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Brat: An '80s Story | Andrew McCarthy
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Bk2 for June is done! If my readings not quite back to what it was, at least there‘s light at the end of the tunnel now thank god👍I enjoyed this memoir more than I thought I would, bring back so many memories of what the 80s were like for a teenager. Though for an actor that looked so cool onscreen, he was a total mess off it. Highly recommend. #BookspinBingo #BigJuneReadathon #NonFictionBingo #ImASurvivor #Pop21 #Booked2022 #ByAJournalist

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
Cinfhen I thought this was ok as far as celebrity memoirs go but I agree, the 80‘s nostalgia was fab 🎉🤩have you listened to this one SO GOOD !!!! 2y
Lizpixie @Cinfhen I‘ll have to use my next audible credit on that, I love Rob Lowe! #BratPack4Eva 2y
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Allah is Not Obliged | Ahmadou Kourouma
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What a mess, West-Africa in the 90s. When his mother dies and he is left without family, a young boy from #IvoryCoast travels through war torn Liberia and Sierra Leone in search of his aunt. He becomes a child soldier and witnesses all the horrible things a kid shouldn‘t. Drugged and hyper he writes down his story.

#19822022 #2000 #ReadingAfrica2022 🇨🇮 #pop21 #FeaturesTwoLanguages

Librarybelle This sounds heartbreaking 2y
Cinfhen The history in modern day Africa is just as heartbreaking as the days of early slavery 2y
BarbaraBB @Librarybelle @Cinfhen It is heartbreaking indeed and it seems hopeless 💔 2y
Megabooks Thinking about what the west has imposed on Africa and the issues colonization and slavery created just breaks my heart. It‘s been hard for me to have the emotional space to read these stories this year with the other issues I‘ve had. 2y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks I can understand that. It is hard to read and to deal with. 2y
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The first half is voodoo and sex and a zombie-like resurrection and a rapey butterfly. The second half is less manic and more philosophical than ridiculous but is still interesting. This would be an short choice for #FoodAndLit #Haiti this year if you're up for the challenge.

October #bookspinbingo #Booked2021 #TranslatedInMy1stLanguage @BarbaratheBibliophage @4thHouseontheLeft @Cinfhen #pop21 #FewerThan1000Reviews

BarbaraTheBibliophage Unique … if cringeworthy. 3y
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Not perfect, but I enjoyed the hell out of this. Perhaps because some of my more significant relationships started as friendships, I was rooting for opposites Poppy & Alex to hook up. We follow these unlikely best friends through their tumultuous "present" by exploring their relationship through various summer vacations of years past. A light & fun read, especially since I haven't really had any vacations in two years thanks to Covid.

Cinfhen I‘m looking forward to reading this book 📚 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I picked this up with BOTM book of the year. Ended up giving it to our college-age grande to read while she‘s on break. She‘s so excited! 3y
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I plucked this from the depths of my physical TBR stacks for the #pop21 prompt #ABookWhereTheMCWorksAtYourCurrentOrDreamJob and though I'm in sales now, I have many years of being involved in hotel operations and thought it was a good excuse to get around to this.
If you have ever worked in a hotel for more than a week, you've likely heard the phrase "I could write a book about this place". Sadly, this memoir was filled more with the ⬇️

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick stories of toxic workplaces that cater to the wealthy moreso than the interesting characters we meet along the way. I get it...you can't call out Mr Adultery by name, but surely there were more interesting things to write about than the ridiculous job security brought on by having a Union or the way you and your team hustle cash tips from the well-off guests, who are eager to add another peon to their entourage. ⬇️

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Maybe it's different coming from the POV of an economy brand, but my experiences that are less about the money and more about the characters: the fat naked guy who left bedsheets tied to the bed - bondage style (true!); the good old days of playing "porn or not porn" when we saw movie charges on your bill (also true); and the couple who checked in with a "very large dog who doesn't bark" because it's actually a pony and, yes, ⬇️

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick that IS hay in their checked out room. (True again. You haven't lived until you've seen the housekeeper come running, flapping her hands yelling "horsey, horsey, horsey!) Unless the dealings of an entitled Front Desk jockey at a NYC hotel sounds fascinating to you, I say skip this and just buy me a beer instead. I've got stories for days!

