I‘m back at the edits for the pirate 🏴☠️ novel!
I took all last month off, due to a crazy schedule, and am now getting back on track.
I‘m back at the edits for the pirate 🏴☠️ novel!
I took all last month off, due to a crazy schedule, and am now getting back on track.
I have been using this book to edit my own manuscript. I was enlightened on how dialogue works. It‘s definitely a great read and is very educational in a small package.
It's April, which means #CampNanowrimo! Usually, I'm on the ball, scribbling and typing furiously as soon as the month starts, but this time I haven't even touched my WIP or looked for a #revision cabin to join! Not good 😟 Ugh! I hope I can get back on track this weekend. Any other #NanosofLitsy / #LittenWrimos in the same boat?
I can't let the Diet Coke thing go. Co-op's got single cans available, so I bought a couple and tried Twisted Mango while I made revision notes in my traveller's notebook. It was pretty good.
So much of this fiction writing tool was fantastic. My favorite is the chapter on proportion. This said, I didn't agree with all the advice, or rather the strength with which they put that advice forward, this-way-or-the-highway statements, when in reality, there are multiple schools of thought. Beware the places they say, Do it this way not that way, but offer no reasoning. Calling something 'hack,' which they did a lot, is not logic enough.
"One of the great gifts of literature [as opposed to TV/film, with the exception of voiceovers] is that it allows for the expression of unexpressed thoughts: interior monologue."
"The authors of this book advise to only ever place the character's name before 'said' in a dialogue attribution," Raimey said.
"But I like to switch it up," said Raimey.
Opinions? Which is better, or do you like both?
(P.S. My veggie patties turned out awesome.)
"Showing your story [as opposed to telling it via narrative summary] to your readers through scenes will not only give your writing immediacy. It will give your writing transparency."
Yes, that's my mosquito net in the backdrop.
Back on that "Gonna finish this trilogy and quit my crappy job" grind! Happy reading today! #ifyouwanttoreaditwriteit #wannabeauthor wish me luck ?
Yikes...so this is what it feels like when your brain is about to combust ?much love to editors! You're magical beings with such a talent. I can't decide if I'm laying, laid, lain, past or passed!!! ? at least I know my "theirs" ??#ifyouwanttoreaditwriteit #wannabeauthor #write
Ready for a session with my manuscript. Wait, what? Am I an idiot, an addict, or prepared for extreme productivity?
Editing is hard, y'all. Is it bad that I literally just wrote "add feels" in some spots?
A NY Times Bestselling author suggested this book to me. It's come in handy when I first started writing. For indie pubbed, if you can't afford an editor, which I do HIGHLY encourage, then learning to self edit is a must. Also having a bag of M&Ms and a cold soda while editing is always a plus. 😄
This is a must for authors. Soak in it between revisions.