Excited about talking to Linwood Barclay. Loved his book Elevator Pitch!!!!
Excited about talking to Linwood Barclay. Loved his book Elevator Pitch!!!!
End of #24B4Monday #Readthon
Day 1 : 8 hrs 14 mins
Day 2 : 8 hrs 13 mins
Day 3 : 8 hrs 26 mins
Overal, Total 24 hrs 53 mins
3 books finished
1285 Pages Read
Only disappointment was due to pre existing Buddy Read / Group Read Commitments I was only able to get to one book to fit the #BlackHistoryMonth theme.
Thanks to everyone who took part in the Readathon, and good luck to those still going. 😊🙌👍
Kicking off my #24B4Monday #Readthon with Far From True, the second book in the Promise Falls Trilogy. Got about 150 pages of the book yet to finish.
Just gone midnight here, so off and running.
Good luck everyone. 👍😊
Straight onto book 2 of The Promise Falls Trilogy, having just finished the first book in the trilogy. The first couple of chapters in this book has already got me hooked.
#adventrecommends Day 9
I would recommend any book by Linwood Barclay for those of you who like Harlan Coben. Imho, Coben has great plots, but his writing not...great. For me, Barclay is the better writer by far. If you like stories about ordinary people who find themselves in extraordinary circumstances, you‘ll love Barclay. The tagged book is part of his Promise Falls trilogy—the 2nd one.
I've just finished Far From True by one of my favourite authors, Linwood Barclay. It is brilliant! But if you read it, pay attention - the end is amazing!
Oh yes! I dived into the first pages and didn't come up for breath for many, Barclay's writing simply grabs the reader and doesn't let go. Barclay's storytelling is so engaging, I loved the detail and the ensemble cast. He wonderfully manipulates the reader into just one more chapter - and then another - by leaving us with cliffhangers at end of each one. This book flowed nicely to a surprising end.
Today‘s read....Far From True by Linwood Barclay.
Shortest chapter I ever read, but what a way to catch the reader‘s attention!
Loved it.. Another page turner with the introduction of a few more characters.. Like the first one in the Promise Falls Trilogy it keeps you guessing & wondering..
I'm struggling to get my hands on the next one so gonna take a break & read a James Patterson..
Will definitely be returning for more from Promise Falls & Mr 23.. Lol..
I can't start anything else until I've read the 2nd of the Promise Falls Books.. Dying to know what happens next.. 😂
This was more of a so-so for me. Some repetition and niggly little details that irritated me more than they might have otherwise. I may have waited too long to read it once I put it on the on-deck pile. But that ending -- whoa! Glad I have the third book on hand.
It may be Far from True that I actually finish all of these this month, but I'll give it a darn good try! Stars indicate the books I most want to get to.
#currentlyreading Great author, can't beat a good thriller!
Here are the books I have shelved as "to-read-own" on Goodreads that were published in 2016. I hope to read them this year.
#readjanuary day 30: 2016 books you missed out on
Evil lurks behind the small town facade in this second part of the Promise Falls trilogy and Barclay certainly is the master of ramping up the suspense and shock as a cop and a private detective pursue a particularly nasty killer and try to solve the significance of the number twenty-nine.
Nearly finished! What a lot of different story lines, plot twists & revelations!
Extremely tired at work today due to the page-turning nature of this book-though I have to say that's it's been a while since I read Promise Falls and since this book continues the story there have been moments when I'm unsure what's happened to who! Still a satisfying read!