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Seven Blades in Black (The Grave of Empires, #1)
Seven Blades in Black (The Grave of Empires, #1) | Sam Sykes
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odd. very odd. not necessarily a bad thing, tho.

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“Now, it‘s certainly not true for every woman, but the ones I have had the good fortune to know in my life all followed this rule.
If you need a favor, you bring her flowers.
If you need her forgiveness, you bring her jewelry.
And if you need both, you bring her a book.”

This is my favorite quote so far and a book is perfect for every occasion.

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Currently reading this tome. So far I‘m really liking it. Now to just make more time to read.

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March is the month for this thicc boi.

StellaDz Have you read his others? Wanting to jump in but not sure which one to start with! 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @StellaDz This will be my first ever Sam Sykes novel. It's the start of a brand new series. 😊 5y
vivastory Hope you like it more than I did 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @vivastory I hope so too. 😂 5y
JazzFeathers What a cover!!! 5y
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Let's get the obvious out of the way: this book is too damn long. And most of the additional length is drawn-out fight scenes or unnecessary line breaks that screw up the rhythm, neither of which is my cup of tea.

Despite that, I don't regret reading this book, and I enjoyed it more than I didn't. But I have some thoughts about constant grimness and asshole protags, and while this space is too small, suffice to say I'm not a fan of them.

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I have a strong aversion to capitals for shouting in books, but this still made me laugh.

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So far this is a pretty quick read for being almost 700 pages, but I'm only about 120 in so I suppose that could change. I'm mostly enjoying it so far. It does this thing that always annoys me where there are excessive paragraph breaks to create beats for comedy or drama that don't really go there but, you know, it happens, I can get over it.

I like "That which is forbidden is mandatory." I love an order obsessed with knowledge.

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I haven't had a chance to actually start this book because it's too big to read at work, but man I love this cover design.

vivastory I thought the cover was the best thing about it 5y
craftysilicate @vivastory Seems like it's one of those love-it-or-hate-it books, but at least if I end up hating it I got to have it in my house looking pretty for a while 5y
vivastory Hopefully it works for you! I'll be looking for your review. 5y
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I really enjoyed this. And I usually hate revenge quests. Sal is Han Solo-esque and a very unreliable narrator. But she‘s funny and while she scratches her butt and flirts and is fairly awful, she seems real. Or at least, Sam Sykes does a good job of writing from the POV of a woman that sounds a woman. A woman with a magic gun and bird she rides.

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“Cacophony. Our scriptures are rife with tales of your malevolence.”
Funny how, in all this knowledge about me, not one of them ever mentioned how pretty I was.

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It took me a while to read this but that has nothing to do with how amazing it is. The worldbuilding is creative, and the magic system is very cool. Plus there's some flintlock fantasy elements. Sykes has such a great sense of humor and excellent sarcastic timing, but he also pulls off deep emotions incredibly well. I went for laughing out loud on one page to intensely sorrowful on the next with beautifully written passages. I highly recommend it!

GrilledCheeseSamurai Great to hear it was good. I'm looking forward to reading it. 🤘 5y
Beholderess That cover is gorgeous 5y
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I just can‘t go on anymore. I guess if you like books with more dialogue about how dark and gritty the main character and world is than actual plot then this one‘s for you. I liked Sal the Cacophony as a concept but I kept zoning out during her monologues about how terrible her life is. I hate bailing on a book but this one was just too infuriating to get through.

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I love when you're in the middle of a floppy paperback book and it stays open by itself. It leaves your hands free for petting kitties!

GrilledCheeseSamurai How'r you liking this so far? Should I be hype? 5y
annkuch13 @GrilledCheeseSamurai It's taking me a while to read because of life stuff, but I'm loving it! I would be hype. Sam Sykes is hilarious but there are also some really beautiful and heartbreaking moments. And the worldbuilding is cool. 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @annkuch13 Good to hear. This will be my first Sam Sykes novel. I follow him on Twitter (he's hilarious) but have never actually read anything of his before. 👍 5y
annkuch13 @GrilledCheeseSamurai Same! I haven't gotten around to reading him before but love his Twitter. The premise of this one just really grabbed me and I'm glad it did. 5y
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Beru is the cutest reading buddy. Except when she gets between you and your book...

HeatherBlue Beautiful!! 5y
Squidapus Oh Squidapus was curious about this one 5y
annkuch13 @Squidapus It's really great so far! 5y
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I'm really enjoying this one so far. There's also something very comforting about carrying around a chunky fantasy book. Fun fact, this book is almost as big as one of my cats. (Beru's nickname is Tiny Cat. Or Jerkface.)

GrilledCheeseSamurai I have this one too. Hoping for a fall time read! ❤️ 5y
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I hope more people pick up this book. Sam Sykes has done an excellent job building the story and suspense in this book. I‘m about a third of the way through it and loving it.

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I loved it! There is a lot of swearing so if that is not your thing I would skip this one. I just made sure the kids were never around when I was listening to the audiobook. I thought the magic was interesting and the story was a lot of fun. It‘s a pick for me.

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New fantasy by Sam Sykes. ❤️ the cover.

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I am enjoying this audiobook but I can‘t listen to it around the kids. So many f words. I can honestly say this book has the most f words I have ever read. The book is pretty f-ing awesome though 😂

rachelm Adding to the list! 5y
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I bought a book that came out today! I have followed Sam on Twitter for awhile now. He is absolutely hilarious to me. I haven't read any of his other books yet so I am excited to read this one.

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@MystGalaxyBooks booth at #WonderCon ... a WIP.

Lizpixie Ohh, I wish I was there! 5y
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Holy shit. What a ride. Sal the Cacophony is out for revenge. She just has a habit of leaving bodies and destruction in her wake. This book perfectly harmonizes beautiful prose, exciting action, fantastic world building, and a character you love to hate and hate to love. 5/5. Awesome book.

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I kind of love when a chapter ends with "Things were about to get interesting."

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OMG I love this.

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This is quickly becoming my favorite book so far this year. I follow Sam Sykes in Twitter because frankly he's hilarious. But I had never read his books before. And now, I cannot put this one down. I'm so glad I decided to grab this one from NetGalley.

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"My mount glanced back at me. If she saw a flaw in my theory, she didn't say anything.
Which made sense.
What with her being a giant fucking bird and all."
I love this book already and I'm only 3 chapters in.

wordzie 😁😁❤ 6y
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Someone‘s been my very loyal snow day buddy. 🥰😸❄️📚

Just found out that my bookstore is closed tomorrow due to the continued Seattle #snowpocalypse, so the impromptu readathon continues!

#miyacatsprite #miyareads #catsoflitsy

BookBabe Aww, what a sweet kitty! 😻 Enjoy your reading time! 6y
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