I liked this… but I think I wanted more from this, I was too invested in this story to not have it turn out in a different way.
I liked this… but I think I wanted more from this, I was too invested in this story to not have it turn out in a different way.
3.5⭐️ This book made me so angry. I hated the male protagonist. I got who the psychotic little shit was from chapter four, yet a doctor could not figure it out. And that fact that he was so dismissive of wife, who was “so amazing” before everything went down, was despicable. And that ending… way to leave your reader on red. This was my #FriendsPick for January
I was absolutely hooked. But the ending has made me furious. It's like it's missing a final chapter 🤦♀️
To describe this book as lacking doesn't even cover it. It pissed me off from the very beginning (although I can concede that that may have been the point) but then there was just no ending! None. So I read the short story sequel. While it did alleviate some longing from the lack of ending in the first, I can still only describe it as "meh"
It‘s not the book, it‘s me. The book was filled with twists and turns and I loved how the chapters alternated to the different characters‘ point of view. I gave this book a so-so rating because I typically find things to be a bit farfetched when it involves children and violence.
Soo disturbing. I'd say this is a good Halloween type pick because it freaked me out. 😦 The ending was disappointing because it didn't really end, but I was forewarned because I read other reviews where they mentioned it. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Oh this book….what to say about it 🤔? On the one hand much of it was written kind of clinically, pulling me out of the story (more of a tell me story than show me if you know what I mean), and felt a little bit longer than it needed to be. On the other hand once I got into the meat of it I couldn‘t put it down and finished most of it in 2 days, something I almost never do. Really didn‘t find the twists surprising and the ending was blah. 🌟🌟🌟
OMG! I loved this book! All the twists and turns! This one was disturbing and shocked me. It's definitely a book to recommend to others.
I am going to start with this one as my next #AudioCommute / #AudioChores book. We will see how it goes!
Overall Rating 4⭐|Narration 😁=Very Good
How do you rate something that was one of the most disturbing books you‘ve ever read? Do you rate it higher because of its intensity or do rate it lower because of how much it disturbed you.
What did I go with?
Basically, I docked half a star for that jicky AF ending and another half-star for wishing I had never listened to this at all since I might be psychologically damaged for life from this story. ⬇⬇
It seems like all I can concentrate on right now is outlandish thrillers or children‘s lit.
Oh. And wine. I can always concentrate on wine. 😆😆
The Perfect Child by Lucinda Berry
Oh my gosh I don‘t know what to write!! I‘ve read a lot of books similar to this in the same genre but this WOW. I‘ve gasped so much I thought I might hyperventilate, my eyes have popped out of my head in shock on numerous occasions, I‘ve turned the pages eager to see what happens but not wanting it to end all at the same time. A 5 ⭐️ read without a shadow of doubt
Found this book to be disappointing. The storyline lacked depth; felt rushed. The writing was so-so. It could have been a brilliant book, however by the same token, felt and read like bits and pieces of other material out there. One of the main characters, Christopher, was annoyingly annoying.
The ending was a let down as well. Supposed the be a sequel, but doubt I‘ll bother reading it.
Who would you believe when a little 6 year old girl tells you her mommy is mean to her or a mother that says their child is a demon? This book was amazing! The writing was petrifying and will probably haunt me for a while now. It's so scary when adults are psychopaths but I think it's even scarier when children are psychopaths. No one would believe this mom about the child until it was too late. It's so scary how this can happen in real life!
A family that can‘t have children becomes attached to and adopts child who turns out to be a bit of a psychopath. The book is interesting and dramatic, but I can‘t help but feel that it was bogged down by the character of Christopher. His unwillingness to see the flaws of the child, Janie, borders on unbelievable, and throughout the book you get undercurrents of misogyny from him. That being said, it‘s otherwise well written and entertaining!
4.75 stars
One of the most terrifying things about this story is how incredibly real it feels. Deeply disturbed children who have been traumatized exist. Loving couples who believe their hearts are big enough to heal the wounded child exist. As the story unfolds, the toxic results feel horrifyingly possible.
Full review: https://www.facebook.com/262384764521804/posts/342658786494401?sfns=mo
Or follow me on Goodreads. Link in profile.
1) The Perfect Child by Lucinda Berry, The Retreat by Mark Edwards, and A Love Letter From the Girls Who Feel Everything by Brittainy C. Cherry and Kandi Steiner
2) Sea Witch by Sarah Henning
3) The Better Liar by Tanen Jones
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
Taking in this beautiful view 🏔🌄 #bookworm #booknerd #readerlife #vacationbook #kindlepaperwhite #mountainlife #booklover
I loved this book however its almost exactly like Baby Teeth it was hard to get past that. Has anyone read both? What did you think?
I almost gave up on this book, but kept going. I‘m glad I did. The most disturbing part is this could really happen.
You guys, I couldn't put this one down. Thriller isn't a typical genre for me, but when my sister-in-law raved about this book, I had to get it. Exciting, well-paced, disturbing. I loved it!
I finished this book days ago and I‘ve still got chills. Initially I started reading it because it was free with Kindle Unlimited. I thought it would be another “lifetime movie” novel but I was WRONG. It‘s very well written. It‘s not in the horror genre but it should be. I‘m STILL scared. This book had me SHOOK basically from the beginning. Review continues in comments ⚠️
Certain things in this book were a little farfetched, but who cares when the story is so creepy and suspenseful?!?! This is the stuff nightmares (at least mine), are made of. Give me psycho serial killers any day, but the 'perfect' child is too much for me!
Wow. This book was craaazy-pants. In some ways totally predictable but at the same time had enough twists and turns that I was surprised by the ending. I don‘t want to say too much because I don‘t want to spoil anything, just read this if you like twisted stories that could be real.
Sitting in the car while my bff is at the pharmacy, and I don‘t have anything I‘m currently reading (despite having 4 book apps and 2 audiobook apps on my phone). Picked this at random off my kindle app, and I see from other‘s reviews that I‘m in for a wild ride.
Also: why can I suddenly not add an image?
It took me a while to get around to finishing this one, not bc of a problem with the book. I just get like that sometimes, but I was determined to do so tonight.
The story was gripping, but I hated the characters, especially Christopher. I found the ending to be unsatisfying too, maybe she intends for there to be a sequel?
@Addison_Reads this definitely had a similar feel as Baby Teeth, you might be interested in it.
WHOA!! What a crazy book!! It held my attention all the way thru. I loved the character development and the attachment i had to them. So many crazy twists and turns but slightly predictable at the same time. AND THE ENDING! OMG! #amazonfirstreads #ebook
Holy moly, this book was INTENSE!! I started reading it on a whim yesterday on the kindle app when I found myself waiting for kids without my current read in hand and COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN! Not because it was an enjoyable read, no... it was so disturbing, yet compelling and I just HAD to know what happened!! Its definitely not for the faint of heart. Proceed with caution...
This book was 🍌‘s and a trip to Crazy Town. My friend and I read it this weekend and we couldn‘t put it down until the end. So many red flags 🚩. Social services is definitely over-worked but...wow. Also, the author of the book is a trauma psychologist. This is a Kindle First book, if I remember correctly. Sometimes they can be hit or miss for me.