Very disappointing in comparison to Daughter of Fortune. It contains far more romance in it (which for me is a put-off). The only nice element was to see what became of the characters from Daughter of Fortune.
Very disappointing in comparison to Daughter of Fortune. It contains far more romance in it (which for me is a put-off). The only nice element was to see what became of the characters from Daughter of Fortune.
It took me forever to finish the book, but not because of the book, because of life.
#stayhealthy my friends
I liked the story of memory in this tale, especially after listening to the two memory episodes on Gladwell‘s Revisionist History podcast. All of the stories of Aurora‘s life read like a photo—detailed, exposing hidden truths. I did not realize this book was a sequel, so now I have to read the first one (not that I‘m complaining). Also, it had characters from The House of Spirits, which I‘ve never read but seems to be Allende‘s most popular work.
“I seek truth and beauty in the transparency of an autumn leaf, in the perfect form of a seashell on the beach, in the curve of a woman's back, in the texture of an ancient tree trunk, but also in the elusive forms of reality.”
I‘m almost finished reading this book. Isabel Allende is one of my favorites writers for sure. Each book it‘s a treasure! I want to read every book written by her, and I don‘t do this since I was a child.
I love Isabel allende though found this book to be too violent and war related. Though I enjoyed reading about Eliza sommers once more!
Not Allende's best
#fallintobooks Day 7 #southamericanwriters
I have yet to read anything by Isabel Allende. I really need to remedy that soon!
I loved these books! The more of these posts I do, the more I think I need to spend a year re-reading all my books. #womenintranslation #aprilbookshowers
Received this #OwnVoices book as a gift from the love of my life. It's about a girl who erases 5 years of her life, her memories, after a brutal trauma. Raised by her grandmother in luxury, the girl's plagued with terrible nightmares that brings her face to face with her trauma and the mystery of her past. Takes place during 1800s in Chile. I'm so excited for this!!
#diversebooks #isabelallende #portraitinsepia #diversereads
Someone's exhausted by mums book cataloging... at last count I have 1001 books and I need to go through and update the metadata on nearly all of them 😐
"Nessuno potrebbe amarla come me, signore."
#love #amore #italy #italian #isabelallende
#booktober #bookssetinsamerica
Full disclosure: I haven't read any of them yet. They are on the never ending TBR pile!
Here's a stack of #UsedBooks for today's #AugustPhotoChallenge. I mostly own used books from library sales, bookstores, and other places. 📚
I loooove running across nice paperback editions of classics. I swoon over Penguin Deluxe Classics, Penguin Ink, and basically anything with French flaps, deckled edges, and a pretty cover. 📖
#BookStack #Classics #ModernClassics