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Scomparsi | Caroline Eriksson
15 posts | 14 read | 1 reading | 6 to read
UN THRILLER PSICOLOGICO SPIAZZANTE IN CORSO DI TRADUZIONE IN 22 PAESI Il marito e la figlia sono svaniti nel nulla. Ma lei non sposata e non ha mai avuto figli... Nessuno mente. Nessuno dice la verit. Tutti hanno dei segreti. Intorno a lei c' solo silenzio. Greta si sveglia e si rende conto che Alex e Smilla non sono ancora tornati. Erano scesi dalla barca per fare una passeggiata sull'isola che si erge in mezzo al lago Maran, mentre lei era rimasta a bordo a riposare. Ormai per il sole sta sparendo dietro gli alberi, disegnando lingue color sangue nel cielo, l'acqua fredda e immobile come pietra e Greta non sente n la voce rassicurante di Alex n la risata argentina di Smilla. Scende a terra per cercarli ma, poco dopo, capisce che non sono pi su quellisoletta. Sono svaniti nel nulla. Greta allora torna indietro, nella casa in riva al lago dove stanno trascorrendo qualche giorno di vacanza. Niente neanche l. E al cellulare di Alex scatta inesorabile la segreteria telefonica. A Greta non rimane quindi che rassegnarsi, raccogliere tutto il suo coraggio e andare alla polizia per denunciare la scomparsa del marito e della figlia. Alla piccola centrale del paesino pi vicino, l'accoglie una giovane agente. L'ascolta, fa qualche verifica al computer. E le annuncia che lei non sposata e che non ha mai avuto figli... Chi sono allora Alex e Smilla? Perch sono scomparsi? E cosa nasconde Greta? Qual la sua storia? Sta mentendo o proprio lei lunica a dire la verit? Grazie allo stile intenso e alla storia spiazzante, in cui niente come sembra, Scomparsi stato tra i romanzi pi richiesti dell'ultima fiera di Francoforte ed diventato un caso editoriale ancora prima della pubblicazione in Svezia, coi diritti di traduzione venduti in 22 Paesi nellarco di una settimana. Caroline Ericksonn una delle promesse (mantenute) del nuovo thriller psicologico. Dast Magazine La protagonista di Scomparsi uno dei personaggi meglio costruiti che mi sia capitato di incontrare. BTJ Scomparsi un romanzo sorprendente. Damernas Vrld Preciso, implacabile, mozzafiato: lo stile dell'autrice vi conquister. Aftonbladet Pura suspense dalla prima all'ultima pagina. Amelia Magazine
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Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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So since I was out of town I haven't set any goals for #JubilantJuly !! I am a little behind, but would love to read my #DoubleSpin (tagged) and complete a bingo from my board, which, because of sequels, will actually involve reading six additional books, so seven books total by the end of July 19. We'll see how far I can get!!!

Pictured: Blackwater Falls, West Virginia - just this morning!!


Andrew65 Good luck, and another beautiful picture. 😍 4y
DieAReader Good Luck! I‘m currently trying to catch up on last month‘s #DoubleSpin 🤪 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - Thank you!!! 4y
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TheAromaofBooks @Squidget - I'm so bad at my own challenge. I don't even think I've finished BookSpin every month, much less the Double! 😂 4y
Gissy I'm just reading books and that gives me peace📚🙌 4y
Princess-Kingofkings Breathtaking 4y
ChasingOm I knew that‘s where you were! Hello from down in Huntington. 😄 4y
sharread Beautiful! 👍💙💜 4y
TheAromaofBooks @ChasingOm - haha I have been through Huntington several times - I live in Ohio, southeast of Columbus. That area around Dolly Sods/Canaan Valley is one of our favorites to visit!! 4y
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Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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Annnnd here's a close-up of my bingo card because honestly it's one of my favorite things I've done in my book boju so far! 😂 Thanks for the inspiration @Clwojick !!

Maria514626 Gorgeous! 🎉🎉🎉 That looks like a very fun project. 🤔🤔🤔 (edited) 4y
coffeewithbooks Love this ! Wish my printer was working. 4y
Bookwormjillk I love it!! 4y
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robinb Gorgeous! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
MaleficentBookDragon Weekend project! LOVE it! 4y
Clwojick Love it! 😍😍😍😍 There‘s just something about printing out the covers and including them in the #bujo spreads that I‘m LOVING right now. 😍 4y
claudiuo So very cool! 4y
PaperbackPirate So cute!! Off to see how my stack fits in my bingo card! 😍 4y
wanderinglynn Very cool! 😍 4y
UwannaPublishme Way tooooo cool! 🙌🏻 4y
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Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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This book was terrible. I don't even know why I wasted my time finishing it. I knew that there was a Swedish author I wanted to read, and it was really Camille Lackberg, and I opened this on my Kindle by mistake - big mistake!! Now, I will read the intended Swedish crime writer as originally planned.