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
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LiteraryinLawrence Whoa, maybe YOU should write the book that you hoped this would be? I‘d read it! 3y
Ruthiella I agree with @LiteraryinLawrence , you should write a book! 3y
bthegood Love reading your reviews - thank you!! 😂 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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The Bell Jar | Sylvia Plath
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This was an interesting glimpse into the thoughts of a young woman in the 1950s descending into depression. Today mental illness still has a stigma attached, but compared to these (semi-autobiographical) experiences, today's people seem better off. I am fortunate to not experience these extreme lows and suicidal thoughts myself, so experiencing them through Esther Greenwood was eye-opening.

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#pop21 So I‘m FINALLY done! Finished both the 40 and 10 advanced prompts for the first time! Phew! 😅

Definitely read out of my comfort zone and read some great books! And so enjoyed sharing the journey with these lovely Littens…..

IndoorDame Congrats!!! 3y
Megabooks Congratulations!! 🥳🥳🥳 3y
squirrelbrain Yay - well done! 🎉🎉🎉 3y
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RaeLovesToRead Woo! Well done! (I got so confused with this post because I misread it as pop22 and was thinking HOW on earth did you read 50 books in a couple of weeks 😅🤣) Looking forward to this coming years challenge 😊 3y
rachelm 🎉🎉🎉 3y
Cinfhen Woohoo!!! UH.MAY.ZING 🙌🏻looking forward to #pop22 xxx 3y
BarbaraBB Yay, you did it! Great collection again! 🤍 3y
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Bk12 of December & #WinterGames2021 & Bk2 of #DashingDecember #readathon is done! I‘ve had this trilogy on my TBR for ages, I‘m glad I finally got to it. Russia is a fascinating country & I absolutely love the language. This had medieval Moscow, witches, chyerti & orthodox priests. Loved it. #AVeryMerryBingo #MerryBookmas #TisTheReadson #AVeryMerryReadathon #WinterCosy #WrapItUpReadathon #Adventathon #FairyTaleathon #MistletoeManiacs 5,106pts👇

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Well Played | Jen DeLuca
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This was a fun second book in the trilogy. I liked Stacey in Well Met so I was happy to follow her this time around. Not a whole lot of smut, but it was cute to see Stacey and her love interest begin connecting via emails and texts. I admit there was a bit of a twist that I didn't pick up on, so that was fun, if a bit disappointing. There was less of the Ren Faire this time around simply because we got a lot of that exposition in book one.

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Fun and light, this was a pick and now I'm ready to move onto book three to read about Mitch getting it on!

May's #DoubleSpin book read in November @TheAromaOfBooks
#pop21 #BookFromTBRChosenAtRandom #52Books #MaleRelativeWithSameNameAsCharacter #Mitch

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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I wanted to love this so much but it was just too damn disjointed for my tastes. We're tossed into the book at the beginning, which reads like the middle. It didn't really come together for me at all, despite hoping and praying it would eventually all make sense. A few scenes gave me hope, but otherwise, it was not for me. I didn't care about the people. On audio, a lot of the dialogue sounded stunted, with lots of OKs and Yeahs. ⬇️

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick "Jennifer" sounded like she was hopped up on quaaludes and perhaps I would've liked this better if I was, too. Part The Librarians, part Doom Patrol, but 100% not my cup of tea.

November #bookspinbingo @TheAromaOfBooks #Booked21 #TitleIncludesLibraryOrLibrarian @4thHouseOnTheLeft @barbarathebibliophage @cinfhen #52Books #AboutAdoption #pop21 #SomethingBrokenOnTheCover
CBee @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick despite you not enjoying it, I got a huge kick out of your review 😂😂 especially the “hopped up on quaaludes” part 😂😂 3y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @CBee My humor seems to come out more when I dislike something. 🤣 3y
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CBee @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I can see that. And I‘m totally here for it 😂😂 Thanks for the card, btw! 😁 3y
BethM Great review! 3y
Cinfhen This was a strange book / not my cup of tea either 😉 3y
TheAromaofBooks Shame this one didn't work out, but at least you get the fun of reviewing it! 😂 3y
mcctrish The strangest book! I tried it on audio, could not deal at all, read in print = somewhat better but still bizarre 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Definitely a weird book … not for every mood or reader. 👊🏻 3y
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