son Eric, who had the pleasure of sharing a Shabbat dinner with Dr. Beth Ricanti. Book also works for multiple challenge prompts 🙌🏻♥️ 4y
Freespirit What a lovely son you have Cindy💕 4y
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Cinfhen THANK YOU 💕💕💕💕He‘s a sweet guy @Freespirit I‘m proud of the young man he‘s become. 4y
Kalalalatja Sounds like a lovely book, and the story behind only makes it more special! ❤️ 4y
Cinfhen Thanks @Kalalalatja ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
Blaire Oh this sounds great. I‘m going to read and recommend it to my mom. 4y
Cinfhen It‘s such a wonderful gift @Blaire I hope you both enjoy it💕It does seem that Beth grew up in privilege, so u need to sort of look pass that 🙄 4y
CoffeeAndABook I‘ve heard so often that baking bread is good for your mental health, really therapeutic. And maybe even more so if it‘s imbedded in an age-old and/or religious tradition. If you know your ancestors centuries ago did this same thing at the end of a long trying week. I have yet to try it myself though 🙈 4y
KarenUK This sounds lovely..... Stacked! 💕🥖 4y
CoffeeK8 This sounds wonderful! Stacking this so fast! 💕 4y
Cinfhen I think everyone can gleam something from this book @CoffeeAndABook @KarenUK @CoffeeK8 and if the result is the delicious aroma of fresh bread even better😊 4y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen did you bake a challah from the book? Is it as good as I imagine? 4y
Cinfhen No, @CoffeeAndABook I need to work up my courage... baking challah intimidates me 4y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen I am intimidated by baking anything more sophisticated than brownies or chocolate chip cookies 😂 so I totally understand!! 4y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen ... but my brownies and choc chip cookies are to die for - so it‘s not a total write-off!!! 😃 4y
Cinfhen Yum!!!! Two of my FAVORITE desserts @CoffeeAndABook 4y
CoffeeAndABook @Cinfhen wish I could invite you over for a 🍪 & ☕️!! 💓 4y
Reviewsbylola Glad you had a good choice for this prompt! 4y
Cinfhen That would be SO AWESOME @CoffeeAndABook ❤️ 4y
Cinfhen Thanks @Reviewsbylola I wasn‘t expecting to enjoy it as much as I did 💕 4y
Centique Awww what a lovely gift from your son. I can see how baking bread - with the extra depth of culture and religion - would be therapeutic. I have tried to bake bread three times with no success but then I read a bakers blog about the different types of yeast - so I‘ve bought a different type now and hope that helps me!! 🤞🤞 4y
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It‘s been raining all day, we‘re still on country lockdown, so I‘m picking up another book. My third of the day🙈This one was gifted to me by my son, who met the author at a Friday Night Shabbat Dinner. Apparently the challah really was UNBELIEVABLY DELICIOUS 😁This book would work for several #Booked21 prompts #JewishAuthor #AuthorFirstNameABC #BakedGoodsOnCover #CovidHeroes

AlaMich Was there an unusual ingredient? I mean, in my experience most challah tastes pretty much the same unless there are raisins or something in it. Or unless it‘s very dry 😖 4y
Cinfhen No, she makes a very basic recipe @AlaMich but she‘s pretty specific about her brands of flour and yeast / she also gives you a recipe for a cinnamon swirl and crumb streusel you can add and apples and honey for RH. My son said it was just warm, doughy and delicious. The author is a dr who switched from practicing internal medicine to practicing “Farmacy” which is basically being aware of what foods u put in your body👇🏽 4y
Cinfhen She‘s very spiritual and she talks about putting your needs into the kneading. Of being mindful to speak to Gd while your kneading and to dedicate your challah each week to someone your worried about, or who needs extra attention, help, prayers. It sounds very woohwooh but I get it. I‘m definitely connecting to her 4y
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LeahBergen Yum! Please send me a loaf. 😂 4y
Cinfhen I‘m definitely going to attempt her recipe @leahbergen but of course I can‘t get the brands the author recommends. Baking/ making challah ALWAYS intimidates me but I‘m finding inspiration from this book. 4y
AlaMich @Cinfhen I‘ve made challah exactly once, and it turned out very good, but I am notorious for my beginner‘s luck in baking. The next time usually isn‘t nearly as good. 4y
Cinfhen I‘d stop too @alamich if I hit a homer with my first attempt 🙌🏻♥️ 4y
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Sace Thanks for sharing! It sounds like just what I need right now. (I so wanted to make the "knead" joke ?) 5y
Insightsintobooks @Sace lol. You're welcome! 5y
jillrhudy I feel like I could eat 1000 challahs. 5y
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A memoir and a cookbook ❤️ part of BookSparks Magic Of Memoir Blog Tour😊

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