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Mr. Mac and Me
Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
14 posts | 11 read | 1 reading | 9 to read
1914. Thomas Maggs is thirteen and lives with his parents and sister at the Blue Anchor pub, in the village of Dunwich on the Suffolk coast. Born in winter while the sea stormed, Thomas is the youngest child, and the only son surviving. In Dunwich, life is quiet and shaped by the seasons: fishing and farming, the summer visitors, and the girls who come down from the Highlands to gut and pack the herring. Thomas visits his brothers' grave in the churchyard, sketches the boats from the harbor, and longs for adventure -- a chance to go to sea. Then one day a mysterious Scotsman and his red-haired wife arrive in the village. The man's name is Charles Rennie Mackintosh, but the locals are soon calling him Mac. Mac and his wife are both artists, regarded as eccentrics in town, but a source of wonder and fascination for Thomas. Yet just as Thomas and Mac's friendship begins to bloom, war with Germany is declared. The summer guests flee, replaced by regiments of soldiers on their way to Belgium. And as the war weighs increasingly heavily on the community, the villagers on the home front become increasingly suspicious of Mac and his curious behavior. Mr. Mac and Me is the story of an unlikely friendship, and a vivid portrait of one of the most brilliant and misunderstood artists of his generation.
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Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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#TemptingTitles #withmeormy

I loved this book. Many ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Eggs Beautiful image👏🏻👏🏻 1y
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Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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I'm really not enjoying this. I hate to do it, especially as this is my #Bookspin book, but I'm doing something I rarely do and officially bailing. It's probably my preconceived idea about the book that is the problem. I was expecting (and wanting) more about "Mr Mac" and less about "Me". Also, I've been unreasonably preoccupied with the outcome of the US election over the last few days and finding it difficult to concentrate on reading.

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes you just have to let a book go!! 4y
LeahBergen This election is ruining my reading! 4y
Ruthiella I find it hard to DNF too! But if it‘s not working, it‘s not working. 4y
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LeeRHarry The US election is a bit all consuming, been waking up each morning thinking “are we there yet?” 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
CarolynM @LeahBergen I thought I was keeping a healthy emotional distance from it, but as soon as the red votes started rolling in I realised I was fully invested. The thing is, it impacts all of us and especially at the moment while certain elements (in this country at least) take their cues from the GOP. 4y
CarolynM @Ruthiella I want to be enjoying my reading right now and this one was just not doing it for me on any level. Life's too short.🙂 4y
CarolynM @LeeRHarry Me too. It's stressful! 4y
Freespirit I am the same @CarolynM 4y
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Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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@RamsFan1963 thanks for the tag

The lemon in my G&T! Not kidding.
Tagged book, loved the descriptions of walking in the English countryside looking for flowers to paint.
Yes, I swam with Fungi a dolphin off the coast of Kerry, Ireland in the 90‘s.
If you wish to play, consider yourself tagged.

MoonWitch94 Fresh lemons in G&Ts are great!!! Thanks for playing ♥️⛵️☺️🍉 4y
Ruthiella Great answer to #1 😂 🍋! What about in winter? Is this in fact your favorite year round fruit? 4y
Cuilin @Ruthiella I prefer grapes 🍇 in winter and by grapes I mean red wine. 🍷 😉 4y
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Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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Last week I went to see this amazing exhibition of Rennie Mackintosh and collaborators (still on st the Walker, Liverpool). Just finished this great fictional look at the Mackintoshs' time in Suffolk during WW1.

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Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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1. Puffy AND crunchy. I alternate🙄
2. I just finished it - Mr. Mac and Me.
3. Work both days. And playoff football. Go Vikes🏈
4. Be able to talk to animals. Especially scared ones.
5. Biology/Horticulture major, no minor. 🐝🦋🐞🐰🦊🐻🌷🌼🌸🌿🌳🌲

Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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Loved this! Wonderful novel! Beautifully written. Set on the Suffolk coast right at the beginning of WW I. It's the story of village life and the unlikely friendship between Thomas Maggs, a village teenager, and summer visitor and architect/artist Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
The illustration on the book jacket is from Mackintosh's work. The frittilaria on the right are from my garden this past spring.

Mdargusch So pretty! 6y
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Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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1. Paperback fiction bookcase awaiting most recent #bookoutlet order. There is a stack of overflow on each side.
2. History.
3. Wine. White only; red makes my ears get red and hot🙄
4. Blue.
5. Mr. Mac and Me
Shelfies are my favorite📚📚📚❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗🤗

Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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So happy to come home from work today and find that my #bookoutlet order arrived???I think this was a pretty good #bookhaul - 14 books for just over $35! The cover on Mr. Mac and Me is just beautiful. And there's an Ann Patchett blurb that says "I loved every page." I might just move this one closer to the top of the ol' TBR pile?

TEArificbooks Love the sleeping cat statue by the fire 6y
Tamra 👏🏾👏🏾 6y
emilyhaldi Love that kitty ❤️ 6y
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Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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This whole #nobuyjuly thing isn't going super great, but all of this was $65 w shipping, and today is the last day, so at least I got through it! And even though I totally still bought books, there were literally dozens that I did not buy bc of the hashtag. So, yay! Still counting it as a success! #yesiknowthisissad #bookoutlet #bookhaul

batsy "there were literally dozens that I did not buy" I love that ? Well done! And Chico is looking very handsome. 7y
Zelma I agree with @batsy ; your defense is hilarious! 😂 7y
LauraBrook @batsy Thanks! And Chico says thank you too! 7y
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LauraBrook @Zelma Hah, well, it's at least true! 7y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
MicheleinPhilly Chico! 😻 7y
LeahBergen 🤣🤣 You sound just like me! 7y
Lreads Chico approves so it's ok.☺️ 7y
rabbitprincess I looooove the spine on Mr Mac and Me! Gorgeous! 7y
LauraBrook @ReadsWithTea He approves anything he can rub against / knock over. 😆 @rabbitprincess The cover is really pretty too! Plus, I don't know how I missed this one of hers before now. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
LauraBrook @LeahBergen I knew I was in good company. 💖 @rubyslippersreads @MicheleinPhilly Chico says hello ladies, and thank you! 7y
kspenmoll 😻😻 7y
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Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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Waiting. Waiting. This train is long and taking its time to change tracks. Good thing John Banks is a good narrator. 🚂🚂

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Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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Gorgeous flowers on this cover. Fritillaria, by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the Mr. Mac of the title.
#feistyfeb day 10: flowers on covers

Mr. Mac and Me | Esther Freud
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Like Emily Dickinson, and in prose as poetic as it comes, Freud tells her truths about art and love "slant." An exceptionally beautiful cover, too.

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