SilversReviews Oh my. 7y
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Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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A woman's family disappears from a tiny island, and what follows is page after page of stupidity. I'm half way through, and I don't know if I can bear to stick with this unlikable, unreliable narrator.

Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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There's a float with my name on it, and this book to start. Happy 4th everyone!

Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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I'm at the very beginning, but I think I know all the twists so... It's not good.

Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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Dear Secret Litten (who may be @Jilljemmett ) I don't know if my #summersolsticebookexchange package was suppose to arrive yet, but it looks like I'm leaving the city for two weeks on Monday and I'm getting nervous. After Friday think you can give me a heads up with the tracking so I can send someone over to rescue the package?

Jilljemmett Yes I was going to send you a message today! I'm not sure what happened. It says it was supposed to be there June 6. I'll try to look into it today and let you know what they say 7y
KassKho @Jilljemmett sounds good! I've had a package stolen before so I really want to make sure that's not what happened... #bookthievesaretheworst 7y
Jilljemmett @KassKho okay well according to the tracking online it's still in transit so it hasn't been delivered yet. I'll call them today and find out where it is exactly 7y
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KassKho @Jilljemmett you know that's much better news than my alternative! 7y
Jilljemmett @KassKho so I created a service ticket so they can find out where it is. Today it says expected delivery is June 20. And today it moved from my post office to Mississauga, so apparently now it's moving. I'm so sorry it's taking so long. I'll keep checking everyday and I'll keep you posted! 7y
KassKho @Jilljemmett don't sweat it! Just knowing it hasn't walked off is enough for me. If it comes after the 20th it'll just be a nice surprise when I get back in July! 7y
Jilljemmett No it should be on its way now! Hopefully it will be there soon! Have a nice trip! 7y
Jilljemmett I just got an email that the package arrived in Montreal so you should get it Monday 7y
KassKho @Jilljemmett sweet! Looks like I may not be leaving on Monday so I'll at least get to hold the package! 7y
Jilljemmett I just got ANOTHER email that it's out for delivery now! 7y
KassKho @Jilljemmett Clearly this is an ask and you shall receive kind of event 😂😂 7y
Jilljemmett @KassKho haha apparently! I got 3 different emails saying that it's out for delivery. So they're very concerned about the package now. 7y
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Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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I'll be MIA for the next days. Will catch up with you and the photo challenges when I've got my head on straight again.


Sarah83 🙋✊ 7y
Cinfhen Good luck☘️ 7y
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Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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Just read the synopsis of this novel on a whim on a literary site and I now want to read it!!!

Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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I read this in one sitting (or laying, if you want to be technical about it.) The plot was all over the place and introduced multiple narrators mid-story and generally was a mess. It was a quick read? And satisfied the translation square for #Litsyreadingchallenge since it was originally written in Swedish. But man. ⭐️⭐️

AWahle I was worried for a moment when I read your review. I chose a book called Missing for my translated book as well, but mine is by Karin Alvtegen... still hopeful. 8y
RiotMom @AWahle oooo hopefully yours is better! I'll look forward to your review! 8y
vivastory Lana! You're in the danger zone if you read that book! 8y
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Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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I've been having a hard time getting through the newest Tana French... maybe it's the timing of when I started it... mid #trumpslump? Gonna break in my new kindle and maybe this funk I'm in with this book that I maybe got from a kindle first email? And my reading journal is just too shiny not to show off...

erinreads Love your Kindle case! 📓 (edited) 8y
Joybishoptx I love that case! I have an oasis so I have to use the boring charging cases. Maybe I should put stickers on it 8y
BooksForYears What a fab kindle cover! 💖 8y
britt_brooke Love the kindle case! 8y
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Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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Taking advantage of an end-of-year cold bug to finish up this psychological thriller. This is my second #kindlefirst selection and another entertaining if disturbing surprise.

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Missing | Caroline Eriksson
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Love #KindleFirst every month! Can't wait to dig into this month's choice.

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Scomparsi | Caroline Eriksson
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Un libro fatto di percezioni e impressioni che portano il lettore a vivere la lettura con uno stato di ansia costante e una confusione terribile.Un thriller psicologico ad hoc capace di farvi cambiare idea mille e volte e farvi arrivare alla fine senza la minima intuizione .

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