Starting a new book. The sequel to Contagion #erinbowman #contagion #immunity #bookstagram #litsy #scifi
I just finished Immunity by Erin Bowman and thought it was really good. I think the ending was a little rushed but other than that I really liked it. If I could change anything I think I would have ended this book when the contagion broke out and made Amber, Coen, and Thea‘s time on board Paramount, the escape, and the results afterward a third book. That would have given this book middle book syndrome but I wouldn‘t have minded since the (cont.)
Starting a new book. The sequel to Contagion #erinbowman #contagion #immunity #bookstagram #litsy #scifi
I liked this one and personally thought it was as good as the first book. The author keeps the book moving at a fast pace. For me I had a hard time putting it down because I wanted to know what happened to the surviving crew. Especially what would happen between Thea and Coen.
I enjoyed this a lot but did not think it was as good as the first. I found it a little bit more slow than Contagion with a lot more dialogue than action. I also found the ending not as satisfying as I had hoped for. I wanted something more than a neat happy ending, but again it was a really enjoyable read and I will probably re-read this series again one day!
I didn‘t enjoy this one anywhere near as much as Contagion. Personally I thought it was a mistake to dwell on Thea & Coen so much, it became boring. A disappointing 2⭐️
I'm not quite finished with this book, but I did just finish #40miles20hours. Yay!
Holy crap. The ending to this two-book series is a jaw-dropper. My only minor gripe is that the contagion running amok isn‘t as big a focus for the majority of this book compared to the first book, but Bowman delivers a logical progression from the events of the first book. She deserves praise for avoiding a sequel that could have been a simple retread. This series has locked me in as a fan, so I‘ll be reading more of Erin Bowman‘s books.
I‘ve got a bunch of ebooks that have all come available from the library during the past few days. Decided to (finally) finish Erin Bowman‘s IMMUNITY which I‘m close to being finished with. After I that, I‘m planning to tackle THE TENTH GIRL and/or TUNNEL OF BONES.
1. I‘m reading IMMUNITY by Erin Bowman and listening to THERE WILL COME A DARKNESS by Katy Rose Pool
2. My most recent book purchase is ONCE & FUTURE by Amy Rose Capetta & Cori McCarthy. Got it 50% off, so couldn‘t resist.
3. 🌥 Hi: 86
Contagion #2
Deadly Virus With Some Being Immune-ish
Telepathy & Super Human Strength
Tween Romance
Deep Space
Interstellar Traveling
Book #1 Rating 5 STARS
With Audio Performed by Amy McFadden
See my full review here:
Picking up immediately where Contagion left off, Immunity tells the rest of the story of the survivors of a mysterious disease. It‘s not quite as strong as the first book, but a worthy follow-up. This feels like the end of the story, but the door is definitely open for a related book or series. I may read more from this author after liking these two books.
Book 2 of Contagion leaves off where Contagion ended with Nova, Coen, and Thea imprisoned on a ship that they thought was there to save them. Instead they are experimented, tortured and back to fighting for their lives. Both are fast paced, action packed books that are pretty easy to digest.
This is the sequel to Contagion. I love a good pandemic story. I have purchased book 1 but not read it yet. However I need to get on that since book 2 is out and has an awesome cover.
#CoverLove #YAedition
July 2