I adored this book. She wants to be grown so bad and understand the after math of a war.
I adored this book. She wants to be grown so bad and understand the after math of a war.
Evie‘s stepfather returns from fighting in WWII and at first it seems like things are back to normal. But when he suddenly whisks the family away for a vacation in Florida, Evie begins to realize that all is not what it seems.
I‘ve been experimenting with YA and middle grade books on audio. So far, I‘ve enjoyed them. Not what I would usually choose in print. I give this one 3💋s #FatalAppleLipstick
I adored this post-World War II noir—the #scribe audio was fabulous. Evie, the teenage protagonist, is a beautiful mix of innocence and intelligence. Her relationships with her parents (especially her mother) and her love interest are developed with nuance. Excellent, complex, thoughtful model. So, so good!
When I started this book on audio, I almost gave up. The narrator was a bit annoying, and the book wasn‘t doing it for me. I kept on... and the story got better. I still found the main character a bit immature for her age and the father a bit of an overbearing dweeb, but it got interesting toward the end. I wish I could have heard more from Peter‘s perspective, though. Overall I ended up liking it. 3 Stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️
A post WWII setting. A teenage girl and her parents. A trip from New York to Florida. Mystery and very Sunset Boulevard-ish. The story started slow for me and picked up speed the last half of the book. This is classified as a YA novel but I‘d say it‘s better suited for the older end of that range. The story was interesting and I have to say the ending was satisfying. Although it is considered historical fiction, it‘s light in that category.
I read this without having much information about it. It was a quick read, and I wasn't sure what was going to happen until it was over. It kept me interested so I'm going to give it a pick. If you like all the loose ends tied neatly you might not enjoy this one.
Almost 10 hours and three books finished. Taking a break before finishing my #13inThree Reviews to come later
The way the book starts and the way it ends are such opposites, that I didn‘t see it coming. At first, I was only lukewarm about this book, but it really starts to pick up about a third of the way in. It‘s kind of a coming of age story, but with a twist. A darker version of “nobody puts Baby in a corner”, as it were. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #8intwo #25infive
I wish every morning could be like this, with a good book in hand and a sweet kitty in my lap. #goodmorning #catsoflitsy #read #relax
Sorry for the poor quality, my camera is a little busted. Anyways, I'm not quite sure if I'm enjoying this book or not...however, I am enjoying my latte. Honestly, I can't really tell you what this book is about. Sure, I can tell you what the vague synopsis is. But I'm quite unsure of the ending. #questions #mystery #keepreading #bookclubpick #coffee
I am reading 3 books at the moment. There are just too many wonderful options and opportunities to read something new. Maybe this is compulsive behavior and I need to learn how to focus on one book at a time. How many other readers do this? #multiplebooks #may #fiction #readmoreknowmore
Well the title is absolutely true. I wanted to love this book but I couldn‘t. If this was written for adults and could deeper this would have been much better. In fact, this seems to be a bit much for YA.
3 of 5 stars = I liked it
Fairly predictable but still a fun read.
This is Modern Mrs. Darcy‘s May book club book. I usually really like her picks a lot. Sounds pretty interesting.
Modern Mrs. Darcy‘s Book Club pick for May.
Omg this book.
Bookish fact about me.. I don‘t typically lean toward historical fictions. But this book had me on my toes. This book is from the YA section but I don‘t think that it should be. But it is so good!!
I really enjoyed this book, which I understand was marketed as a YA read, but I wouldn‘t necessarily consider it to be. Set after WWII, I loved the way the author set the time and place, both in New York and Florida. I had no idea there was so much anti-semitism in the US after the war. Definitely recommend for historical fiction fans.
#kindle #whatshouldireadnext #readingmyshelves
Caught the latest podcast episode of What Should I Read Next and am so jazzed that Rider Strong is probably reading this as we speak. My husband is having another knee surgery, so settling in for a long morning/afternoon with hopefully good company.
#currentlyreading #kindle
4 stars surprisingly. I was super into this story which isn't normally the case with historical fiction. Well done.
You had me at the lipstick. #judgedbyitscover #marchintoreading
Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you so much @rachellayown for the fantastic #cupidgoespostal package!!! I've been dying to open it since the day it arrived. I love both of the books and the other goodies are great too! (I forgot to put the awesome little button in the pic and once I realized it the furbabies had begun to stir from the alluring smell of chocolate!) 📦😍❤📚📦😍📦📚❤😍📦😻🐶
This was so good. It's best to go into this one without knowing anything I think, I was in suspense almost the whole book. Touches on post-war America, anti-semitism, and what we decide to do for family. #litsyatoz #letterB #ya
Listening to the latter half of this audiobook.