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Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice: A Book-to-Table Classic | Jane Austen
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Puffin Plated: A Book-to-Table Reading Experience A deluxe, full-color hardback edition of the perennial Jane Austen classic featuring a selection of recipes for tea-time treats by the one and only Martha Stewart! Have your book and eat it, too, with this clever edition of a classic novel, featuring delicious recipes from celebrity chefs. In this edition of Jane Austen's regency classic Pride and Prejudice, plan a fancy tea party or book club gathering with recipes for sweet confections and pastries. From maple glazed scones and delicate sugar and spice cake, to berry tartlets and French macaroons. Bring your friends and family together with a good meal and a good book! Book includes full, unabridged text of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, interspersed with recipes, food photography, and special food artwork.
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"When I am in the country," he replied, "I never wish to leave it; and when I am in town it is pretty much the same. They have each their advantages, and I can be equally happy in either." Mr. Bingley - Chapter 9

#Pemberlittens Chiltern Classic another that needs added to the database. ?


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 4w
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"That is very true," replied Elizabeth, "and I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine." - Chapter 5

#Pemberlittens today's Pride and Prejudice is beautiful edition that includes recipes from Martha Stewart and the most amazing cookie art.

I was craving a classic afternoon tea so in my cup is Twinings English Afternoon tea. ???



"There are few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self-complacency on the score of some quality or other, real or imaginary."

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I absolutely delighted in reading this book. Fantastic from beginning to end, I can‘t wait to read all of Austen.

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I have to highlight on of my P&P books for #soldiers , as I immediately think of the regiment stationed in Meryton, and of course Wickham, the soldier we all love to hate! This edition features recipes from Martha Stewart between the chapters of P&P. It‘s colorful! #200PnPCovers

mabell I have never come across the Martha Stewart edition! I didn‘t even know there was such a thing! (Though I should have guessed 😆) 2y
CrowCAH It‘s a beautiful edition, one in my collection! 😁 2y
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It‘s a beautiful morning to be outside with my book and coffee. I‘m not sure about this book. It‘s ok but I think it‘s a bit slower moving than the kind of books I am used to.

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Starting this beautiful book today. We will see how this goes. I sometimes have a hard time reading these older books.

Thousand-Lives What a gorgeous cover! 4y
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"To Pemberley, therefore, they were to go."

Cookie Art. @sprainedbrain


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@inthegreensandblues here's a sample of the Cookie Art. I have Cookbook stand in my kitchen that I change out with the seasons. For August/ September #Pemberlittens it's going to be this one. @sprainedbrain 👩🏻‍🍳

inthegreensandblues 🤩 🤤 4y
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#7Days7Covers #CoverCrush

No description needed. 😍

Anyone who wants to join, please, jump in using the hashtags.

HOTPock3tt I want that cover!!! 😍♥️ 5y
ValerieAndBooks 😍!! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm 💗 💗 5y
BookNAround I have this one with my cookbooks. 😁 5y
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My birthday is on Sunday, and my lovely friend @That-Bookish-Hiker spoiled me!!! Those are Pride and Prejudice nail wraps there, and she even sent bandanas for my pups! ❤️ Thank you again, Cristal! I love everything! 🥰

And FYI y‘all, today is actually HER birthday, so be sure to wish her a happy birthday today! ❤️🎂🎉

DaveGreen7777 Happy Almost-Birthday! 🥳🎉 5y
That-Bookish-Hiker You‘re welcome! 💚💚💚 5y
tammysue Cute bandana‘s.. she‘s thought of everything! ❤️🐾 5y
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booksandsympathy Awesome! What is the book with the Sarah J Maas quote on the back? 5y
booksandsympathy Also, Happy birthday @That-Bookish-Hiker 5y
ginganinja Oh gosh that's beautiful! Do you know where I can find those nail wraps? 5y
GypsyKat @DaveGreen7777 Thank you! 😊 5y
GypsyKat @That-Bookish-Hiker 🥰🥰🥰 5y
GypsyKat @tammysue Right? ❤️ 5y
GypsyKat @booksandsympathy It‘s a notebook! 😊 5y
GypsyKat @ginganinja They‘re by Espionage Cosmetics. I have several other of their nail wraps, but I‘d never seen these before. Love them! 5y
ginganinja @GypsyKat thanks! I'll check that out 5y
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I'm up to a Dozen copies of Pride and Prejudice.📚📚📘📗📙📱💿🤓
Print - 9 Kindle - 1 Audible - 1 CD - 1
#coverlover #justsopretty

CrowCAH Congrats on your collection! 🥰 5y
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It's almost time for Austen in August! Challenge Prompts are ready. I'll post them tomorrow. Until then I'm admiring #PnPCovers @JANEissarilyAUSTENtatious 📘

jmtrivera Oooooh. 5y
sprainedbrain I am so down for this! ❤️ 5y
JANEissarilyAUSTENtatious Jolly good, dear; I admire your fortitude to lead a whole month in honor of me, Jane Austen 😉 5y
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I wouldn't normally go in for Martha Stewart, but I saw this book at the library and I happened to be wearing my Pride and Prejudice shirt from @outofprint so...

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Looking for a cookbook and noticed this on the shelf at the bookstore. I'm not a fan of Martha Stewart so even P&P can't entice me to contribute to her book royalties.

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🎃 And as the shocker of the year, I‘m choosing ‘PRIDE & PREJUDICE‘ 💕as my fave book!!! 🤣 lol!
🎃 Patricia Highsmith (‘the price of salt‘ omg! 💕)
🎃 Private Practice (Addison Montgomery)
🎃 Pie!! Pizza, Pancakes, Panera bread, parfait, potatoes, popsicles so many lol
#ManicMonday #LetterP @JoScho

JoScho So many good P foods! 💜🧡💜 6y
RaimeyGallant All great P choices! 6y
HOTPock3tt @RaimeyGallant thanks! ☺️ @JoScho seriously it‘s making me hungry and I‘m trying to diet 😖lol! 6y
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